- 名Conversion Rules;transformational rules

By dual representation , I mean that lexical representation and transformational rules coexist in the process of nominalization .
First , it was generative semanticists that started an intensive investigation of syntactic phenomena which defied formalization by means of transformational rules .
By increasing agent types and transition rules , the proposed model can simulate Physarum to solve maze .
Rules of Transforming XML Schema to UML Class Diagram
Provide Java implementations for the transformation rules
The rules of transforming from UML state machine into B abstract machine are provided .
A Study on the Rules of Rendering Chinese Prepositional Phrases into Mongolian
Transformation rules at the attribute level , documented using Object Constraint Language ( OCL ) .
Next a transform rule is executed to remove the already processed security headers .
Fisher Discriminant and Automatically Getting Transition Rule of CA
Based on the transformation rule , the transformation of B requirements model to PIM could be realized .
This paper applied Cloud theory to train CA conversion rules , considering several factors affecting load development , formulate some conversion rules .
This paper presents the rules of transforming XML Schema to UML class diagram , which is valuable to the graphic modeling for the XML schema .
MDA ( Model Driven Architecture ) pay attention to model , use Application model building , model transforming , and code generating technology to generate code .
The rules of transformation from UML state machine to REACTIVE MODULES modelling language and B AMN abstract specifications were put forward .
In some ways , These rules conquers the problems of converting Entity Relationship model ( ER model ) to the relation scheme .
Incomplete PIM makes it difficult to design transformation rules .
The transformation rules from dependency relationship tree-bank is get and XML is used to managing the set of rules , including these operations : accession , deletion , modification .
According to the rules of conversion , using XML Schema which often exists in practical applications , we can generate a storage model based on relational database .
The cellular automaton model of evolution game on business - strategy choice is set up and evolution algorithm is used in the state conversion rule of cellular automaton .
Its advantages are dividing a complex relational schema into some small subschemas , improving mapping rules of from relational schema to XML schema , and preserving the integrality constraint of relational database .
A suit of transformation rules from UML state machine into B formal model were proposed , including UML basic state diagram , hierarchical state diagram and concurrent state diagram .
You can first define your own life cycle and state transition rules , and then map the states of the customized life cycle to the default asset life cycle in Asset Manager .
Fifthly , it studies the relationship between the formal language state transition rule ( STR ) and the modeling tools colored Petri net ( CPN ), and the character of P invariant .
Developer can do project by using MDA technology , at the same time the design man can improve software exploration efficiency by defining rule of mode transforming .
⑵ We introduced the STEP and the concepts of Semantic Web , which can provide theoretical basis to building conversion rule between OWL and STEP and the implementation of the converter .
A set of data models , transform rules , and algorithm descriptions were proposed to implement a prototype system converting XML documents to relational tuples . It realized real-time query processing of XML data uniform .
Taking example for CORBA , we illustrate the approach to define model transformation rules at metamodel level in mentioned language and transform function models to implementation models .
IF-THEN rules are used to design the transition rules of state variables .
Furthermore , we design model transform ruses according to PIM and J2EE platform character , which describe how to transform a PIM to a platform specific model ( PSM ) .