
  1. 私人机构预计美国2010/2011小麦结转库存量高于USDA的预期,是因为最终出口量预计较低。

    Private est of US2010 / 11 wheat carryout are higher than USDA due to lower est of final exports .

  2. 35&220kV变电站168座,年转供电量约60亿kWh,最高负荷107万kW。

    It owns 168 the transformer substation of 35 & 220kV , It turns the amount of power supply about 60 hundred million kWh , tallest carry 1,070,000 kW every year .

  3. 刚性驱动轮在沙土上滑转下陷量的计算方法

    Calculation of Slip Sinkage of a Rigid Driven Wheel on Sand

  4. 同时给出了采用微扰论方法,通过一系列振动和转动切变换,并考虑各种共振相互作用的一个等效振转哈密顿量。

    In the perturbation approach , an effective Hamiltonian in normal coordinate is obtained via successive vibrational and rotational contact transformations .

  5. 四类环件轧制工艺设计主体包括:锻件设计、毛坯设计、模具设计、工艺参数设计(轧制力、轧制力矩、进给速度、轧制时间和每转进给量)及机型选择。

    Process design of the system mainly contains forging parts design , roughcast design , mold design , process parameter design and the choice of machine .

  6. 转页扇风量测试方法研究

    Study on measurement method of rotary fan wind flow

  7. 基于数据挖掘的铜转炉渣产出量预报

    Forecast Slag Weight of Copper Matte Converting in PS Converter Based on Data Mining

  8. 利用26PC系列压力传感器,将液位变化转换成电压变化,并利用A/D转换将模拟量转成数字量,通过单片机处理换算成液位高度。

    It employs pressure sensor of 26 PC serials transform-ing liquid level height into voltage , uses A / D conversion transforming analogue voltage into digital , through single chip microcontroller processing and conversion liquid level height .

  9. 解调出的信号稳定可靠,通过载波线传输的调频信号最终经主控板上的单片机解调并转为模拟量给定,实现了焊接参数的遥控给定与显示。

    Demodulated signals are stable and reliable , through the carrier line and eventually via MCU on the host boards the signals are converted to analog given signals and therefore this technology realized the parameters ' remote control and display .

  10. 请你转过来让我量量胸围。

    Please turn round and let me measure your chest .

  11. 我国体育类核心期刊载文被引、索、转及载文量的分类研究

    Classified study of indexed , quoted , reprinted and published papers in PE and sports core journals of China

  12. 但是,另一方面,这篇论文认为:价值转形问题只能在特殊模型中得到解决,马克思转形理论量的完善性只能在特殊条件下成立,这则是一个错误的结论。

    However , the paper mistakenly held that value transformation problem could only be solved by special model and Max 's transformation theory was true in special cases .