
  • 网络Transport phenomena;transport phenomenon
  1. 计算结果对于分析轴向对称立式MOCVD反应器中热量和动量输运现象均有普遍指导意义,为优化设计MOCVD反应器提供了理论依据。

    The numerical results presented can also be used to predict thermal conductivity and diffusion and momentum transport phenomena in axisymmetric vertical reactor . It provides the theoretic basis for optimization of MOCVD reactor .

  2. 用数值计算方法从压力梯度对湍流逆输运现象的影响角度展开研究,以期了解并揭示湍流道输运现象的物理机理。

    The effects of pressure gradient on counter-gradient transport phenomena are studied .

  3. 给出了有限颗粒法(FCM)的一个修正算法,用来模拟二维多孔介质中复杂的物理、生物化学输运现象。

    A modified algorithm of finite cell method ( FCM ) is presented for simulating complex physical , biological and chemical transport in porous media .

  4. 本文进行如下两方面的工作:第一部分研究了有限颗粒法(FCM)模拟变孔隙率多孔介质中质量输运现象。

    The contents of this dissertation are divided into two parts . In part one , Finite Cell Method ( FCM ) is used in simulating mass transport process in porous media with various porosity .

  5. 第一章讨论了纳米结构中的量子输运现象,主要侧重于后面计算涉及到的Aharonov-Bohm效应和共振隧穿效应。

    In the first chapter , phenomena in nano systems are reviewed , such as Aharonov-Bohm effect and Resonant Tunneling effect , etc.

  6. 在Efros变程跃迁导电模型基础上,我们建立了考虑库仑相互作用、载流子之间自旋-自旋交换作用和硬带能的统一模型,成功地解释了ZnO基磁性半导体中观察到的电子输运现象。

    The spin-dependent variable hopping model has been proposed by taking into account the electron-electron Coulomb interaction , the spin-spin exchange interaction and hard gap energy in the same frame , which can well described the observed magnetic transport properties in both Co-ZnO and Fe-ZnO magnetic semiconductor systems .

  7. 剖面不变性与托卡马克放电中的若干反常输运现象

    Profile consistency and some anomalous phenomena in tokamak plasma transport

  8. 冷等离子体冶金中的粒子输运现象研究

    Study on the Transport Phenomena of Particles in Cold Plasma in Metallurgic Process

  9. 同时也讨论了和本论文研究工作密切相关的输运现象的物理机制。

    The physics and the mechanism for the transport phenomenon are also introduced .

  10. 利用声子透射谱对这些热输运现象进行了合理的解释。

    These thermal transport phenomena can be reasonably explained by analyzing the phonon transmission coefficient .

  11. 逆输运现象对速度信号的分形维数没有本质的影响;

    Counter gradient transport phenomena have no distinct effect on the fractional dimensions of simultaneous velocity ;

  12. 对侧向表面磁超晶格结构中电子的隧穿输运现象作了深入系统的研究。

    We have made systematically study on tunneling transport of electrons in lateral surface magnetic superlattices .

  13. 材料制备中的界面质量输运现象

    Interfacial Mass Transfer in Material Preparation

  14. 液体输运现象新理论Ⅰ液体粘度理论方程和2个定理

    A new theory of liquid transport phenomena ⅰ a theoretical equation of liquid viscosity and two theorems

  15. 第二部分研究了有限颗粒法应用到质量输运现象中的参数识别问题。

    In part two , FCM are applied in identifying parameters of mass transport in porous media .

  16. 本文主要研究了含两铁磁半导体层的双自旋过滤磁性隧道结中自旋相关的隧穿输运现象。

    This paper mainly investigates the spin-dependent tunneling in double-spin filter junction with two semiconductor ferromagnetic layers .

  17. 本论文主要针对介观环中的输运现象做了较为系统的理论研究。

    In this work we have a detail investigation on the electronic transport properties through mesoscopic ring .

  18. 讨论了用蒙特卡洛法模拟高电场下半导体内电子输运现象的基本过程。

    Monte Carlo simulation is used to study the electron transport process in semiconductor under high electric field .

  19. 稠密气体中的输运现象和方位势氩的粘滞率和热导率

    Transport phenomena in dense gases and visco-sity , thermal conductivity for argon of molecules interacting with a square-well potential

  20. 从宏观粒子和微观粒子的输运现象及等离子体化学入手,建立了宏观粒子沉降过程中的纯化模型。

    The purification model of macroscopic particles in descending process is established from the transport phenomena of particles and plasma chemicals .

  21. 协调系数可以定量描述气固界面的输运现象,其数值越接近于1,气体与壁面的动量与能量交换越充分。

    Accommodation coefficients characterize the transport in gas-solid interfaces quantitatively that the values closer to unity represent more complete momentum and energy exchange .

  22. 上述物理过程可能对解释磁鞘至磁层的能量及动量异常输运现象有所帮助。

    The physical processes described above may be useful in understanding the anomalous transport phenomena of energy and momentum from the magnetosheath to the magnetosphere .

  23. 在含有耦合的乘性色噪声和加性白噪声的周期性和准周期性系统中,我们分析了噪声诱导的布朗粒子的输运现象。

    The phenomenon of noise-induced transport of Brownian particles in periodic and quasi-periodic systems with coupling between multiplicative colored noise and additive white noises is investigated .

  24. 极化子的研究对于解释离子晶体和极性半导体的光跃迁过程及输运现象有重要意义。

    The study on this subject plays an important role in explaining the phenomena of light transition and transport in the ionic crystal and polar semiconductor .

  25. 进而分析这种相互作用所导致的等离子体加热现象和反常输运现象,最后对相对论效应的修正也进行了一些探讨。

    The anomalous transport and wave-heating phenomena resulted from the cyclotron trapping resonance as well as the relativistic effects on the resonance condition are also discussed .

  26. 水合物生成是典型的界面传递输运现象,而气体迁移性质是这种传递过程的决定性因素。

    Hydrate formation is a typical phenomenon of the interface transfer , and the nature of gas migration is the decisive factor for this transfer process .

  27. 本文提出了基于微肋管的薄液膜蒸发沸腾的输运现象数学模型及其有限差分求解方法。

    The mathematic model for the transportation phenomenon of thin film evaporation basedon microfin tubes , as well as its finite difference numerical method , was conducted .

  28. 近几年,已经有很多实验验证了有机材料中的自旋注入和输运现象。

    In recent years , a lot of experiments have confirmed the spin injection and transport in organic materials , for example , in 2004 , Xiong et al .

  29. 借助半经典的唯象模型,半导体量子点被简单看成一个电容器,广泛用来解释库伦阻塞效应和其它与自旋相关的输运现象。

    Within the semi-classic framework of phenomenological models , semi-conductor quantum dots are usually modeled as simple semi-classic capacitors to explain Coulomb blockade effect and other spin related transport phenomena .

  30. 在模拟计算中,分别改变流量、温度、压强等操作参数、反应器的尺寸和几何形状,分析它们对输运现象的影响。

    By varying the operating parameters ( such as inlet flow rate , temperature , pressure , etc. ) and reactor geometry , we explore how they affect transport phenomena .