
là jiàng
  • thick chilli sauce;thick chili sauce
辣酱 [là jiàng]
  • [thick chili sauce] 含辣味儿的豆瓣酱

辣酱[là jiàng]
  1. 调查结果显示,大部分中国航天员喜欢吃辣味川菜,酸甜酱和辣酱中,辣酱通常是最先吃完的。

    According to the survey , most Chinese astronauts have a preference for Sichuan-style spicy food . In addition , compared with sweet-and-sour sauces , spicy sauces are always the first to be used up , the sources said .

  2. 运用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分析并采用凝胶净化系统(GPC)预处理,建立了测定辣椒酱、辣酱油等复杂样品中对位红残留量的检测方法。

    Residues Determination of Para red by in Pimiento Catsup and Chili Sauce Sample by Gel Permeation Chromatography A high performance liquid chromatographic ( HPLC ) method is described for the residue determination of para red .

  3. 它的全球扩张取得了一些成绩,尽管有的很好笑。在墨西哥,麦当劳推出了McMollettes,就是英式松饼表面加上豆子、奶酪和萨尔萨辣酱。

    And it 's had some successful if amusing results : In Mexico , there are McMollettes , or English muffins topped with bean , cheese , and salsa .

  4. 辣酱,马苏里拉,蘑菇,红洋葱。

    Chili sauce , mozzarella , wild mushroom , red onions .

  5. 还有你的辣酱虾仁。

    And you are getting the prawn bites with spicy salsa .

  6. 安庆蚕豆辣酱的工艺探讨

    Study on the fermentation techniques of Anqing horsebean chili paste

  7. 混合菌种发酵生产永丰辣酱的工艺研究

    Production processing of Yongfeng hot pepper sauce by multi-strain fermentation

  8. 豆香辣酱的研制

    Sweet . Development of soybean paste with peanuts and chili

  9. 但我把所有辣酱都弄出来了。

    Bul think I got all the hot sauce out .

  10. (它把烧烤的辣酱汁和肉混合了起来。)

    ( It has spicy barbecue sauce mixed with the meat . )

  11. 炸鸡翅,华夫饼加糖浆,还有辣酱。

    So the fried chicken wings , waffles with syrup and hot sauce .

  12. 黄油刀:用来切小黄油块、奶酪、辣酱以及开胃小菜。

    Butter knife : butter pats , soft cheeses , chutneys and relishes .

  13. 珍妮花:我想吃点脆片配辣酱。

    Jennifer : I 'm in the mood for some chips and salsa .

  14. 假如你喜欢海鲜,【辣酱炸鲈鱼】相当好吃。

    If you like seafood the Deep-Fried Bass with Chili Sauce is excellent .

  15. 饭、鸡肉以及辣酱,组成了简单却好吃到无法言喻的一份美味

    Rice , chicken , and chilli , a simple and incredibly satisfying meal

  16. 涂上辣酱,辣到你脸都麻。

    You know , with the hot sauce that makes our faces numb .

  17. 鸡胸肉配辣酱

    Chicken breast , side of hot sauce . Breast ? Hot sauce ?

  18. 巴西人不给菜肴浇满辣酱,那会盖住美味。

    Brazilians don 't bury their cuisine in fiery sauces that kill flavor .

  19. 你不要辣酱了吗?

    You don 't do salsa any more ?

  20. 前几天他还叫了素食辣酱。

    The other day he made vegetarian chili .

  21. 经常要搭配有黄油,酸辣酱或一些其他辣酱一起享用。

    It 's best eaten with butter , chutney or some other spicy sauce .

  22. 也许加一点扁豆做的辣酱会唤起你的食欲。

    Maybe a spicy sauce made of lentils could wake up your taste buds !

  23. 就一丁-丁-点辣酱

    just a-a little dash of hot sauce .

  24. 永丰辣酱人工接种发酵工艺优化及其数学模型研究永丰辣椒产业发展的问题及对策研究

    Optimum technology for Yongfeng hot pepper sauce with artificial inoculation fermentation and its mathematical model

  25. 还有,菜名中的辣酱在哪儿?

    And where is the hot sauce ?

  26. 永丰辣酱自然发酵过程中主要优势菌及化学成分的动态变化分析

    Dominant Microbes and Dynamic Analysis of Chemical Components during Spontaneous Fermentation of Yongfeng Hot Pepper Sauce

  27. 用辣酱粉给菜炖牛肉调味。

    Goulash is seasoned with paprika .

  28. 读者寄来的辣酱

    Hot sauce from a reader .

  29. 在这种辣酱里,辣油、大豆、辣椒末和花生绝妙的融为一体。

    There chili oil , bean and chili flakes and peanuts , which work together perfectly .

  30. 我还给你拿了辣酱汁。

    I also brought you salsa .