
  • 网络Frontier Inspection;Immigration;At the Immigration Office;Immigration Inspection;Passport Control
  1. 如果对边防检查机关民警的服务行为有异议,您可以直接通过以下渠道进行投诉。

    If you have any complaints about the service of the immigration police , you may appeal by these ways showing below .

  2. 在制度革新中,结合海港边防检查工作的实际特点,边检工作行政管理革新的出路一部分与行政契约相联系。

    On the system reform , according to the actual characteristics of the harbor immigration inspection management , the writer put the basic point of survey and operation at the administration contract .

  3. 第二十四条有下列情形之一的外国人,边防检查机关有权阻止出境,并依法处理:

    Article 24 Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliens belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal with them according to law :

  4. 然而据北京出入境边防检查总站(BeijingGeneralStationofExitandEntryFrontierInspection)称,只有14000名旅客办理了过境免签手续,远低于官方此前预计的20000人。

    But only 14,000 tourists took advantage of the visa-free stopover , according to the Beijing General Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection , well short of the 20,000 target officials had previously predicted .

  5. 谈依法治国与边防检查

    On Ruling the State according to Law and the Frontier Inspection

  6. 出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权若干问题研究

    Study on Administrative Discretion of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection

  7. 对制定《出入境边防检查法》的几点思考

    Some Reflections upon the Formulation of Law of the Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection

  8. 浅论出入境边防检查一般规范性文件

    A Discussion about the General Norm Document of the Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection

  9. 边防检查是最具侵犯性的一种行政权力。

    Frontier inspection is the most infringing executive power .

  10. 行政许可法定原则对边防检查行政许可的影响及其对策

    Study on Influence and Countermeasure of Administrative Permission Law for Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection

  11. 现役制出入境边防检查行政执法研究

    A Study on Administrative Law Enforcement of the Active Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection

  12. 新形势下加强出入境边防检查队伍素质建设管见

    Some Views on the Improvement of Frontier Inspection Personnel 's Quality in New Circumstances

  13. 论行政合理性原则对出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权的控制

    On the Control of Administrative Rational Principle over Administrative Discretion of Exit-and-entry Border Inspection

  14. 任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。

    No organization or individual shall obstruct frontier inspectors from lawfully executing their duties .

  15. 树立和落实科学发展观创新与推进上海出入境边防检查工作

    Set up Scientific Concept of Development and Make Great Efforts to Innovate Shanghai Frontier Inspection Work

  16. 坚持稳定压倒一切的方针切实做好出入境边防检查工作

    Stick to the Policy of Stability Overwhelming and Practically Implement the Exit - Entry Frontier Inspection Work

  17. 坚持出入境边防检查工作基本原则正确处理三方面关系

    Stick to the Principles of Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection and Deal Properly with Three Kinds of Complicated Matters

  18. 出入境边防检查人员职务犯罪成因与预防研究

    On Cause and Prevention of Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection Staff

  19. 同时采取必要手段和措施,防止出入境边防检查行政机关的自由裁量权被滥用。

    By the meanwhile , the necessary measures should be built up to restrict the abusing of free judgment .

  20. 任何人只要出入或经过一国国境,都必须经过出入境边防检查这个过程。

    Anyone who has access to a country or territory has to go through immigration at the border checkpoints in the process .

  21. 在我国当前的出入境边防检查工作中,存在默认各国海员证件皆为有效的海员出入境证件的情况。

    At present , there are still plenty of situations in our work to give tacit consent to all kinds of seamen 's credentials .

  22. 本文阐述了边防检查行政处罚自由裁量权的概况、存在的理论基础、现实问题及控制办法。

    This article expounds the concept of the power of free administrative punishment , its existent basis of theory and reality , realistic problems and settlement .

  23. 报告也发现出入境管控存在很大漏洞,导致许多入境英国的旅客没有接受正规的边防检查。

    The report also found there were major faults with immigration controls , which allowed scores of passengers into the UK without the correct border checks .

  24. 出入境边防检查工作处于我国改革开放的前沿,并担负着维护国家安全和社会稳定的重大职责。

    The work of exit - entry frontier inspection takes on the responsibility of maintaining the country safety and social stability and stands in the front of the reformation and opening .

  25. 随着开放力度的加大,警力不足,行政管理手段单一等问题长期困扰着海港边防检查机关工作。

    Along with the strengthening of the opening , some problems like the policeman scarcity and the administration management resort single , etc. frustrate harbor Exit & Entry Immigration Inspection department for a long period .

  26. 其次本文分析了不断发展变化的国际国内形势,根据地方边防检查工作现状,指出了当前内陆边防检查工作中存在的问题和面临的困境。

    Secondly , this essay analyzes the developing international and domestic situation . According to the local immigration inspection work status , the essay points out the problems and predicament in local frontier inspection work .

  27. 一般规范性文件的法律效力如何,是出入境边防检查机关必须解答的问题,也是判断据其作出的具体行政行为是否合法有效的关键。

    The legal effect of the general norm documents is a question that Exit - Entry frontier inspection organ must answer , and also the key to judge the legitimacy and effectiveness of its concrete administrative conduct .

  28. 边防检查工作者只有掌握了与出入境人员之间达成有效沟通,才能更好的克服和出入境人员之间的语言障碍、风俗习惯差异以及信息失真等情况的发生,更好的为中外出入境人员服务。

    Only have inspectors a good communication with passengers , it can better overcome the language barrier with the passengers , the difference of customs as well as the occurrence of distortion so that provide better services to them .

  29. 《边检法》应全面规范边防检查工作,并对边防检查机关的法律地位、执法权限、担负的任务及体制等问题以法律的形式予以明确规定。

    Law of Frontier Inspection should comprehensively normalize frontier inspection work , and clarify the legal position , the power limitation of law enforcement , the duty to bear and the issue of system in the form of law .

  30. 实际工作中,出入境边防检查机关应正确处理好把关与通关的关系,有理、有利、有节的关系,内事与外事的关系。

    At the same time , we should deal properly with all kinds of complicated matters which including the relation of inspection and pass , the relation of reason and benefit , the relation of domestic affairs and external affairs .