
biān sài
  • frontier fortress;border area
边塞 [biān sài]
  • [border area;frontier fortress] 边疆设防的地方

边塞[biān sài]
  1. 论陈子昂的边塞诗及其思想渊源

    On CHEN Zi-ang 's Frontier Fortress Poems and Their Ideological Origin

  2. 论唐代边塞诗人的汉代情结

    The Han Dynasty Complex of the Tang Dynasty Frontier Fortress Poets

  3. 论盛唐边塞诗表现出的民族精神

    A Small Discussion on the National Spirit Permeating the Frontier Poems

  4. 汉简所见边塞兵器装备及其管理制度

    The Frontier Fortress Weapon-equipments and the Administration System in Han Slips

  5. 20世纪边塞诗研究述评

    Research and Comment on the Frontier Poems of the 20th Century

  6. 梁陈边塞诗试析

    An Analysis of Frontier Poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties

  7. 清代边塞诗的时代特征及其个案论析

    On the Characteristics of Times of Frontier Poetic Creation During Qing Dynasty

  8. 论岑参边塞诗中的矛盾心态

    On the Contradictory Attitude in Cen Shen 's Frontier Poems

  9. 本文论述了盛唐边塞诗歌所具有的美学品格。

    On the Description of Music in Li Yi s Frontier Poems ;

  10. 主要论及他的边塞诗和七言诗。

    This chapter mainly discusses his frontier poems and seven character poems .

  11. 古代边塞诗派的成熟兴盛与大西北

    The Maturity and Thriving of Ancient Frontier Fortress Poem and the Northwest

  12. 论梁陈边塞诗的盛况及其汉代情结

    Pomp of Liang-Chen Frontier Poetry and Its Han Dynasty Complex

  13. 梁陈边塞诗创作心理浅解

    Tentative Psychological Analysis of Frontier Poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties

  14. 试论北宋边塞诗的特色

    On Features of Frontier Fortress Poems in Northern Song Dynasty

  15. 论新边塞文学的革命性与现代性叙事

    The Revolutionary and Modernist Narratives of the New Frontier Literature

  16. 谈唐代边塞诗中的意象群

    On the Image Groups in the Fortress Poems of the Tang Dynasty

  17. 论马戴的边塞诗及其审美特质

    On Ma Dai 's Frontier Poems and Their Aesthetics

  18. 唐代边塞诗的思想内容浅析

    On Ideology of Frontier Fortress Poem in Tang Dynasty

  19. 当年送你到边塞磨砺。

    The decision to send you to the frontier .

  20. 边塞诗描写边景的二重境界

    The Twofold Depiction of Borderland Scenery as Reflected in Ancient Chinese Frontier Poetry

  21. 从边塞诗到边塞画&对新疆山水画创作的探讨

    From Frontier Poetry to Frontier Paintings & A Discussion about Xinjiang Landscape Paintings

  22. 粮食供给是军队后勤给养中的一项重要内容。汉代边塞地区军粮主要供给吏卒及其家属,也用于借贷和马、牛、驼、狗之食。

    The grain supply is very important in logistics .

  23. 新疆地域特色及其造就的边塞国画家

    Regional Characteristics of Xinjiang and Frontier Traditional Chinese Painters

  24. 唐诗中丰富多彩的乐器世界初盛唐边塞诗中的胡乐器解读

    The Interpretation of the Instruments in the Frontier Poems of the Early Tang Dynasty

  25. 论岑参边塞诗景色描写中的崇高美

    On the Sublime Beauty of Scenery Described in Frontier Fortress Poem by Can Cen

  26. 这说明南朝的边塞乐府诗为唐音之始。

    That means in the frontier fortress poems is the beginning of Tang Yin .

  27. 唐代边塞战争与边塞诗

    On the wars at frontier fortresses and poems of such themes in Tang dynasty

  28. 另外,三晋军事文化从两方面影响边塞文学。

    In addition , Shanxi military culture affect the Frontier Literature in two ways .

  29. 略论唐代边塞诗美学形态对前代的传承

    A Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Morphology of Frontier Poems in the Tang Dynasty

  30. 诗传边塞情&王昌龄《闺怨》、《出塞》的比较分析

    Transmission of Frontier Affection Through Poetry & A Comparison between Wang Chang-ling 's Two Poems