
  • 网络Marginal Productivity Theory;Theory of Marginal Productive;theory of Marginal Productivity
  1. 并通过对西方边际生产力理论的演绎,提出按贡献分配的设想。

    Through the deduction on marginal productivity theory , propose according to contributing on distribution .

  2. 欧拉定律与边际生产力理论

    Euler 's Theorem and Theory of Marginal Productivity

  3. 一方面,边际生产力理论使用欧拉定律的特殊形式来论证自己的内容,试图证明自身的完善性;

    A special formula of the Theorem was on the one hand adopted to testify the content of the Theory of Marginal Productivity ( TMP ), particularly its perfection .

  4. 解释和评价克拉克的边际生产力分配理论。

    Explain and evaluate J.B.Clark 's marginal productivity theory of distribution .

  5. 评边际生产力分配理论

    Comments on marginal productivity theory of income distribution

  6. 对于边际生产力分配理论做出正确评价的关键是把它作为一种理论形态和作为一种收入分配的方法区别开来。

    The thesis puts foward that marginal productivity distribution is a theoretical formation and an income distribution method .

  7. 边际生产力分配理论虽然在设计上是精美的,但不论从理论上讲还是从实践上讲,都存在不少局限性。

    Marginal productivity theory of distribution in design is exquisite , but whether in theory or in practice , there are some limitations .

  8. 边际生产力分配理论在西方经济学中占有非常重要的地位,在现代经济学中已经成为微观经济学分配理论的支柱,并被广泛使用。

    Marginal productivity theory of distribution in western economics plays a very important role , in modern economics , microcosmic economics allocates theory has become the pillar , and widely used .