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dá ɡuān
  • high officials
达官 [dá guān]
  • [high ranking official;VIP] 职位高的官吏

  • 达官贵人

  1. 《孽海花》全面深刻地反映了这批达官名士最终被历史洪流吞没的悲剧命运。

    These high officials and famous literatis were engulfed by the history torrent at last . Nie Hai Hua reflects their tragic destiny completely and profoundly .

  2. 很少有人经受执达官上门的奇耻大辱。

    Only a few go through the final humiliation of meeting the bailiff at the door .

  3. 不管是平民百姓还是达官贵族;

    Either civilians or the Sheriff 's nobility ;

  4. 我简直不能相信,一些社会名流,达官政要竟然涉及集团罪行。

    I can hardly believe that some socialites and dignitaries are involved in syndicated crime .

  5. 达官贵人们的败坏难道没有腐蚀到你的心,使你情绪低落吗?

    Does not corruption of men in high places eat into your heart and exhaust your spirits ?

  6. 市政厅记者胆敢询问前来访问的达官显贵们的性生活问题,这种情形是不多见的。

    It is not often that City Hall reporters dare to ask visiting dignitaries about their sex lives .

  7. 俄蒙两国达官显要送别的这趟列车之重要性体现在,它没有驶向中国。

    Waved off by Russian and Mongolian dignitaries , the train was important because of where it did not go .

  8. 名人雅士多以内画壶作为别致礼品赠送达官友人。

    The celebrities and the persons of refined taste liked to present the inner-painted snuff bottles to officials and friends as exquisite gifts .

  9. 这样一来,我们经常有机会被召进女王的宫廷演戏,或者到英国达官显贵的府邸演戏。

    and we often put on plays for the Queen 's court , and in the houses of the great lords of England .

  10. 陶器不再是达官贵族家中的稀罕之物,也开始进人寻常百姓之家。

    Pottery objects found their way into the daily life of the common people as they were in the families of privileged aristocrats .

  11. 从这些出土的文物您足以想象像軚侯这样的西汉达官贵族是过着如何钟鸣鼎食的奢侈生活。

    They are enough to prove that high ranking officials and aristocracy of the Western Han , just as Daihou , really led a life of great extravagance .

  12. 这个略嫌肥胖的年轻人是叶卡捷琳娜在位时一位大名鼎鼎的达官、目前正在莫斯科奄奄一息的别祖霍夫伯爵的私生子。

    This stout young man was the illegitimate son of a celebrated dandy of the days of Catherine , Count Bezuhov , who was now dying at Moscow .

  13. 诸如,军政功德牌坊、科第功名牌坊、达官名宦牌坊、豪门宅第牌坊其很大的一个功能就是夸耀标榜。

    Such as the military and political merit arch , Cody fame arch , Sheriff Minghuan arch , arch wealthy mansion is a function of its great glory advertised .

  14. 达官贵胄中最后进来的是他叔叔,守夜人部队的班扬·史塔克,以及父亲年轻的养子席恩·葛雷乔伊。

    The last of the high lords to enter were his uncle , Benjen Stark of the Night 's Watch , and his father 's ward , young Theon Greyjoy .

  15. 但是,牧师的表情中有一种推拒之意,令这位达官不敢上前,尽管他并不是那种乐于听命于人与人之间心息相通的隐约暗示的人。

    But there was something in the latter 's expression that warned back the magistrate , although a man not readily obeying the vague intimations that pass from one spirit to another .

  16. 英国人认为,如不削减欧盟官员的津贴和福利,布鲁塞尔的达官贵人们似乎只能与饱尝紧缩之苦的欧洲民众越来越远,而这种看法是正确的。

    The British are also right that , unless the perks and conditions of EU operatives are cut back , the Brussels Brahmins will seem ever more remote from the plight of austerity-hit Europeans .

  17. 在就职日,来自世界各地达官显要的出席,使柯林顿总统的第二任就职宣誓仪式,如同国王加冕典礼一般的华丽与隆重。

    On Inauguration Day , the swearing in of President Bill Clinton for his second term will reflect the pomp and circumstance of a coronation ceremony , with dignitaries from around the world in attendance .

  18. 香港开埠之前,当地并没有饮食牛奶的习俗。开始时只有少数定居香港的达官富商在自家庭院中饲养一两头奶牛。

    Before opening the port of Hong Kong , there was no custom of drinking milk everyday except a few high ranking officials and merchant princes who raised one or two cows in their own yards .

  19. 土官是世袭其职的少数民族首领。18世纪,那些达官显贵们常去猎狐。

    Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China 's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times . In the 18th century , the clergy , like the nobility and gentry , often rode to hounds .

  20. 他怎么样了?他很不错,好得令人羡嫉!他受到了很大的优待,被录取进了军官学校,入了达官富绅的子弟们上的那一科。这是一种荣誉,一种幸福。

    We find him taking high honors at the military school in the division commanded by the member of a family high in position , and this was an honor , that is to say , good luck .