
  • 网络George S.Day;Branchidae;Chris Day;Raday;Duy
  1. 在达伊阿诺城堡,麦考利住在玛利亚家,这个意大利家庭为他这个美国士兵提供了食物和医疗帮助。

    While in Castel D'Aiano , McCauley stopped at the de Maria home , which the Italian family had opened to American soldiers for food and medical care .

  2. 国务院负责非洲事务的助理国务卿延达伊.弗雷泽说,美国将跟其他国家合作,努力创造公平投票所需要的条件。

    Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer says the United States will work with other countries to try to achieve conditions necessary for a fair vote .

  3. 在二战服役时,沃伦·麦考利1945年在意大利的达伊阿诺城堡失去了能证明他身份的银牌(狗牌)。

    While serving in the Army during World War II , Warren McCauley lost or left his silver identification bracelet ( dog tag ) in Castel D'Aiano , Italy in 1945 .

  4. 在系统学习了达伊教授的市场驱动理论后,我觉得市场驱动理论基于文化、能力和配置的理论框架以及与市场建立紧密联系的战略思想,非常适合处于知识经济时代的中国企业的战略管理背景。

    After grasping the theory , I realize that its core thought of developing tight relationship with the market by building up a special structure of culture , ability , and configuration is very fit for our country 's enterprises .

  5. 苏迈达伊补充说,虽然伊拉克有资金,但是,出于安全考虑,伊拉克政府很难找到愿意在伊拉克工作的合格的承包商。他强调说,伊拉克政府迫切希望开始实施重建项目,而且抱着实现重建的雄心目标。

    The ambassador added that , while Iraq has money to spend , the government has had difficulty finding qualified contractors who are willing to work in the country , given security concerns . He stressed that his government is eager to initiate reconstruction projects , and has ambitious goals to that end .