
  1. 空气变热时,其体积便迅速膨胀。

    When the air becomes hot , its volume increases rapidly .

  2. 欲望迅速膨胀,自我的内核却越来越弱。

    As the desire swells11 rapidly , the inner self is weaker and weaker .

  3. Internet高速发展,信息量迅速膨胀。

    Web information is expanding quickly with an exponential growth of the Internet .

  4. 随着Internet的快速发展,Web上承载的数据正以令人难以置信的速度迅速膨胀。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , Web data is exploding incredibly .

  5. 随着WORLDWIDEWEB信息的迅速膨胀和发展,搜索引擎的使用越来越频繁。

    With the rapid expansion and development of the World Wide Web information , the search engines are used more frequently .

  6. 由于Web资源的迅速膨胀以及Web信息的分散性与异构性,导致知识的难以查询。

    It is difficult to inquire out knowledge because of the fast expansive web resource as well as the separation and the heterogeneity of the web information .

  7. 与此同时,由于Web资源的迅速膨胀以及Web信息的分散性与异构性,用户很难通过易用的方式快速准确地从Web上获取所需的信息。

    However , the rapid expansion of web resources and the disperse distribution of Web information prevent users from obtaining the information they need in a fast way .

  8. Internet网络规模迅速膨胀和用户数量的急剧增长不仅对网络设备提出了更高的要求,也推动了协议研究的深入。

    Rapid inflation of Internet scale and the number of users suddenly growth are not only brought forward a higher request to network equipment , also impelled embedded research in protocol .

  9. 信息过载问题随着web信息资源的迅速膨胀变得越来越严重,而搜索引擎是解决这一问题的基本工具。

    With the rapid expansion of the web information resources , the " information overload " problem is getting worse , and the search engine is the basic tool to solve this problem .

  10. Internet信息的迅速膨胀,在为我们带来海量信息的同时,也容易使我们在Internet中迷失方向。

    With the rapid expansion of the Internet , a great deal of information has been brought for us . But at the same time , we are also easy to lose the direction in the Internet .

  11. 随着CT、MRI、X光片等影像设备的普及,近年来可供临床、教学和研究使用的医学图像数量正在迅速膨胀。

    Along with the popularization of imaging modalities such as CT , MRI , and X-ray , the number of medical images for clinical , education and research is becoming rapid expansion recently .

  12. 随着PACS的存储要求迅速膨胀,对系统的可靠性、备份和容载提出了更高的要求。

    Along with the PACS memory request rapidly inflates , we set a higher request for reliability , backup and fault-tolerant of system .

  13. XML不仅写起来麻烦,而且不容易扩展:随着应用程序的增长,定义了元数据的XML文件就会迅速膨胀。

    Not only is XML a lot more cumbersome to write , but it also doesn 't scale well : as your application grows , the XML file that defines your metadata can get bloated very quickly .

  14. 随着医学图像数据量迅速膨胀,基于内容的图像检索(CBIR,Content-basedImageRetrieval)技术在医学辅助诊断中越来越得到重视。

    With the rapid increase of medical image amount , the research of CBIR ( Content-based image retrieval ) and its application on CAD ( Computer-Assistant Diagnosis ) receive more and more concerns .

  15. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web文本信息迅速膨胀,如何有效地组织和管理这些信息,并快速、准确、全面地从中找到用户所需要的信息已经成为信息处理领域的一个亟待解决的问题。

    With the rapid development of Internet , electronic text information greatly increases . How to organize and manage information and find the needed information quickly , exactly and fully has already become the questions urgently awaited to be resolved in information science and technology .

  16. 最近几年,互联网的不断普及,网民数量迅速膨胀,中国B2C电子商务呈现出强劲的发展势头。

    With the widespread of Internet in recent years , the amount of Internet users increase rapidly and B2C E-Commerce in China appears to have strong development tendency .

  17. 英国教育评估人特许学会(CharteredInstituteofEducationalAssessors)所做的研究中,有一个预测听上去真实可靠:随着失业人数迅速膨胀,及就业竞争加剧,说谎的动机在不断增强。

    One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors . It was that the incentive for mendacity is growing , as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises .

  18. 惠特曼表示,多年的并购导致惠普的员工人数迅速膨胀。

    Whitman said that years of mergers and acquisitions have bloated HP 's headcount .

  19. 一个简单的连词“和”能使得作品本身迅速膨胀:权力和成为疯狂和娇羞;

    A simple conjunction'and'can expand the work : power and becoming insane and coyness ;

  20. 即便是需求迅速膨胀,其市场竞争也会非常残酷。

    Even when demand is booming , competition to meet it can be brutal .

  21. 当空气变热时,它的体积便迅速膨胀。

    When the air becomes hot , its volume increases a lot and very rapidly .

  22. 世界人口正在迅速膨胀。

    The world population is expanding rapidly .

  23. 而如果某位员工预防了结肠癌的发生,节省的费用将迅速膨胀,超过11万美元。

    If one employee avoids colon cancer , those savings balloon to more than $ 110,000 .

  24. 伴随着外汇储备规模的持续上升,利用储备资金构筑起的主权财富基金呈现出迅速膨胀的局面。

    With foreign exchange reserves continuing to increase , the sovereign wealth funds get a rapid expansion .

  25. 随着西裔人口的迅速膨胀,这一族裔对美国社会的各个方面都产生了重大影响。

    With the rapid expansion in population , Hispanics have been influencing various aspects of American society .

  26. 随着网络信息的迅速膨胀,单个搜索引擎已不能满足用户的信息检索需求。

    With the rapid expansion of network information , single search engine doesn 't meet users'information retrieval requirement .

  27. 随着力量迅速膨胀,主要领导人之间又开始了争权夺势的斗争。

    With the rapid expansion of power between the main leaders , again according to the struggle took .

  28. 近年来,地方政府投融资平台数量和规模迅速膨胀。

    In recent years , the amount and scale of the local government investment and financing platform expends extremely .

  29. 火花塞点燃压缩的空气燃油混合气,燃烧使混合气迅速膨胀。

    The spark plug fires , igniting the compressed air-fuel mixture which produces a powerful expansion of the vapor .

  30. 炭火的热力,让坚硬的豆腐迅速膨胀,这很容易让人联想到发酵的面团。

    The tough tofu quickly inflates in the heat of charcoal fire . It reminds people of fermented flour .