
yuǎn lí chén xiāo
  • far from the madding crowd
  1. 《远离尘嚣》:哈代的奠基之作

    Far from the madding crowd : hardy 's foundation work

  2. 《远离尘嚣》(1874)是他的第一部受到欢迎的成功之作。

    " Far from the Madding Crowd "( 1874 ) was his first popular success .

  3. 这间小屋的魅力就在于它远离尘嚣。

    The cottage 's allure was its isolation .

  4. 配有游泳池与室外热水浴池的海滨别墅ScrubbyBay三面环山、一面朝海,是远离尘嚣的休闲之地,最适合多达14人的团队在此聚会。

    Surrounded by hills and facing the sea , Scrubby Bay is a relaxed and secluded beach house , ideal for gatherings of up to 14 , complete with swimming pool and outdoor hot tub .

  5. 国内买家更喜欢度假村而非远离尘嚣的小屋。

    Chinese buyers prefer resorts to secluded huts .

  6. 在这里,你可以远离尘嚣与纷扰,找到一份美丽与宁静。

    There you will find beauty and stillness , free from noise and distractions .

  7. 也许大部分时间他们都过着远离尘嚣的生活。

    Maybe most of their time is spent away from the annoying disturbing public .

  8. 远离尘嚣的世外桃源,融入不同文化,终身难忘的记忆。

    Escape to private hideaways , immerse yourself in different cultures , life long memory .

  9. 在恐怖小说中,他创造了一个个远离尘嚣、似曾相识、充满怪异和恐怖的心灵世界。

    He creates a world full of strangeness , weirdness and horror in his horror fictions .

  10. 《远离尘嚣》&一部社会的悲剧、妇女的悲剧

    Far rrom the Madding Crowd & A tragedy of a Woman and a Tragedy of Society

  11. 在《远离尘嚣》中,哈代探讨了幸福婚姻的基础。

    In Far From the Madding Crowd , Hardy explores the proper basis for a happy marriage .

  12. 然而,中国的海岸线很长,必然有部分海滩远离尘嚣。

    However , China 's coastline is very long and there must be beaches tucked away from public prowling .

  13. 每当提到平安二字,我们通常会想到一个安详宁静、远离尘嚣的地方;

    When we speak about peace , we often think of a calm , quiet place far from distractions .

  14. 在海边的两座山脊间不大的盆地上,我过着远离尘嚣的生活。

    I live an isolated life in a small basin between two mountain ridges at the edge of an ocean .

  15. 《远离尘嚣》是一部浪漫喜剧,它的成功为哈代确立了他在英国小说史的地位;

    Far from the Madding Crowd is a successful pastoral romance , which made Hardy 's reputation as a novelist ;

  16. 《远离尘嚣》中的芭斯西巴对父权制的对抗与屈从母权制已让位给父权制;

    The Resistance and Surrender of Bathsheba to Patriarchy in Far from the Madding Crowd ; Mother-right has given way to father-right ;

  17. 第一部分为导论,简要地介绍作者托马斯.哈代和他的《远离尘嚣》。

    In the first part , I intend to give a brief introduction to Thomas Hardy and his Far From the Madding Crowd .

  18. 如果你可以远离尘嚣去短短的小旅行一次的话,安排在5月的第二个周末吧。

    If you can get out of town for a little trip , this month would be an ideal time to do so .

  19. 性格与环境小说也被称为威塞克斯小说,包括《德伯家的苔丝》、《远离尘嚣》、《还乡》及《无名的裘德》等优秀作品,标志着他现实主义创作的最高成就。

    It best embodies the spirit of Hardy 's " Novels of Character and Environment ", marking the crowning achievement of his literary creation .

  20. 凡夫俗子,畅游旅途之中,心中总是充满远离尘嚣的向往,寻觅人生难得的平淡与恬静。

    Mortal like us , are always longing for a place far from the secular world and searching for rare peace and tranquility on our journey .

  21. 在轻快地鼓声中翩然起舞,远离尘嚣,我们饮酒狂欢,月光下的紫罗兰。

    Dancing to the feel of the drum , Leave this world behind , We 'll have a drink and toast to ourselves , Under a Violet Moon .

  22. 苦行且务实的他们在偏远高山的寺院里,独自沉浸在远离尘嚣的冥想中,不受任何魔法元素或者神灵的干扰。

    Ascetic and pragmatic , in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife , wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic .

  23. 第一章简要介绍了托马斯·哈代和《远离尘嚣》,并概述了这部小说的研究现状,以及本文的意义和研究方法。

    Chapter One gives a brief introduction to Thomas Hardy and Far from the Madding Crowd , and summarizes previous studies on this novel and the significance and approach of this study .

  24. 他的成名作《远离尘嚣》一经发表就在文学界和读者中引起了强烈反响,在其小说创作生涯中占有重要地位。

    Far from the Madding Crowd is the first novel which gains him great popularity among readers and intense attention in literary circles and occupies significant status in his novel writing career .

  25. 《远离尘嚣》发表于1874年,是哈代最受欢迎的小说之一,属于哈代的性格与环境小说系列。

    Far From the Madding Crowd , published in 1874 , was one of the most popular novels by Thomas Hardy . It belongs to the group of Novels of Character and Environment .

  26. 那儿没有街道穿过,从屋前的窗口望去,可以看到一片小小的风景,具有一种远离尘嚣的雅趣,令人心旷神怡。

    There was no way through it , and the front windows of the Doctor 's lodgings commanded a pleasant little vista of street that had a congenial air of retirement on it .

  27. 在这种背景下,远离尘嚣、回归自然、返璞归真的绿色生态旅游活动备受旅游者们的青睐,已成为人们旅游的首选,并已日渐成为一种旅游时尚。

    Against this background , the green eco-tourism activities which are away from the busy shopping centre and back to nature have been favored by tourists , and has increasingly become a tourist fashion .

  28. 托马斯•温特伯格(电影《狩猎》和《远离尘嚣》的导演)和《女性瘾者》的导演拉尔斯•冯•特里尔联合发起一场名叫道格玛95的电影运动,他将这场电影运动比作一个公社。

    Thomas Vinterberg ( The Hunt , Far From the Madding Crowd ) co-founded the Dogme 95 film collective with Nymphomaniac director Lars von Trier , a movement he has compared to a commune .

  29. 古代印加人将这座秘鲁城市建在云雾缭绕的地方&建到了世上最远离尘嚣的所在。新疆位于中国的西北边陲,是世界上距离海洋最遥远的内陆腹地。

    The ancient Incas built this city high amongst the Peruvian clouds in one of the most remote locations on earth . Located in the northwest border area , Xinjiang is the inland hinterland with the furthest distance from sea in the world .

  30. 他们来到远离都市尘嚣与文明的乡村,希望建立一个世俗的宗教团体。

    They arrive in a remote countryside that is far from the urban clamor and civilization to establish a lay religious community .