
wéi jìn wù pǐn
  • contraband
  1. 并未发现这艘船上载有任何违禁物品。

    The ship was found not to be carrying any contraband

  2. 实际上我不大清楚什么是违禁物品。

    Actually , I 'm not quite sure what 's contraband .

  3. 她被控持有违禁物品。

    She was charged with possession .

  4. 请注意,宿舍生活办公室将没收一切违禁物品。

    Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life .

  5. 伊拉克政府官员、执政的伊拉克BAATH党成员和科学家在自己家中都藏匿有违禁物品。

    We know that Iraqi government officials , members of the ruling Baath Party and scientists have hidden prohibited items in their homes .

  6. 最近的实验结果表明,在列出的23种违禁物品中,13种以上可以得到快速有效的鉴别,检测时间在几秒以内,检测下限可以达到ppb量级,其中挥发性成分的检测结果尤为显著。

    In the latest experiments , above 13 contrabands out of 23 ones were distinguished effectively , especially volatile ones , and the analysis time was several seconds in the condition of ppb concentration .

  7. 对不起,你带了一些违禁物品。

    Sorry , you have some prohibited things with you .

  8. 偷运违禁物品的行为,要受到法律的制裁。

    People who smuggle contraband goods will be punished by the law .

  9. 旅馆内不得存放危险物品、违禁物品;

    Hotels shall not store dangerous and prohibited goods ;

  10. 宿舍内不得使用或存放危险品及违禁物品;

    Shall not use or store any dangerous goods or prohibited goods in the dormitory .

  11. 他们还能靠允许囚犯使用手机及其他违禁物品而获利。

    They can also make money by letting prisoners have cell phones and other banned goods .

  12. 不得停放装有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等危险物品或者其他违禁物品的车辆。

    No vehicles loaded with inflammable , explosive , poisonous , harmful or other dangerous cargo or other contraband goods shall be parked .

  13. 旅客坚持携带或者夹带违禁物品的,承运人应当拒绝运输。

    Where the passenger insists on carrying in person or placing in his luggage the prohibited item , the carrier shall refuse to carry .

  14. 关津在军事防御、控制人员往来、检查违禁物品、缉拿罪犯等方面起着重要作用。

    They played an important role in military defense , control of people ? s movement , checking contraband goods and bringing criminals to justice .

  15. 旅客违反前款规定的,承运人可以将违禁物品卸下、毁或者送交有关部门。

    Where the passenger violates the previous paragraph , the carrier may unload , destroy or turn over to the relevant authority the prohibited item .

  16. 决议还允许对船只和飞机上的可疑货物进行检查,并授权对发现的任何违禁物品给予没收和处置。

    It also allows for the inspection of suspect cargo on ships and airplanes , and the confiscation and disposal of any banned items that are found .

  17. 美国海军驱逐舰队根据最近通过的联合国安全理事会决议,从一个星期之前开始跟踪这艘可能运载违禁物品的北韩货船。

    Navy destroyer group began tracking the ship about a week ago under suspicion it may be carrying items banned under a recently passed United Nations Security Council Resolution .

  18. 为了有效地防范和打击犯罪活动的发生和扩展,各国警方都使用新的安全检查技术装备对危险物品、违禁物品有针对性地进行防爆安全检查。

    For Keep away and beat the occurrence and spread of crime , police of every country using new technology of security examination to check dangerous goods or stuff violate a ban .

  19. 持有是行为人以自己的行为来维系这种人与法定违禁物品之间的占有、支配和控制关系。

    Holding is a kind of conduct that depends on the maintenance by the behavior of the holder himself the domination and control relationship between the people and the legal possession of prohibited items .

  20. 《华商报》还称,亚运城中80%的食材都来自中国,食品安全检查员对国内食材进行了仔细监察,并对可能进入食物链的违禁物品进行了排查。

    About 80 percent of the food at the Asian Games Town is procuredin China , where food safety inspectors were carefully monitoring and testing for banned substances that may have entered the food chain , the paper added .

  21. 由于毫米波自身所具有的穿透烟雾、灰尘以及一定厚度衣物的能力,促使毫米波辐射成像技术在人体隐匿违禁物品探测等领域发挥着重要作用。

    Millimeter wave ( MMW ) radiometric imaging technology plays an important role in area of the detection of contraband concealed on personnel , due to the fact that MMW can penetrate smoke , dust and certain thickness of clothing .

  22. 持有型犯罪是指行为人违反刑法规定,故意占有、控制或支配法定违禁物品的行为,该行为严重危害社会,是以持有行为的本身作为追究刑事责任客观基础的一类犯罪。

    Holding crime is an act in violation of criminal law , in which the perpetrator intentionally possesses , control or dominate the behavior of the statutory prohibited items . Such behavior constitutes a serious danger to society . Holding behavior itself is the objective basis for criminal responsibility .

  23. 船舶可运载违禁品、爆炸物品、军火、军用物资、危险品,且可武装或非武装航行,使用或不使用护航。

    The ship may carry contraband , explosives , munitions , warlike stores , hazardous cargo , and may sail armed or unarmed and with or without convoy .