
  • 网络Remedies for Breach of Contract
  1. 保护允诺对方的“期待利益”是美国合同法及美国违约救济制度的首要目标。

    The primary goal of the American Contract Law and the Remedies for Breach of Contract is to protect the " expectation interest " of the promisee .

  2. 美国违约救济制度中计算期待利益的基本方法是“完成约定履行所需成本法”和“价值减损法”。

    The basic measurement of the expectation interest provided in the Remedies for Breach of Contract is " cost of completion " and " diminished value " .

  3. 违约救济限于公平正义所要求的限度之内。

    The remedy granted for breach may be limited as justice requires .

  4. 强制履行、期待赔偿与最优违约救济

    Specific Performance , Expected Damages and Optimal Breach Remedies

  5. 论现楼按揭贷款预期违约救济方法的具体运用

    On the Application of Relief Measures in Anticipatory Breach of Mortgage Loans for Ready Flats

  6. 第三部分着重分析默示预期违约救济制度,笔者分析了默示预期违约的证明标准问题,并详细论述了默示预期违约的救济制度。

    In the third part , the writer studies the remedies to anticipatory breach of contract .

  7. 论违约救济

    On the Relief of Breaking Contracts

  8. 实际履行制度是世界各国所采用的违约救济方式之一。

    The Specific Performance is one of the default remedies used by many countries in the world .

  9. 强制履行是违约救济措施之一,与损害赔偿等救济措施具有同等地位。

    As main measures of breach remedies like specific performance and expected damages have equal status with other .

  10. 国际货物买卖合同的解除,相比于其它违约救济措施而言,是后:果最严重的一种措施。

    Comparing with other remedy measures of breach , the cancellation of a contract of international sales of goods could arise the most serious consequences .

  11. 文章在分析预期违约救济方法的基础上,重点探讨了现楼按揭贷款预期违约救济方法的具体运用。

    By analyzing the relief measures , the author discusses the ways to apply the relief measures in anticipatory breach of mortgage loan for ready flats .

  12. 本文通过比较英美法的违约救济方法和《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的救济方法,浅谈英美法对国际贸易法的影响。

    This article discusses the impact of common law on international trade law by means of comparing the remedy methods of common law with those of C.I.S.G.

  13. 通过考察发现各国对非财产损害之违约救济都经历了由消极到积极,由否定到肯定的过程,肯定特殊类型合同中的非财产损害已成为现代立法发展趋势。

    Their attitudes are from denial to approve , and it has become the trend of modern legislation to allow the non-pecuniary loss in some special contracts .

  14. 《公约》下的损害赔偿的性质应是补偿性的。基于补偿性质,损害赔偿可以与其他违约救济措施兼得。

    The nature of compensation for damages under CISG should be compensatory , which allows compensation for damages to be used with other remedies at the same time .

  15. 合同救济制度是合同法的重要问题,其中作为违约救济手段之一的实际履行在各个国家的合同法中都有所体现。

    Relief system is an important question of contract law . As an important method of contract breach relief specific performance is embodied in many countries ' contract law .

  16. 在违约救济领域存在着多种模式,理论上较为完善的有大陆模式、英美模式以及国际模式三种。

    In the field of remedy for breach of contract , there are many patterns in which continental pattern , American-British pattern and international pattern are comparatively perfect theories .

  17. 依合同法中违约救济的一般原则,受害人有权得到充分赔偿使其处于如果合同得以适当履行时所处的状态。

    Breach of contract law in accordance with the general principles of relief , victims are entitled to full compensation if the contract so that it can be in the proper discharge of their status .

  18. 本论文将以此作为出发点,分析我国立法司法实践中对于航空运输合同中消费者如何去维护自己利益,如何采取违约救济,使承运人承担违约责任。

    The paper analyze the legislative judicial practice in China for the air transport contract consumers how to protect their own interests , and how to take the remedies for breach , besides the carrier liable for breach of contract .

  19. 各国法律及有关国际公约对违约救济的主要方式都作了明确的规定,但由于各国的社会、文化、历史背景不同,其规定既有相通之处又有明显差异。

    Every country 's law and some international conventions have given explicit prescription on the main way to relieve breaking contracts . But these conventions have similarities as well as differences in society , culture and historical backgrounds of each country .

  20. 研究国际银团贷款协议中的违约救济条款,不仅有利于进一步发展和深化国际金融法理论研究,而且有益于现代国际金融活动的实践,尤其是为我国的对外融资实践活动提供理论支持。

    Study on the remedies clause in the international syndicated loan is not only conducive to deepen and develop the theory of international finance law , but also can benefit the future international financial practice and provide intellectual support to the international financial activity .

  21. 与大陆法系将实际履行作为首要的违约救济方式不同,在英美合同法上,实际履行是衡平法上的违约救济措施之一,是一种居于次要的、补充地位的违约救济措施。

    Unlike the Specific Performance is used as the primary relief for breach of contract in the civil law system , under the Anglo-American contract law , the Specific Performance is one of the equitable remedies for breach of contract , is a subordinate and supplementary .

  22. 在银团贷款中如何完善担保方式、如何建立信息披露制度、如何规范代理行诚信义务、如何开辟后续转移机制以及如何改进违约救济方式等方面来展开论述。

    How to improve the syndicated loan assure means , how to establish information disclosure system , how to regulate agent the obligation of good faith , and how , to open up the follow-up transfer mechanism and how to improve the breach to relief way discussed .

  23. 损害赔偿是公约违约救济体系中最重要的违约责任承担方式,但对于具体的损害赔偿范围,《公约》并没有作出明确规定,导致在实践和学理层面均产生了激烈的争议。

    In the remedy system of CISG , compensation for damages is the most important liability for breach of contract . However , to the scope of compensation , this convention does not define what is included in the " loss ", thus a furious debate was emerged .

  24. 合同法总则第94条第2项以及第108条明确规定了预期违约的救济方法。

    94 article and NO. 108 article in the law of contract .

  25. 论预期违约及其救济论可撤销合同

    On the Revocable Contract Trade Remedy

  26. 实际履行作为合同违约的救济措施,在各国的合同法中都有所体现。

    As one of the remedies for breach of contract , specific performance exists in contract laws of many countries .

  27. 合同解除制度作为一项违约的救济措施,它的正确适用对合同双方当事人的利益影响极大。

    The correct application of contract termination system , as a default relief , has great impact on the interests of both parties with the contract .

  28. 作为妥协,第28条的规定主要是考虑了英美法系国家的利益,在这些国家违约的主要救济措施是损害赔偿。

    As a compromise , Article 28 was introduced for the benefit of the common law countries where the primary remedy for non-performance is damages .

  29. 对非违约方的救济途径基本相同,但前者更强调合同的解除权,而后者更注重非违约方基于违约方期前毁约而产生的抗辩权。

    But the former emphasizes the right of cancellation , and the latter pays more attention on the right of defense of the non - defaulting party .

  30. 根据传统民法,精神损害赔偿只能囿于侵权责任,而不能作为一种违约责任的救济措施。

    According to the traditional civil law , mental compensation is only regarded as one of relief measures resulted from tort , not applied in the cases of violating contracts .