
yī shì sān fèn
  • triplicate
一式三份[yī shì sān fèn]
  1. 注:本表由申报设立机构一方填写,一式三份,用中英文填写。

    Note : This form is to be filled in triplicate by the application office both in Chinese and English .

  2. 本协议一式三份,甲乙丙三方各持一份,具有同等效力。

    The agreement is made in triplicate , each of which shall be deemed equally authentic , and each party shall hold one copy .

  3. 本合同一式三份,均应视为原件,具有同等效力。

    This contract is executed in three counterparts , all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect .

  4. 由授权机构出具的原产地证明一式三份。

    Certificate of origin in3 copies issued by authorized institution .

  5. 公众认可的检验机构出具的质量证书一式三份。

    Certificate of quality in 3 copies issued by public recognized surveyor .

  6. 随函附上货号的我公司形式发票一式三份。

    Enclosed is our Proforma Invoice in triplicate for Art .

  7. 注:申请书和文件资料一式三份。

    Note : the application forms and documents should be in three copies .

  8. 这些海报一式三份,其中的两份印有和平标语,一份解释《谅解备忘录》的内容。

    Two carry a peace message and one explains the Memorandum of Understanding .

  9. 救生筏检查证书一式三份交大副。

    Life raft inspection certificate of to be delivered to chief officer in triplicate .

  10. 实际上,通常一套正本提单,一式三份。

    In practice , a set of three originals is the most A common .

  11. 杰基:你清楚的,我们的所有文件必须按照一式三份提交。

    Jogi : You know that all of our documents have to be submitted in triplicate .

  12. 兹寄上我方形式发票第12款,按贵方要求一式三份。

    We are pleased to send you here with our Performa Invoice No.12 in triplicate as requested .

  13. 附上这封信件你将发现我们的一式三份形式发票覆盖500000针织。

    Attached to this letter you will find our proforma invoice in triplicate covering 500,000 Knitting Needles .

  14. 生产厂家质量检验部门签发的质量检验性能测试报告一式三份。

    Performance test report in triplicate issued by the Quality Inspection Department in the manufacturers ' companies .

  15. 按贵方要求,随函寄去形式发票,一式三份。

    In compliance with your request , we are sending you herewith our proforma invoice in triplicate .

  16. 生产厂家签发的原产地证明一式三份。出口单证(原产地证明书)产地商会出具的产地证原件一份,副本两份。

    Certificate of origin in one original and two copies issued by the local Chamber of Commerce .

  17. 全部测量记录及负荷试验报告一式三份交大副。

    All messuring records and load test reports to be handed over to chief officer in three copies .

  18. 随函附送我方形式发票一式三份,以便你方申请许可证。

    We are enclosing our proforma invoice in triplicate to the effect that you may apply for the import licence .

  19. 其它条款:本合同一式三份,卖方持壹份,买方持两份。

    OTHER : This contract signed in three copies , the seller holds one copy and the buyer hold two copies .

  20. 还必须将发票(一式三份)及你方的运费账单寄给我们。

    And the check , 3 copies in all , should be sent to us along with your bill of the carriage .

  21. 但是如果您的托运内容包含买卖的商品,则需一式三份的商业发货单。

    However , if your shipment contains commodities to be purchased or sold , three copies of a commercial invoice are required .

  22. 注:此证明一式三份,用人单位、职工本人、就业证签发机关各一份。

    Note : This document should be duplicated into three copies and distributed to the employer , employee and the labor security department .

  23. 《全球警察与人民共建协议书》一式三份,当地派出所,社区居民委员会,工厂的行政主管部门。

    《 Global police and people build agreement 》 Triplicate , local police station , Community Residents Committee , the administrative department of factory .

  24. 同函奉寄面额为100。55英镑的证实发票一式三份及提单与保险单。

    Enclose we hand you a certified invoice in triplicate amount to & 100 . 55 . , b / lading and insurance policy .

  25. 我已填好一式三份的临时租赁协议书。

    A : I have already made up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties , the landlord and the tenant .

  26. 技术文件应提供所需的一切资料,所附的说明书应一式三份,每份都应由投标人签字。

    Technical Documents shall provide all information as required herein , and the attached specifications shall be submitted in three copies , each copy being signed by the tenderer .

  27. 注:新设机构和增减变更人员均填此表,每人一式三份,其中两份贴照片。本表用中英文填写。

    Note : Both staff of new setups and staff adjustment are requested to fill in this form in triplicate both in chinese and English , two each bear photos .

  28. 此保函一式三份,受益人持有正本,合同卖方和担保人各持有一份副本。

    The guarantee is made in three ( 3 ) copies , original document for the Beneficiary , the second copy for the Principal and the third copy for the Guarantor .

  29. 本合同一式三份,均应视为原件,具有同等效力.本合同由中、文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。

    This contract is executed in three counterparts , all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect . This Agreement is written both in the Chinese and English languages . Both versions shall be equally authentic .

  30. 她还补充道,发票要一式三份,分别通过邮寄信件、电子邮件和手机邮件(告知发票已寄送)形式发出。

    All the more reason to bill them and close the books . Invoices should be sent in triplicate , she adds . Send each invoice by snail mail , email , and with a phone message saying the invoice was sent .