
yī lì xiǎo mài
  • einkorn wheat
一粒小麦[yī lì xiǎo mài]
  1. 利用栽培一粒小麦的BAC文库精细定位小麦基因

    High Resolution Mapping of Wheat Genes Using a Triticum monococcum BAC Library

  2. 结果表明,野生一粒小麦在叶片维管束解剖结构、水分利用效率及光合速率对光、温和CO2的反应方面类似于C4植物。

    The results indicated that the wilddiploid T.boeoticum was similar to C_4 plants in leaf anatomy and in the response to light , temperature , CO_2 concentration and water .

  3. 在四倍体小麦的染色体4A和B、G染色体组的起源研究中,分别对A染色体组的可能供体一粒小麦&T。

    In order to study the origin of chromosome 4A and genome B and G of tetraploid wheats , karyotype analysis and chromosome N-banding of the probable A genome donors , T. (?)

  4. 到了近代,阿富汗又成为英国与俄罗斯两块磨石之间的一粒小麦。

    By modern times , Afghanistan became a tiny wheat between two grinding stones between England and Russia .

  5. 一粒系小麦种质资源研究进展

    Review on Genetic Resources of Einkorn Wheat

  6. 一粒系小麦的微卫星分析

    SSR Analysis of Einkorn Wheats

  7. 一粒系小麦是多倍体小麦染色体组的供体物种之一,是小麦的重要基础物种。

    Einkorn wheat is the donor species of polyploidy wheat . It is one of the important basic species of Triticum .

  8. 本试验利用一套Langdon硬粒小麦单体系对影响矮秆波兰小麦穗长的基因进行了染色体定位。

    To utilize effectively dwarfing polish wheat in breeding , this experiment employed monosomic series of Triticum durum cv . Langdon to identify the chromosomal location of genes for spike length .

  9. 一个野生二粒小麦隐性抗白粉基因的分子定位

    Molecular Mapping of a Recessive Resistance Gene in One Emmer Accession

  10. 一次,一只红色的小母鸡找到了一粒小麦。谁愿意种植这粒小麦?她问。

    A little red hen once found a grain of wheat . " Who will plant this wheat ?" she asked .

  11. 那一大块未琢磨的宝石被琢成一粒128克的上等宝石。到了近代,阿富汗又成为英国与俄罗斯两块磨石之间的一粒小麦。

    The huge piece of rough was cut to be a superb gem of 128 carats . By modern times , Afghanistan became a tiny wheat between two grinding stones between England and Russia .