
  • 网络A needle;a stitch
  1. 焦距在特性窗囗中被设定成平坦的一针。

    The focal length is set to Flat stitch in the Properties window .

  2. 及时缝上一针可免将来缝九针。&雷德

    A stitch in time saves nine . & Reade

  3. 她一针一针地缝那块粗布。

    She passed the needle through the rough cloth , back and forth

  4. 这个消息给电信部门注入了一针强心剂。

    The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector

  5. 他需要每月为自己打一针。

    He needs to inject himself once a month .

  6. 他们给我打了一针帮助我入睡。

    They gave me an injection to help me sleep

  7. 他们派来了很多男护士,在我的背上扎了一针。

    They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back

  8. 卡尔弗医生紧张地嘟囔了一句“要打了啊”,然后就给小女孩打了一针。

    Dr Culver nervously muttered ' Here goes , ' and gave the little girl an injection .

  9. 刺绣要求很高,一针也不能马虎。

    Embroidery calls for great care . There must not be even a single sloppy stitch .

  10. 牙医给我打了一针后,我的嘴麻了。

    My mouth felt numb after the dentist gave me an injection .

  11. 我们也做了6个月以后的加强针,再打一针,免疫反应可以有10倍、20倍的增高。

    We also created booster shots for inoculation after six months , and with a single booster , we can increase the immune response by 10 to 20 times .

  12. “超极本”原本被人们寄予厚望,大家都认为它们可以给日益萧条的PC市场打一针强心剂。

    So-called ultrabooks were supposed to revive moribund PC sales .

  13. 方法将5年内收治的286例上消化道穿孔病人分成A、B两组,A组行带血管蒂大网膜束填塞一针修补、大网膜束缝合覆盖;

    Methods 286 patients , which admitted in our hospital in 5 years were divided into Group A and Group B randomly .

  14. 排在那个男人之后的或许是一名孕妇,她到这儿来就是为了扎上一针,吃几片维生素B。

    In the queue behind the man , there was perhaps a pregnant woman who had come for a regular jab with B vitamins .

  15. 该社论说,如果它是可行的,患者不需要终身接受抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART),而只需接受一针的基因治疗就可痊愈。

    If it works , patients could be cured with a single shot of gene therapy instead of a lifetime of antiretroviral therapy ( ART ), says the editorial .

  16. 中国生物技术公司北京科兴生物制品有限公司说,该公司的H1N1疫苗只需一针即可见效。

    The Chinese bio-technology company Sinovac says its H1N1 vaccine only requires one shot to be effective .

  17. 那么,在等候转机时,你可以在T1、T2和T3的诊所打一针(30美元)。

    Get one ( $ 30 ) during your layover at clinics in Terminals 1 , 2 and 3 .

  18. 今天来到TED,看到听到这些激动人心的演讲,给了我一针强心剂。

    And being here at TED and seeing the stimulation , hearing it , has been very , very energizing to me .

  19. 相比之下,两周前,我心情愉悦地参加了“创业家论坛”(FoundersForum),这个一年一度的论坛对人们的积极思维是一大提振,就像给人们打了一针强心剂。

    By contrast , two weeks ago I enjoyed the Founders Forum , an annual boost of positive thinking as powerful as a huge jolt of adrenalin .

  20. 世界卫生组织驻中国发言人陈蔚云(VivianTan)说,一针式疫苗的主要好处是它可能给多出一倍的人接种疫苗。

    Vivian Tan , the spokeswoman for the WHO in China , says the main benefit of a one-dose vaccine is that it is possible to vaccinate twice as many people .

  21. PKP穿刺定位后,采用椎体扩张球囊导管系统(KMC系统)扩张,压力(100-300)psi,缓慢推注骨水泥,透视分布情况,缝合一针后术毕。

    After the PKP puncture , Use a balloon catheter system of Vertebral expansion ( KMC system ) to expansion , pressure ( 100-300 ) Psi , Slow bolus the bone cement , Perspective distribution , end of surgery after suture a needle .

  22. 注射器(10)包括一活塞(20),一针筒(11)和一带有两个棘爪(42A,42B)的套(40,50)。

    A syringe ( 10 ) has a plunger ( 20 ), a barrel ( 11 ) and a collar ( 40,50 ) with two pawls ( 42A , 42B ) .

  23. 方法对30例患者同时行ABG动脉血气针抽取动脉血与玻璃注射器穿刺抽血方法进行比较,观察病人疼痛程度、一针穿刺成功率、主要血气分析结果等。

    Method To compare ABG draw dry heparinized syringe to Glass Injector for 30 sample of patients at the same time , and observe the level of pain , success rate of puncture by once , main results of blood gas analysis , etc.

  24. 结果ABG动脉血气针穿刺抽血减轻了病人疼痛程度,提高了一针穿刺成功率,二种穿刺血标本主要血气分析结果比较差异无显著意义(P>005)。

    Result ABG draw dry heparinized syringe reduces the pain level , increases success rate of puncture by once . There is no difference between main results of blood gas analysis of two kinds of blood preparation compared ( P > 0 05 ) .

  25. 不过,随后一天公布的一份强劲的就业报告宛如一针强心剂,使市场出现反弹。

    The market rebounded following a strong jobs report this morning .

  26. 同时,试重新启动你的计算机和唯一的奔跑一针?

    Also , try rebooting your computer and only run stitcher ?

  27. 快给我打一针吧,真该死。

    Look , give me the shot , god damn it .

  28. 平织一针,反织一针。

    Knit one ie make one plain stitch , purl one .

  29. 病人只需每个月注射一针就行了。

    All they 'd need is an injection once a month .

  30. 霍华德:没,他被缝了五针外加一针破伤风针剂。

    Howard : No , he got five and a shot .