
  • 网络annual weed
  1. 热带美洲一年生杂草,有辐射状边花的白色头状花序;暂生于美国南部。

    Tropical American annual weed with small radiate heads of white flowers ; adventive in southern United States .

  2. 这是一种一年生杂草,高度为2到4英尺,叶片为大的心型。

    It is an annual weed that usually grows between two and four feet tall with large , heart-shaped leaves .

  3. 根据Howard(1991)提供的某一年生杂草种子的扩散数据,本文导出了一个25邻的邻域细胞函数和相关的转移函数。

    According to the data of some plant seed dispersal showed by Howard ( 1991 ) [ 1 ] , the neighborhood function with 25 neighborhood cells and transition function were derived in this article .

  4. 研究结果表明,延边紫苏地适宜土壤处理的除草剂为敌草胺与扑草净的混剂,使用剂量为3kg/hm2+5kg/hm2,一年生杂草除草效果可达到90%以上;

    The research results showed that the fit herbicides of soil treatment for Perilla frutescens ( Linn . ) Britt . was the mixture of napropamide 3 kg / hm and prometryn 5 kg / hm whose controlling effect on the annual weeds could reach more than 90 % .

  5. 欧洲的一种一年生杂草,开黄花;已移植入美国。

    Weedy European annual with yellow flowers ; naturalized in United States .

  6. 黄淮海地区夏玉米田一年生杂草的生态经济防治阈期研究

    Eco-economic threshold period for controlling weeds in summer maize field of Huang-Huai-Hai region

  7. 果尔对一年生杂草的除草效果在处理后70天达8级以上。

    Coal was effective on annual weeds with grade over 8 in 70 DAT .

  8. 多年生杂草比一年生杂草多;

    More of the weeds are perennials .

  9. 12%烟嘧·氯氟吡油悬浮剂防除玉米田一年生杂草田间药效及安全性试验

    The Efficacy of Nicosulfuron · Fluroxypyr 12 % OF against Annual Weeds in Corn Field

  10. 原产于欧洲的一年生杂草,麦田里的分布广泛。

    Weedy annual native to Europe but widely distributed as a weed especially in wheat .

  11. 一年生杂草用作干草。

    Annual weedy grass used for hay .

  12. 一年生杂草,多见于粮田和其他耕地;种子有时被认为有毒。

    Weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land ; seeds sometimes considered poisonous .

  13. 各作物田以一年生杂草为主,不同作物田杂草群落有显著差异。

    Annuals weed is the main species in each field , the weed community had marked diversity among different crop fields .

  14. 选用50%莠去津WP4个不同施用浓度,对玉米地一年生杂草和多年生杂草进行药效试验,探索不同浓度的防除效果。

    Different concentrations of 50 % atrazine WP were tested to investigate the weed control effect to annual and perennial weeds .

  15. 欧洲和北美洲的一年生杂草,基生叶莲座状,花微小,继之是长圆形的荚果。

    Annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules .

  16. 一龄、二龄草地是一年生杂草种子库输出的高峰期,三龄、四龄草地几乎没有输出。

    The output peak is the one-and two-year-old grassland , but the output of the third and the forth is very poor .

  17. 从除草剂防除对象的分类来看,阔叶杂草和(或)一年生杂草是防治的重点。

    From the objects of Herbicides , broad-leaved weeds and ( or ) annual weeds is the focus of prevention and treatment . 2 .

  18. 结果表明,推迟播种期可减轻一年生杂草的危害,但当年产草量较低;

    The results showed that late seeding time could lighten encroachment by annual weeds , but the pastural yield was lower in the same year .

  19. 由于管理水平和建植时间的不同,草坪杂草发生动态可划分为以下几个阶段:(1)一年生杂草占优势的草坪杂草阶段;

    Genetic dynamic of weed can be divided in several phrases based on different management level and grow time : ( 1 ) annual weed stage ;

  20. 抛秧前须用药剂封闭,抛秧前期(抛秧后10天以内)施用,以防除一年生杂草为主;中期(水稻分蘖期)施用,以防除多年生杂草为主。

    Throwing before 5045 pharmacy closed early , throwing ( throwing within 10 days after ) application to control annual weeds ; mid ( tilling ) application to control perennial weeds .

  21. 本文分别从化学除草机理的研究进展,一年生杂草、多年生杂草、阔叶杂草化学防除和用药安全性的研究进展几方面对草坪杂草化学防除的研究状况进行了综述;

    The progress of annual , perennial and broadleaf lawn weeds chemical control , the mechanism of weeds chemical control as well as the safety of herbicides applying is surveyed in this paper .

  22. 苯脲类除草剂作为一类重要的除草剂,广泛应用于不同农作物的芽前和苗后的一年生杂草,特别是一年生宽叶杂草。

    Phenylurea herbicide belongs to an important class of contact herbicides that have been used for pre - and post-emergence control of annual grass , and many broad leaf weeds in many crops acting by inhibition of photosynthesis .

  23. 单用90%禾耐斯900&1350ml/ha对禾本科杂草防效可达90%以上,对一年生阔叶杂草也有显著防效;

    With 900 1350ml / ha of 90 % Harness , more than 90 % of the grass weeds were controled , annual broadleaf weeds were obviously controlled .

  24. 具根茎的多年生禾草和一年生恶性杂草交替占优势的草坪杂草阶段;

    Alternative stage between perennial herb with rhizome and annual malignant weed ;

  25. 主要杂草是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。

    Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems .

  26. 田间小区试验结果表明,伴地农单用对春玉米田的藜、本氏蓼、反枝苋、龙葵等一年生阔叶杂草有良好防效。

    This trial result showed that bromoxynil could effectively control broadleaf weeds in spring corn field .

  27. 在新栽植的幼树周围,长得最多的杂草通常是牧草和一年生阔叶杂草。

    The most prevalent weeds around recently planted trees are usually grass and annual broadleaved weeds .

  28. 一年生的杂草多的药草,有短暂的黄紫色的花;东半球热带地区分布;作为一种草移植到北美。

    Annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers ; Old World tropics ; naturalized as a weed in North America .

  29. 在推荐剂量下,能有效防除一年生阔叶杂草,而且对作物安全,适宜加工成多种混剂和剂型。

    Appropriate use rates of the monosulfuron can effectively control annual broadleaf weeds and it was safe to corns . Moreover , It can be applied with different mixture and formulations .

  30. 烟-稻轮作烟地主要是一年生和二年生杂草危害,禾本科、石竹科、蓼科为主要恶性杂草;

    In the fields of tobacco-rice crop rotation , malignant herbs are annual or biannial gramineae , polygonaceae , etc.