
  • 网络An arrow
  1. 一支箭在他头旁飕地飞过。

    An arrow whizzed past his head .

  2. 一支箭把信钉在了墙上。

    The letter was nailed to the wall with an arrow .

  3. 过了一会儿,阿豺又对他的同母弟弟慕利延说:“你拿一支箭来把它折断。”

    After a while , A'cai said to Mu Liyan , his half-brother by the same mother : " Bring an arrow and break it . "

  4. 丹妮目睹其中一支箭突然变成火焰。

    Dany saw one of the bolts burst into sudden flame .

  5. 一支箭从他耳边掠过,差一点射中头部。

    An arrow went past his car , narrowly missing his head .

  6. 暴露前口服药物预防艾滋病-箭筒中的另一支箭?

    Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV & Another Arrow in the Quiver ?

  7. 射一支箭的时间是40秒。

    And you have 40 seconds to shoot each arrow .

  8. 我要他凶器中的一支箭

    I need one of the arrows from his murder .

  9. 于是,他拿起一支箭,向虱子射去。

    Thereupon , he took an arrow and shot at the louse .

  10. 他被一支箭射伤了。

    He is shot the injury by a rocket .

  11. 当他们胸贴胸站在一起时,一支箭射穿了他们俩。

    As they stood breast to breast , one arrow pierced them both .

  12. 他激烈时像一支箭。

    He was like an arrow in his intensity .

  13. 过时他就把一支箭射进他们的心里去。

    and then , unperceived , he thrusts an arrow to their bosom .

  14. 他命令泰尔用他自己的一支箭射这个苹果。

    He ordered Tell to shoot at the apple with one of his arrows .

  15. 他命令她用一支箭射苹果。

    He ordered her to shoot at the apple with one of her arrows .

  16. 他把一支箭射向空中。

    He shot an arrow into the air .

  17. 在我变成人之前,我是一支箭&很久以前。

    Before I became a man , I was an arrow long time ago .

  18. 老大哈珊王子拉了他的弓,首先射出了一支箭。

    Prince houssain , the oldest , bent his bow and shot his arrow first .

  19. 你那封痛快的短信刚来到,象一支箭穿了我的心。

    Your delightful little letter has just arrived and went like arrow to my heart .

  20. 到了现在,这支箭飞出的距离已经超过地球上任何一支箭的射程了。

    At this point , it would have gone much farther than any Earth arrow can go .

  21. 射一支箭。我将把公主许配给射得最远的人。

    Shoot an arrow . I will give the princess to the man who shoots the farthest .

  22. 正当他动手的时候,一支箭射中了他的背部,并杀掉了他。

    As he was about to strike with his knife , an arrow pierced his back , killing him cold .

  23. “祝贺你了,”盖斯靳轻蔑地笑着说。“现在告诉我,为什么你手里还拿着一支箭。”

    " Congratulations !" said gessler , sneering . " now tell me why you took a second arrow . "

  24. 五年前,他在射猎时从藏身的树上掉下来了,被一支箭刺穿了腿

    He had fallen out of a tree-blind five years ago while bow hunting -- stuck an arrow through his leg .

  25. 于是他把弓一拉,插上一支箭,对准了目标,向这位和善的老诗人的心中射去。

    And he bent his bow , took aim , and shot an arrow at the old poet , right into his heart .

  26. 英雄的生平总是被描述的很简单:他们的生命历程如同一支箭直射向其目标。

    A hero 's existence , such as is described to us , is simple ; it goes straight to the mark , like an arrow .

  27. 当伯爵拾起那张报纸的时候,阿尔贝用马刺踢了他的马肚子一下,马象一支箭似地疾驰而去。

    While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse , which leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus , and shot away with the rapidity of an arrow .

  28. 你甚至可以添加-别害怕——一支箭从字母A中穿过,给它怯懦,赋予它一种风格风格。

    You can even add - Don 't be afraid - arrows coming off letters coming off of the letter-and the middle of the letter , it gives it funk , it gives it style .

  29. 假设你以每秒85米的速度射出一支箭,这个速度差不多是棒球大联盟飞得最快的快球速度的2倍,和高端复合弓射出的每秒100米的箭相比还差一点。

    Say you fire the arrow at 85 meters per second . That 's about twice the speed of a major-league fastball , and a little below the 100 m / s speed of arrows from high-end compound bows .

  30. 他从箭袋里抽出一支箭搭在弦上,但他刚看了她一眼,就不禁被她的美丽惊呆了。他意识到自己已经死心塌地爱上波西卡了。

    He drew an arrow from his quiver and fitted it to his bow , then he took one look at her but he was startled by her great beauty , and he found himself hopelessly in love with psyche .