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wéi kàn
  • defy;disobey;defiance;in defiance of;disobedience;be contrary to;revolt
违抗 [wéi kàng]
  • [disobey;defy;be contrary to] 违反并抗拒

  • 违抗军令

违抗[wéi kàn]
  1. 孩子们不能违抗父母之命。

    Children must not disobey the orders of their father and mother .

  2. 他们从没有想到可以违抗父母。

    It never occurred to them that they could disobey their parents .

  3. 今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。

    Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings .

  4. 他因违抗命令而受到惩罚。

    He was punished for disobeying orders .

  5. 他们受到恐吓,如若违抗就会受到惩罚。

    They were threatened with punishment if they disobeyed .

  6. 他不想违抗德国政府的意愿。

    He didn 't want to go against the wishes of the German government

  7. 将近有1.1万人因为违抗禁止在街上摆摊交易的禁令而被捕。

    Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading .

  8. 他违抗教皇约翰·保罗二世的旨意,未经他的批准就给4位主教举行了祝圣仪式。

    He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval .

  9. 在勒克瑙,成群的人们违抗宵禁令到街上去庆祝。

    In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets .

  10. 她违抗我的命令。

    She acted in defiance of my orders .

  11. 发现他们违抗了我的命令,我极为恼火。

    I was enraged to find they had disobeyed my orders .

  12. 你不能违抗重力,这是自然法则。

    You must obey gravity , it 's the law

  13. 这部3D战争片的男主人公冷锋(吴京饰)是个痞性十足的特种兵。一次突击行动中他违抗军令打死了毒枭,被开除出队。

    The 3-D war epic centers on Leng Feng , an insubordinate special forces soldier who is expelled from the army because he disobeys orders and shoots a drug lord during an assault mission .

  14. 1.willfullyadv.任性固执地,蓄意地他决不会违抗你或者存心伤害你。

    He will never set you at defiance or willfully injure you .

  15. WhatsApp推出高强度加密保护技术,将阻止执法部门监视其超过10亿用户,从而加入苹果(Apple)的行列,违抗美国政府试图获取手机用户私人信息的努力。

    WhatsApp has joined Apple in defying the US government 's efforts to gain access to mobile phone users " private messages by rolling out tough encryption protections that will prevent law enforcement agencies from snooping on its more than 1bn users .

  16. 对儿童对立违抗性障碍(ODD)的生物学机制及社会心理应激因素进行了系统的分析,对进一步探讨ODD的发病机制有所启示。

    According to these results , the oppositional defiant disorder ( ODD ) which was relevant with hereditary factor belonged to polygenic inheritance . The biological mechanism and the social psychological stress factor to ODD has been carried on systematic analysis , which contribute to exploring the mechanism of ODD .

  17. 不过,欧盟气候行动专员康妮赫泽高(conniehedegaard)周二透露,只有中国和印度的航空公司违抗了初步的要求,拒绝透露它们在2011年的碳排放量。

    However , Connie Hedegaard , the EU climate Commissioner , revealed on Tuesday that only the Chinese and Indian carriers had disobeyed a preliminary requirement to divulge how much carbon they emitted for 2011 .

  18. 不再违抗,不再有暴力行动。

    No more civil disobedience , no more acts of violence .

  19. 那些最明目张胆表示违抗的人。

    Those who had made the most open shows of defiance .

  20. 如果你再违抗爸爸,他真要动怒了。

    Dad will be really angry if you defy him again .

  21. 他们敢违抗神的旨意?

    Would they put their word against that of a god ?

  22. 如有违抗,则送监服刑。

    If they refute , they shall be sent to jail .

  23. 他以惯用的强硬言词做出违抗的姿态.牛津式的、做作的演说姿势。

    He struck an attitude of defiance with a typically hard-hitting speech .

  24. 再也没有一个星球敢违抗帝国的统治了。

    No star system will dare oppose the emperor now .

  25. 霍华德士官因为违抗命令而被降为小兵。

    Sergeant Howard was reduced to the ranks for disregard of orders .

  26. 他们以违抗隔离法为由囚禁了八千多人。

    They imprisoned more than eight thousand people for defying segregation laws .

  27. 军令如山,不可违抗。

    Military orders are imperative and cannot be disobeyed . ( 2002.6 )

  28. 她决不会有胆量违抗他的意志。

    She would never have had the courage to defy his will .

  29. 对立违抗性障碍儿童的马基雅维里信念及其相关的行为问题

    Machiavellianism and Related Behavioral Problems in Chinese Boys with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  30. 难道违抗他就是一种罪恶?

    And that it 's a sin to defy him ?