
wéi zhānɡ jiàn zhù
  • Illegal construction;non-conforming building
  1. 违章建筑区最初是通过非法的土地占有而形成的。

    The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions .

  2. 3S集成、数据挖掘和知识发现、增强现实等技术是违章建筑监测与管理平台实现的关键。

    The integrated application of many technologies such as 3S , data mining and knowledge discovery , augmented reality are the key to the frame information platform .

  3. 论城市房屋拆迁中对违章建筑的界定与处置

    On definition and disposal of squatter settlement in urban house removal

  4. 第二章,我国处理违章建筑的现行法律制度。

    In the second chapter , the legal system with illegal buildings .

  5. 擅自侵害、毁损违章建筑的,要承担相应的法律责任。

    Enjoy the benefit also means to bear the corresponding legal responsibility .

  6. 笔者认为,违章建筑是指违反建筑许可而建设的建筑物、构筑物。

    The author believes that illegal construction is real property that violates building permission .

  7. 占有人必须服从行政机关处理违章建筑的决定。

    The possessors must obey the executive decision of illegal constructions without any condition .

  8. 我国违章建筑广泛存在是社会发展的客观事实。

    It is a fact that there are so many illegal constructions in our country .

  9. 第三章,完善我国处理违章建筑法律制度的具体方案。

    The third chapter , perfecting the legal system of illegal buildings with concrete plan .

  10. 我们大家都希望拆除香港所有违章建筑的危楼。

    There is no one of us but wishes to remove all the illegal dangerous structures in Hong Kong .

  11. 耶路撒冷市政官员说,这些被定为拆除对象的住房是违章建筑,他们只是在执行法律。

    Jerusalem Municipality officials say the homes slated for demolition were built illegally and they are simply imposing the law .

  12. 然而,我国尚未建立规范的处理违章建筑的法律制度。

    However , China in dealing with the legal system construction of illegal buildings in a relatively scientific construction yet .

  13. 违章建筑的买卖,不发生物权变动,买卖合同亦属无效合同。

    The real estate rights never changed , and the contracts should be also invalid in the sales of illegal constructions .

  14. 建筑控制区,对违章建筑管理卡,平交道口管理卡和非公路标牌进行管理管理。

    It can achieve management building control area , the illegal construction management cards , card management and non-level crossing road signs .

  15. 我国城市房屋拆迁行政违规原因及对策研究论城市房屋拆迁中对违章建筑的界定与处置

    Study on the Reasons of Administration Violation During Resettlement and Countermeasures ; On definition and disposal of squatter settlement in urban house removal

  16. 在我国,违章建筑问题已经阻碍和谐社会建设,引起社会广泛关注。

    Illegal buildings in our country , the question has become social development , constructing the harmonious society , the social obstacles of attention .

  17. 北京故宫博物院计划未来三年拆除紫禁城内的所有违章建筑,以保存古建筑。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing plans to dismantle all illegal buildings in the Forbidden City over the next three years , to preserve ancient buildings .

  18. 大人们都无法界定我是哪种小孩,那种常常从工地上偷砖头搭建违章建筑,然后骑着车在那里钻来钻去。

    People ask what kind of kid I was & I used to steal bricks from construction sites , build walls from them , then ride my trike down through them .

  19. 城中村被城市包围,或者位于城市周边地区,它们的土地利用率不高,并且存在违章建筑、社区管理混乱、基础设施破旧等系列问题。

    Village in the city is surrounded or fringed by the city . There are many illegal buildings in these areas . It has bad community management and shabby civicism establishment .

  20. 坚决杜绝新的违法违章建筑,2004年基本拆除城近郊区现有的违法建设,2007年基本拆除全市违法建设。

    Beijing will say no to any new illegal building . By2004 , all existing illegal buildings in the urban area will be dismantled , and the campaign shall be completed citywide by2007 .

  21. 第三,违章建筑治理工作的关键点是认定工作,政府应当建立健全认定制度,明确认定主体和认定依据。

    Third , the key to governance work of illegal buildings is the recognition part , the governments should establish and optimize the recognition institutions , make clear the subject and benchmark for recognition .

  22. 相比伦敦,在纽约获得加盖屋顶房的规划许可要容易得多,而在香港,除了乡间那些最古老的小屋外,其它均为违章建筑。

    It is easier to get planning permission for a rooftop extension in New York than in London , while in Hong Kong they are illegal except for the oldest small buildings in the countryside .

  23. 按照中国人的标准,每月1000多美元的收入算不错了,但他却与两个朋友合租了一家商店楼上的违章建筑。

    In Chinese people 's eyes , a monthly salary of 1000 U.S. dollars is a decent pay . But Gong still chooses to live in an illegal apartment above a department store with his two friends .

  24. 为了及时地了解城市布局、土地使用、违章建筑区域、非法占地、地面绿化状况以及道路小局等情况,需要对城市的变化进行适时监测。

    In order to learn from the layout of city , the utility of land , illegal buildings , the conditions of vegetation covers and layout of road so on , it is necessary to monitor the change of city .

  25. 在评估附临时建筑或违章建筑的被拆迁不动产、附公共健身设施的不动产、高压线下土地的估价等要充分考虑不动产权益的完整性。

    Therefore , the integrity of rights and interests of real estate should be put into full consideration in evaluating temporary constructions , removed squatter house , the real estate with public body-building facilities and evaluation of land under high tension line .

  26. 伴随着经济社会发展和城市化进程之加速,现实中大量存在之违章建筑层出不穷,违章建筑之归属与利用已日益成为人们关注之社会问题。

    Along with economic and social development and urbanization of the acceleration , in reality , the existence of a large number of illegal buildings after another , the ownership and use of illegal buildings have increasingly become concerned about the social problems .

  27. 违章建筑在房地产开发商眼里是公开的秘密,是他们逃避税费、缩短施工周期的潜规则,为数不少的开发商都曾经有过违法建设的行为。

    It is an open secret in the eyes of real estate developers that the illegal construction is their underlying rules to escape from paying the taxes and the one to shorten construction period . Many of the real estate developers had acts of illegal construction .

  28. 第三部分分析城郊结合部违章建筑愈演愈烈的成因,通过分析找出四大原因:①有法律上的漏洞;②经济利益驱使;③行政行为偏差;④特殊文化背景影响。

    The third part analyses the causes of increasing illegal buildings in urban fringe area , and identify four major reasons : ① There are loopholes in the law ;② Driven by economic interests ;③ Deviation of administrative acts ;④ The impact of the special cultural background .

  29. 非法住房、违章住房建筑10T锅炉房屋(土建)

    Illegal housing 10t boiler room ( civil construction )

  30. 非法住房、违章住房建筑交通违章记分方法在发电企业反违章工作中的应用

    The Applications of Traffic Violation Scoring System in Anti-violation of Regulations in Power Generation Enterprises