
mí cǎi fú
  • camouflage clothing
  1. 军用品,不行如果你是那种精力充沛的人,都要通过玩战斗对抗来放松的话,那么在去加勒比海度假之前你可能要三思在特立尼达和多巴哥,穿着迷彩服是一种违法行为。

    G.I. No If youre one of those spirited sorts who relaxes by re-enacting battles , you might want to think twice about taking a Caribbean holiday its against the law to wear camouflage clothing in Trinidad and Tobago and St Lucia .

  2. 如果你是那种精力充沛的人,都要通过玩战斗对抗来放松的话,那么在去加勒比海度假之前你可能要三思——在特立尼达和多巴哥,穿着迷彩服是一种违法行为。

    If you 're one of those spirited sorts who relaxes by re-enacting battles , you might want to think twice about taking a Caribbean holiday - it 's against the law to wear camouflage clothing in Trinidad and Tobago and St Lucia .

  3. 他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪。

    They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles .

  4. 莫伊塞斯来到村子附近的游击队营地,要求见指挥官,一个身穿迷彩服的高个子FARC战士。

    Moises went to the guerrilla camp near the village and asked to meet the commander , a tall FARC fighter in fatigues .

  5. 迷彩服式样,伪装型迷彩颜色在计算机上精确显示的方法

    Camouflage look Wonderful Representation Method of Pattern Painting Color on Computer

  6. 但我穿着一件时尚的绿色迷彩服。

    But I am wearing a stylish green fatigues .

  7. 迷彩服式样,伪装型发型应与服装式样相配。

    Camouflage look Hair styles and clothes ' fashion should keep step together .

  8. 身着迷彩服的准军事小组搜索车辆,并阻拦货车。

    Teams of paramilitaries in camouflage gear search through cars and stop lorries .

  9. 也给他穿一件迷彩服。

    Give him a Camo jacket , too .

  10. 那个穿迷彩服的。

    That piece of work in camouflage .

  11. 他们俩身穿迷彩服,没有对镜头说话,但看起来很茫然。

    The two wore cream-colored pilots'overalls and did not speak to the camera but appeared confused .

  12. 澳大利亚艾利斯泉沙漠公园的红沙滩上出现一只身着迷彩服的变色龙。

    A military sand dragon poses in the red sands of Australia 's Alice Springs Desert Park .

  13. 人们越来越经常看到,像士兵一样身穿迷彩服的警察出现在冲突地区。

    It is increasingly common to see officers dressed in fatigues like soldiers in a conflict zone .

  14. 巴巴多斯岛:任何人包括儿童不可身穿迷彩服等伪装服装。

    Barbados : It 's an offense for anyone , including children , to dress in camouflage clothing .

  15. 你们可以让我穿上陆军迷彩服或是让我跳上飞奔的火车

    And you dress me up in army fatigues or throw me on top of a moving train .

  16. 训练营一般是早上6点开始上课,教官们身穿都市迷彩服,大喊训练口令,和传统的训练营差不多。

    Classes begin as early as6 am with instructors in urban-camo pants yelling out drill-like commands in the traditional bootcamp style .

  17. 很显然,这是为了禁止人们模仿军方官员以及其他的官员,如果你穿着迷彩服的话,将会被拘留并且你的装备还会被没收。

    Apparently this is to prevent people from imitating military and other officials , and you could be detained and have your kit confiscated .

  18. 人们更青睐谈论打猎。打猎在当地十分流行。因此,《旁观者》报会用整版来刊登孩子穿着迷彩服举着他们人生中猎到的第一头鹿的照片。

    People would rather talk about hunting , which is so popular that photos of children in camouflage holding their first deer take up an entire page in The Spectator .

  19. 在万科位于杭州市中心的办公室,两名身穿迷彩服的武装保安把守在正门。此前,另一群客户周日到此进行破坏,毁坏了家具,推翻了办公桌。

    At Vanke 's office in central Hangzhou , two armed security guards in faux-army fatigues block the front entrance after another group of customers trashed the premises on Sunday , destroying furniture and overturning desks .

  20. 夏威夷热带装:和迷彩服相反,这些奔放的图案印在轻便的面料上效果最佳,对于在水中嬉戏和在岸上的沙滩俱乐部中玩耍都很合适。

    Hawaiian tropics * the opposite of camouflage , these wild prints work best on light , casual fabrics that are good both for splashing around down by the water and up at the beach club .

  21. 有些人的子女永远不用穿着迷彩服在热沙漠区里呆上那么一天,而我们工人阶级的子女却为他们的利益而战,为他们的利益而死。为什么?

    Why is it that the sons and daughters of working class fight and die for the interests of those whose sons and daughters will never spend a day dressed in camouflage fatigues in a hot desert ?

  22. 每隔10分钟,他与当地爱国俱乐部另外8名身着迷彩服的成员轮流在一团永恒火焰和一门多管高射炮前走正步。1941年,这门高射炮曾被这座俄罗斯西北小城用来抵抗纳粹德国的进攻。

    Every 10 minutes , he and eight fellow camouflage-clad members of a local patriotic club took turns goose-stepping in front of an eternal flame and an anti-aircraft gun battery used in 1941 , when the town in northwestern Russia defended itself against attack by Nazi Germany .

  23. 整个小队着装统一,全体人员身着迷彩服、穿帆布鞋、带红臂章。年轻一点的队员称自己是“新兵”。王文忠像军队营长一样带队,通过与官媒和地方政府接洽来收集信息。

    The entire group was outfitted with identical uniforms -- military fatigues , canvas shoes and red armbands -- and younger members described themselves as ' new soldiers . ' Appropriately , Mr. Wang runs the group like a battalion , collecting intelligence from contacts with state-run media and local government .

  24. 在换上迷彩训练服后,每个人都去排队。

    After changing into camouflage training clothes , everyone went to the queue .

  25. 而迷彩伪装服的伪装与识别检测技术是军事侦察的重要方式。

    And furthermore , the recognition and detection technology of Camouflage clothing are an important method for military reconnaissance .