
xuǎn zhǒng
  • seed selection;strain selection
选种 [xuǎn zhǒng]
  • [seed selection] 选择供繁殖用的优良品种

选种[xuǎn zhǒng]
  1. 他强调对选种要更加注意。

    He insisted on more attention to seed selection .

  2. 科学合理的选种及维护管理在很大程度上会影响冷季型草坪的坪观效果和使用年限;

    The reasonable seed selection and the maintenance management can affect the cool-season lawn of view too to a great extent .

  3. 他教我们怎样选种。

    He taught us how to select seeds .

  4. 与传统的动物育种方法相比,动物分子育种是直接在DNA水平上对性状的基因型或基因进行选择,因而其选种的准确性大大提高。

    Compared with the conventional breeding methods , molecular breeding selects animals directly based on genotypes , which is more accuracy than traditional method based on phenotypes .

  5. 采用计算机虚拟仪器(VI)技术开发的重力式种子精选机测控系统,实现了选种过程的实时检测与控制。

    Real time test and control over seed-selecting process gravitational seed selecting machine based on virtual instrument technology can be realized .

  6. 专供脑结构立体定位研究用广西恒河猴(Macacamulatta)选种培育研究

    Selection and Breeding Investigations on Guangxi Macaca mulatta for Stereotaxic Localization of Brain

  7. 柑橘(Citrus)是多年生木本果树,具有复杂的遗传背景,经过长期杂交和芽变选种,其进化关系更为复杂。

    Citrus is a perennial woody fruit tree , which has complicated genetic background . Its evolutionary relationship is much complicated after a long period hybridization and mutant selection .

  8. 根据鸭胚组织培养液中的AKP和GOT的活性,对蛋鸭进行早期选种,比常规选种法可提早半年。

    Early selection of egg-laying duck could be practised by the AKP and GOT activity test . It can be a half year earlier than that by the routine methods of selection .

  9. 本文认为今后内蒙古白绒山羊选种方法应该采用动物模型BLUP法。

    The article raised animal model BLUP method should be used to select Inner Mongolia white cashmere goats in future .

  10. 本文报道了吉林省良种细毛羊各育种阶段BLUP选种的方法和结果。

    This peper reports the BLUP selecting method and its results in each breeding stage of fine-breed fine-wool sheep in Jilin .

  11. 高尔夫球场的草坪选种与养护管理

    Seed selection of turf , management and maintenance on golf course

  12. 苹果芽变选种鉴定及应用研究

    Review on identification and utilization of apple sport selection All Changed

  13. 奶牛早期选种方案的探讨

    Approach to Working out Herd Early Selection Plan of Dairy Cows

  14. 应用线性规划技术作家畜选种选配决策

    Application of linear programming techniques in livestock and mate selection

  15. 蛋鸡早期选种血液生化指标的研究

    Study on blood biochemical indices of early selection for layer

  16. 综合指数法在核桃选种中的应用研究

    The application of synthetic index method on superior variety selection of walnut

  17. 水稻稻瘟病田间抗性的遗传与选种

    Inheritance of and Selection for Field Resistance to Rice Blast

  18. 关于选种选配中避免近交的几点建议

    Suggestions on Avoiding of Inbreeding in Plan of Selection and Assortative Mating

  19. 鸭梨酒酵母菌的选种研究

    The Study on Selecting Yeast for Fermenting Ya Pear Wine

  20. 用于谷物选种的核反应技术原理研究

    Principle research for selecting single seeds of grain using nuclear reaction technique

  21. 同时,对育种系统规划、选种方法等,也作了探讨分析。

    Breeding Project and selection technique were discussed as well .

  22. 光合性能选种法研究

    The Study on the Method of Well-bred Selection Based on Photosynthetic Capacity

  23. 基于序贯仿真的农业选种问题的研究

    Study of Seed Selection in Agriculture Based on Sequential Simulation

  24. 血液蛋白多态性在选种中可视为一类附加性状。

    Blood protein polymorphisms can be considered as a series of additional traits .

  25. 扩大选种的基础材料的途径;

    The way to expend the selecting foundational materials .

  26. 制定湖北白猪肢蹄结实度选种标准的试探

    The standard selecting index of feet and legs soundness of Hubei White Swine

  27. 抗病育种占选种圃的发病条件是兼抗育种的又一关键。

    Disease condition in selective nursery is another key to multi resistant breeding .

  28. 淹水稻田氮素淋溶损失及其控制水稻稻瘟病田间抗性的遗传与选种

    Nitrogen Leaching in Paddy Rice Field and Its Countermeasure

  29. 贵州省柚子资源考察及选种初报

    Investigation on pomelo resources of Guizhou and its selection

  30. 酿制木瓜果酒的酵母菌选种研究

    Selection of yeasts for production of papaya fruit wine