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shǎn zhēng
  • flash
闪蒸[shǎn zhēng]
  1. 多级闪蒸(MSF)海水淡化系统及国产装置的研制开发

    Multistage Flashing ( MSF ) System for Sea Water Desalination and Development of Domestic Device

  2. 用Clausius-Clapeyron方程计算上升段中汽泡闪蒸起始点。

    Clausius Clapeyron equation is used for the calculation of void flashing in the riser .

  3. C语言在闪蒸过程计算中的应用

    Application of Flash Process Calculation with C-Language

  4. 旋转闪蒸干燥系统的CAD研究

    The research on spin flash drying system CAD

  5. 闪蒸干燥机温度的自适应模糊PID控制

    Adaptive Fuzzy PID Temperature Control of Flash Dryer

  6. 以经过闪蒸净化除去一次QI的煤焦油为原料,在常压下220℃~400℃范围内通过空气氧化制备一定软化点范围的沥青。

    Coal tar pitch was prepared from QI free coal tar by air blowing at 220 ℃~ 400 ℃ .

  7. 对基本粒子群算法进行了智能化改进,并运用改进粒子群算法和MATLAB语言,对化工生产过程中的苯-甲苯闪蒸过程进行了优化仿真计算。

    Basic particle swarm algorithms were intelligentized . Based on the intelligentized algorithms and MATLAB , simulation regarding optimization of benzene-toluene flash vaporization process during process of chemical production was made .

  8. 给出了闪蒸干燥机的具体结构及工作原理,根据其生产的实际情况和操作经验,总结出自适应模糊PID控制器的控制规则并确定了其相应控制参数。

    The structure of spin flash dryer is given . According to the practice and experience , the control rules of adaptive fuzzy PID controller and its control parameters are determined .

  9. 对三效逆流蒸发NaOH溶液系统,采用冷凝水闪蒸可节省加热生蒸汽10%左右,节能效果显著;

    The vapor consumption of three-effect evaporation with condensed water flash is decreased by about 10 % for condensation of NaOH solution .

  10. 通过偏光显微镜观察了石油系油浆(LH)与煤系闪蒸油(SN)焦化后所得焦块的光学结构。

    Lump cokes obtained from petroleum ( LH ) and coal based products ( SN ) were examined by the reflected polarized light microscope .

  11. 用差示扫描量热法(DSC)、热重法(TG)、微商热重法(DTG)分析研究了不同馏程的两种闪蒸油的预炭化沥青的热解行为。

    The thermal destruction characteristics of condensation pitches of two differential distillation range 's flash oil are studied with DSC , TG and DTG .

  12. 以含有惰性组分的MTBE反应闪蒸过程为例,用非反应闪蒸方法进行计算,得到了关于反应闪蒸的一般结论。

    Newton method is adopted and the reactive flash process of MTBE synthesis has been studied as a numerical example .

  13. 其中气液(富烃相)液(富水相)三相平衡闪蒸计算采用PatelTeja状态方程,ChenGuo水合物模型用于气相与水合物相平衡的计算。

    Patel-Teja equation of state was used in performing the vapor-liquid-liquid ( V-L_HC-L_W ) three-phase flash calculation and Chen-Guo two-step hydrate model was used for calculating the vapor-hydrate phase equilibria .

  14. 运用Laplace变换法,简化了间歇结晶过程的数学模型,并计算了青霉素G钠盐在加与不加媒晶剂两种情况下,真空闪蒸结晶过程的动力学参数;

    The mathematical model of batch crystallization process was simplified by Laplace transformation method , and the crystallization kinetics parameters of sodium salt of penicillin G in the vacuum evaporative crystallization process were determined .

  15. 为降低我国小型PO装置的蒸汽消耗,设置皂化塔釜液闪蒸罐回收热量是简单和有效的。

    For lowering the steam consumption , the method of recovering heat by setting up a flash tank at the bottom of the saponification column is simple and effective .

  16. 在大量CFD数值模拟计算的基础上,对多级海水淡化装置的闪蒸室设计中,涉及水流结构因素进行了深入的分析,并提出改进的方案。

    A detailed study on the factors related to the water flow structure in the flash chambers of MSF desalination device is presented , based on numerical simulation of the flow field .

  17. 通过对CO2闪蒸塔工艺操作条件的改进,增加了CO2闪蒸量,提高了全装置的整体应变能力。

    By modifying the process conditions of the CO 2 flash column , the CO 2 flashed is increased in volume , and the overall capability to meet contingency of the whole unit is improved .

  18. 结合10MW核供热堆海水淡化系统,分析了闪蒸器蒸汽发生系统的特点。

    This paper analyses the use of a flash evaporator in the steam generation system of the NHR-10 nuclear seawater desalination plant .

  19. 本文根据热工理论,以每一级闪蒸器为单元,建立了MSF系统动态过程的数学模型和MATLAB仿真模型,比其他文献提供的模型更完善,考虑的因素更全面。

    According to thermodynamic theory , the dissertation establishes the mathematical models of dynamic process of the MSF system and the Matlab simulation models on the basis of each flash evaporator unit .

  20. 另外,浅色C9芳烃石油树脂及芳烃溶剂油的分离采用两级闪蒸工艺分离。

    By the way 2 step flash distillation is used for separation of light colored aromatic petroleum resin and aromatic solvent oil .

  21. 借助数值模拟方法,初步预测了不同工况下CMT中各时刻闪蒸蒸汽的凝结率,并与试验结果进行了比较。

    A numerical simulation program is developed to calculate the steam condensation rates in CMT , and the simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained through experiment .

  22. 重气扩散阶段模型采用CoxCarpenter重气扩散模型,同时给合对源泄漏、相变过程,详细讨论了源泄放闪蒸,液滴蒸发和空气卷吸等过程;

    LNG heavy gas diffusion adopt the Cox carpenter 's heavy gas diffusion model and detailed discuss rapid phase transition explosions , fluid drop vaporizing and air carrying along with leaking fountain and phase changing .

  23. CR-244氯丁胶乳闪蒸脱挥

    Steam flashing for CR-244 neoprene latex

  24. 针对旋转闪蒸干燥机温度控制具有较大的滞后性、非线性和时变性的特点,以Φ1000型旋转闪蒸干燥机为具体对象,选用PLC作为温度控制器,并对其入口温度采用了自适应模糊PID控制算法。

    Based on the characteristic of the delay , nonlinearity and time-varying in the temperature control system of spin flash dryer taking PLC as the temperature controller , the adaptive fuzzy PID control method is adopted to the entrance temperature of Φ 1000 type spin flash dryer .

  25. TFE-TUR复合地热发电系统与全流系统以及闪蒸系统的比较

    A Comparison of Energy Use Factor between TFE-TUR Hybrid Geothermal Power Generating System , Total Flow system and Flash steam System

  26. 9月份开始至次年的2月份,闪蒸工艺采用真空度0.06MPa,蒸发温度75℃。

    From September to February of next year , they are 0.06 MPa and 75 ℃ .

  27. 当系统压力升高达到1.5MPa时,上升段中的闪蒸现象消失。

    When the system pressure reaches to 1 . 5 MPa , the flashing in riser is vanished .

  28. 最后,由自行设计、制造的液念燃料闪蒸系统(FVS)加热液体至沸点温度以上,使其在由喷嘴喷出的一瞬间发生相变,提高其雾化性能。

    Finally , fuel was heated to higher than boiling point temperature by the Flash Vaporization System ( FVS ) and was vaporized as soon as sprayed from nozzle .

  29. 用静态法高压VLE测定装置对CO2气田气在292至299K温度下作了闪蒸实验测定。

    Experimental determination of flash evaporation for the CO_2-reservoir gas was made in the temperature range from 292 to 299 K by a static apparatus , and the flash evaporation was also simulated by the MPR model .

  30. 通过物料衡算确定该条件下闪蒸汽化率达90%以上,其中IPA汽化率达95%以上,且整个分离流程不发生结焦堵塞。

    Through mass balance calculation in this condition , vaporization rates were obtained : the total flash vaporization rate over 90 % , IPA over 95 % . And coking and blocking in the process did not occur .