
  • 网络transparency international;Transparancy International;Transparency Internation
  1. 国际反腐败监督机构透明国际(TransparencyInternational)周二发布的最新报告显示,大能源行业在反腐方面最为“透明”。

    Big energy is the most " transparent " industry when it comes to Corruption-Fighting , according to Transparency International , a global anti-corruption watchdog .

  2. 然而反腐败组织英国透明国际(transparencyinternationaluk)和其它机构指责克拉克减轻了要求企业停止行贿的压力。

    Yet Transparency International UK , the anti-corruption organisation , and others attacked Mr Clarke for relaxing the pressure on companies to stop paying bribes .

  3. 这种严格的约束可能会阻止人们犯错:荷兰在透明国际(TransparencyInternational)全球清廉指数排行榜中排名第九,名次仅低于主要信仰路德教派的斯堪的纳维亚国家。

    This stringency may deter people from sinning : the Netherlands ranks ninth in Transparency International 's corruption perception index , just below the mostly Lutheran Scandinavian countries .

  4. 去年,透明国际(TransparencyInternational)的一项英国调查发现,53.4%的受访者认为,腐败现象在过去三年里有所加剧&在看到英国议会的开支丑闻后,这也就不足为奇了。

    A UK survey for Transparency International last year found that 53.4 per cent thought corruption had increased over the previous three years – not surprising after the parliamentary expenses scandal .

  5. 反腐团体透明国际(transparencyinternational)今日发布的一份调查声称,多数领先的跨国石油公司在披露财务数据和抵制腐败方面的做法,与最佳实践相去甚远。

    Most leading oil multinationals fall well short of best practice on revealing financial data and combating corruption , a survey unveiled today by Transparency International , the anti-graft group , claims .

  6. 从1995年第一次发布以来,透明国际每年的清廉指数(CPI)已经改变了人们对世界范围内的腐败的看法。

    Since its first publication in1995 , TI 's annual Corruption Perception Index ( CPI ) has changed perceptions about corruption worldwide .

  7. 总部位于柏林的透明国际(transparencyinternational)对经合组织(oecd)成员国进行了严厉抨击,该组织在如何处理军工行业涉嫌贿赂问题上,正面临日益加剧的内部紧张态势。

    Berlin-based Transparency International launched a scathing attack on members of the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , which is suffering increasing internal tensions over how to deal with suspected graft in the arms industry .

  8. 富裕国家俱乐部经合组织的副秘书长理查德鲍彻(richardboucher)称透明国际已拥有“巨大的影响力”。

    The group has had an " enormous impact " , says Richard Boucher , a deputy secretary-general at the OECD , a rich-country club .

  9. 透明国际是一个非政府组织,其分析数据来自民调机构盖洛普国际(GallupInternational)今年7月至9月在62个国家进行的近6万次访谈。在此期间,富国世界充溢着腐败丑闻。

    The non-governmental organisation based its analysis on almost 60,000 interviews in 62 countries conducted by Gallup International , the pollster , between July and September – a period when the rich world was awash with corruption scandals .

  10. 透明国际首席执行官大卫•努斯鲍姆(DavidNussbaum)表示:在伊拉克,用于维护廉正的法律和法院体系并未发挥作用,或者已经遭到破坏。

    The systems for upholding integrity in Iraq , the rule of law and courts , are not functioning or have been destroyed , said David Nussbaum , TI chief executive .

  11. 全球反腐败组织透明国际(TransparencyInternational)印度分会前主席R・H・塔希尔亚尼(R.H.Tahiliani)表示,为了逃税和躲避反腐败调查,印度有钱、有政治后台的人有时候会把巨额财富放在他人名下(比如侍从和壳公司等)。

    The wealthy and politically connected in India sometimes hold large amounts in the names of others -- from servants to shell companies -- to avoid tax officials and corruption investigators , said R.H. Tahiliani , former chairman of the India chapter of Transparency International , the global anticorruption group .

  12. 透明国际表示,这一比例非常之低,在统计上可以忽略不计。

    Transparency said this was so low as to be statistically insignificant .

  13. 透明国际是该公约的首席谈判方。

    Transparency International was a leader in the negotiations for the convention .

  14. 透明国际无疑已为反腐事业做出许多努力。

    To be sure , Ti has done a lot for the anti-corruption cause .

  15. 透明国际远非黔驴技穷之辈。

    Ti is far from a one-trick pony .

  16. 透明国际的计算标准令人质疑的。

    TI 's calculations are open to challenge .

  17. 透明国际的报告佐证了公众对英国建筑业腐败严重的普遍印象。

    The TI report confirms the popular impression of a high level of corruption in the construction industry .

  18. 但透明国际表示,尽管如此,“其余金融公司的得分也低于平均水平。”

    But the organization says that , nevertheless , " the remaining financial companies were also below average . "

  19. 设在柏林的‘透明国际’对180个国家的相关指标进行审视,以衡量在该国开展商业或者进行援助的状态。

    The Berlin-based Transparency International looked at indicators in180 countries to measure perceptions of doing business or delivering aid there .

  20. 监督世界各地腐败程度的组织‘透明国际’说,在贫穷国家的非法行为正危及铲除贫穷的斗争。

    A group monitoring corruption levels around the world says illegal practices in poor countries are threatening the fight against poverty .

  21. 在以透明国际为首的国际组织的推动下,国际反腐败运动在各个方面取得了初步的突破。

    Driven by " Transparency International " and other international organizations , anti-corruption movement has achieved preliminary success in some aspects .

  22. 一项透明国际调查发现这个国家四分之一的人承认至少每年一次要缴纳一些好处。

    A Transparency International survey found that one-fourth of those in the country acknowledged making a payoff at least once a year .

  23. 透明国际表示,腐败直觉指数也显示出腐败与贫穷之间的关系。在这次的排名中,所有低收入国家的分数均低于5.0。

    The index also revealed a link between corruption and poverty , TI said , with all low-income countries scoring below 5.0 .

  24. 12月2日,总部位于柏林的“透明国际”组织在发布的一项报告中指出,在今年的贪污排名中,中国下降了20位。

    China fell 20 spots in this year 's corruption rankings in a report released on December 2nd by Berlin-based Transparency International .

  25. 正如透明国际所言:八国集团不能推广它们自己从未履行的反腐败及透明措施。

    As Transparency International has put it : The G8 cannot prescribe anti-corruption and transparency measures that they themselves have not followed .

  26. 而西方采矿大亨和石油巨头对此都很注意:透明国际在此项列表中的前五名都涉及自然资源产业。

    Big Western miners and drillers have taken heed : the top five on TI 's list are all involved in natural resources .

  27. 清廉指数由透明国际每年发布,透明国际是一个总部位于德国柏林的腐败检测组织。

    The Corruption Perception Index ( CPI ) is published annually by Transparency International , a corruption monitoring organization based in Berlin , Germany .

  28. 透明国际定期发布带有与腐败有关的可靠数据的报告。透明国际指出,接受其调查的人中,一些人在当地生活,其他人则是在那里出生。

    TI publishes regular reports with reliable data concerning corruption . TI points out that some of its informants live locally ; others were born there .

  29. 在这方面的平均得分是69%,较2009年,上一次透明国际进行同类调查时的数字——47%,上涨了不少。

    The average score on this count was 69 % , up from 47 % in 2009 , the last time TI conducted a similar exercise .

  30. ‘透明国际’在最近发表的报告中说,外援务必要更有针对性,并且应该在更谨慎仔细的监督下提供,以确保援助用在当用之处。

    In its just released report , Transparency International says foreign aid must be more focused and more carefully monitored to ensure it goes where intended .