
tōnɡ xùn shè bèi
  • communication equipment;communication device;communication apparatus
  1. 通讯设备用低阻高耐压过流保护器材料研究

    Research on Materials of Low Resistivity , High Voltage Over-current Protector for Communication Apparatus

  2. 同时介绍了可实现民爆器材运输车的跟踪、定位和监控的通讯设备。

    At the same time , the communication apparatus for realization of the tracing , locating and monitoring of transport vehicles are introduced .

  3. 我们试着破坏他们的通讯设备吧。

    Let 's try to cripple their communications

  4. 如果在家里指定一个区域不让任何电子通讯设备出现,会不会是个不错的主意?

    Wouldn 't it be nice to have a room in your home designated as a place with no communications devices ?

  5. “零科技旅游”指不带手机等通讯设备去旅行,尤其是到屏蔽或没有互联网和手机信号的地方旅游。

    Tech-free tourism refers to travelling without a mobile phone or similar devices , particularly to places that block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals .

  6. 在移动通讯设备中提升Java执行效率的策略

    Enhancing the Efficient Implementation of Java in Mobil Terminals

  7. IBM表示,他们希望这种晶体管可以用于提高通讯设备的速度。

    IBM said it expects the transistor to be used to speed up communications equipment .

  8. 而且,通讯设备的网络结构经常变动,这需要GIS的网络分析功能。

    Moreover , The network structure of the facilities always changes , which need the network analytic function of GIS .

  9. 通讯设备电磁兼容性(EMC)的结构设计

    Construction Design in Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) of Communication Equipment

  10. 基于J2ME移动通讯设备软件的研究与开发

    Research and development of mobile communication equipment software based on J2ME

  11. FDI的后向联系效应、金融发展与知识产权保护&以中国电子及通讯设备制造业为例

    Backward Linkage of FDI , Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection : Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China

  12. 基于uCLinux和Jupiter的嵌入式通讯设备的设计

    The Design of Embedded Communication Equipment Based on uClinux and Jupiter

  13. 在TCP/IP协议中,连接到网络上的每个主机(计算机或其它通讯设备)都有一个唯一的IP地址。

    In TCP / IP , every host ( computer or other communications device ) that is connected to the network has a unique IP address .

  14. 中国移动通讯设备集团华为(huawei)在印度的扩张也遭遇了障碍。

    Huawei , the Chinese mobile telecommunications group , also faced obstacles in expanding in India .

  15. J2ME在移动通讯设备编程中的应用

    Application of J2ME in Mobile Communication Equipment Programming

  16. 基于J2ME的移动通讯设备游戏开发

    Game Development of Mobile Device Based on J2ME

  17. 适合于多层PCB、计算机及外围设备、通讯设备、办公自动设备、PCB无铅制程等。

    Suitable for medium multilayer printed circuit board , computer , communication equipment , OA equipment , lead-free PCB process etc.

  18. 对J2EE进行了探讨,并在此基础上结合发展迅速的无线通讯设备提出了一个无线移动办公系统模型。

    J2EE was discussed , and furthermore , combining quickly developed wireless communication equipment , a wireless office system model was brought forward .

  19. 同时,嵌入式系统还包括存储设备以及其他IO和通讯设备接口等。

    An embedded system also contains memory device , IO and other communication interface .

  20. 开发支持3G的通讯设备已经成为通讯产业和嵌入式系统发展的热点。

    Research and development of electronic device which supporting the 3rd-generation communication technology has become the focus of the communication industry and embedded systems .

  21. 并对计算机网络防雷中网络接地、网络布线及过电压保护设计进行了初探,认为室内计算机与通讯设备的位置与建筑物外墙应保持1.5m的距离。

    The computer grid grounding , wiring and over-voltage protection facilities were approached .

  22. 新兴市场的竞争压力日益增强,这不仅来自传统对手美国公司,而且也有本土企业,比如电力工业的上海电气(shanghaielectric)、通讯设备方面的华为(huawei)等。

    Competition in emerging markets is increasingly coming from not only the traditional rivals of US companies but also local groups such as Shanghai Electric in power generation and Huawei in telecommunications equipment .

  23. 运行平台就是指可以运行BREW应用程序的移动通讯设备上的BREW运行环境,它的核心是BREW的PortingKit。

    The operating platform whose core was BREW-Porting Kit was BREW runtime environment that could run BREW applications in mobile communication devices .

  24. 广泛应用于UPS电源、电子仪器、应用照明系统、安全报警系统、电动工具及玩具、电会传系统、通讯设备领域。

    They 're widely used in UPS systems , electronic instruments , emergency lighting , fire alarm and security , electromotive tools and toys , telecommunication system , etc.

  25. 目前USB接口已经成为计算机外围设备、移动存储设备、数码产品乃至移动通讯设备与计算机互连的首选标准接口。

    USB interface has become the most inclined standard interface for the interconnection between PC and peripheral devices , such as portable storage devices , digital products and portable communication devices .

  26. 世界最大的电子通讯设备提供商之一Ericsson的总裁HansVestberg说。

    That 's according to Hans Vestberg , CEO of Ericsson , one of the world 's largest suppliers of telecommunications equipment .

  27. UPS系统在设计时,要涉及到其对计算机及网络通讯设备的安全性、可靠性,因此,要对此方面的因素进行充分考虑。

    Whenever the UPS system is designed , its security and reliability of computer and net communication equipment must be thought . So we will think over the above factors during the designing .

  28. 通信技术迅速发展,为了更好地满足所有移动计算机和通讯设备的通讯需要,蓝牙特别兴趣小组(SIG)提出了一个新的概念&蓝牙个人区域网(PersonalAreaNetworking)。

    As swift development of communication technology , in order to meet the needs of the communication between mobile computers and communication devices , SIG has drawn up a new concept : PAN ( Personal Area Networking ) .

  29. 本课题的创新之处是:提出了将计算机的USB总线管理系统引入到普通仪器或者其他通讯设备领域,而非传统意义上的USB(从机)设备的开发。

    The innovation in this thesis is : traditional management system of USB Host on PC are minimized and introduced in embedded instruments or devices , not the normal R & D of USB slave device .

  30. 人们现在更多的希望能在移动的过程中通过移动计算机和手机等移动通讯设备方便快捷的接入INTERNET和INTRANET,实现浏览网页,收发电子邮件等网络应用。

    People now much more hope to access to INTERNET and INTRANET , browse web pages , send e-mail and use other Internet applications conveniently , through mobile communication equipments such as mobile phones and mobile computers , while moving .