
tōng huà
  • communicate by telephone;call;message;converse;phone call
通话 [tōng huà]
  • (1) [converse]∶用彼此都懂的语言交谈

  • (2) [communicate by telephone]∶在电话中交谈

通话[tōng huà]
  1. 10分钟的基本通话费只有2.49英镑。

    The basic price for a 10-minute call is only £ 2.49 .

  2. 一种高通话完成率广告服务VoIP设备

    Advertisement Service VoIP Device with High Call Completion Rate

  3. 他拨号后便等着通话。

    He dialled the number and waited .

  4. 他们用内部通话系统呼叫他。

    They called him on the intercom .

  5. 我们试着给你回电,但是你正在通话中。

    We tried to call you back but you were engaged .

  6. 他要求跟查利·伦恩通话。

    He asked to be put through to Charley Lunn .

  7. 最新的机器对信号作扰频处理,通话就不易被侦听了。

    The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted .

  8. 这些手机可待机70小时,通话时长达2小时50分钟,并提供15种铃音。

    They offer 70 hours ' standby time , 2hr 50min talk time , and 15 ring tones .

  9. 如果想和我们的财务顾问通话,拨打422222。

    Ring four two double two double two if you 'd like to speak to our financial adviser .

  10. 通话后请把话筒挂好。

    Please hang up properly after calling .

  11. 她告诉说话的人不要挂电话,她就要去叫通话的人。

    She told the speaker to hold on while she was going to call the man he wanted to speak to .

  12. 她一点没有方才通话时的那种火气,有的只是冷冰冰的感觉。

    In her , there was none of the fire she had shown during their previous conversation , only an icy chill .

  13. “我有电脑,也能视频通话,可以在上面和家人聊天,”她解释道。

    " I have the computer and FaceTime , which I talk with my family on , " she explains .

  14. 有一次,我旁边的一位乘客用手机通话时,说话很大声。

    Once , a passenger next to me talked out loud on his mobile phone .

  15. 在今年的“开放中创新”大会上,一家公司展示了一种新的语音技术,能够产生以假乱真的人声,能够通话并预定房间

    At this year 's I / O Conference , a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection .

  16. 通话录音:支持通话过程的同步录音

    Communication record : the function supports synchronization record during the communication process .

  17. 电话中悦耳的声音可以大大消减通话人的怒气。

    A good telephone voice can do much to improve the temper of irate callers .

  18. 那个打电话的人正等着通话。

    The caller is on hold .

  19. 有一位将军,打电话到另一个地方给他下属的一个单位,要和某个人通话,他说:“喂!”

    An army general telephoned to his unit in another place wanting to speak to someone . He said , " Hello ! "

  20. 老师不得使用手机布置作业或要求学生利用手机完成作业。学校应通过设立校内公共电话、班主任沟通热线等途径,解决学生与家长通话需求。教育部表示,

    Schools should not assign or ask students to do homework via mobile phones and they should set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students , it added .

  21. 手机一次拨号17951国际IP电话通话时长预测;

    Forecasting of international IP call time for mobil dial 17951 ;

  22. 当蠢笨且表情夸张的日本动漫人物遇上免费短信和语音通话技术,两者的结晶就是日本唯一一款在海外大热的应用&连我(Line)。

    What do you get if you cross emoting , goofy manga characters with free messaging and calls ?

  23. 但是IP电话的通话质量还存在许多问题。

    But IP telephone has much problems in communication quality .

  24. 10月底,美泰推出了面向青少年的EverAfterHigh通话人物玩具。

    And earlier this week , Mattel launched ever after high , a line of dolls based on the teenage children of fairytale characters .

  25. IP视频电话是指在IP网络上实现语音和视频通话的一项综合业务。

    IP Video Phone is an integrated service that can implement voice and video calls on IP network .

  26. 然而,由于因特网尽力而为的传输机制,IP电话的通话质量不能得到保证。

    However , the QoS of IP phone can not be guaranteed because Internet is the best-effort model .

  27. 类似的结论对于移动虚拟专用网(VPN)业务的通话时长也成立。

    Similar conclusion can be given for mobile virtual private network service .

  28. IP网络电话以其低廉的通话费用和方便的拨打方式正日益受到了人们的关注和青睐。

    The IP telephone is increasingly winning the favor of the people with its reasonable calling fee and its convenient dialing method .

  29. 随着VoIP技术的不断成熟,使得用Internet连接代替传统的电话线进行语音通话成为可能。

    Because the VoIP technique continuously mature , it is possible to replaces the traditional telephone network with the Internet .

  30. SilentCircle是一个用来加密通话的应用软件。

    Silent circle , an app that allows users to place encrypted phone calls , makes money on paranoia .