
  • 网络Communication Management;communication overhead
  1. 基于ARM及嵌入式操作系统的通信管理机

    Communication management device based on ARM and embedded operating system

  2. 一种基于嵌入式Linux操作系统通信管理机的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of one kind of communication management unit based on embedded linux operation system

  3. 英国通信管理局(Ofcom)估计,目前英国有多达180万儿童没有使用相关设备的条件,近90万儿童不得不依赖移动互联网学习,而移动互联网的成本可能很高。

    Ofcom estimates as many as 1.8 million children in the UK currently do not have access to a device , and almost 900000 have to rely on mobile internet , which can be costly .

  4. 电力通信管理系统中OPC模式的应用

    Application of OPC Model in Power Communication Management System

  5. 数字矿山综合无线通信管理系统中嵌入式SIP终端的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Embedded Terminal of SIP in Digital Mines Wireless Communication Integrated Management System

  6. 医院异地网络通信管理&合理运用vpn和ddn数字专线

    Remote Hospital Network Management : Rational Use of Vpn and Ddn

  7. 本文首先介绍了通信管理网的基本概念、相关知识和现状,对TMN标准和基于TMN的综合网管系统作了较深入的分析。

    The article firstly presents basic conceptions 、 correlated knowledge and actuality of communication management network .

  8. 本终端主要由通信管理机、遥测板、遥信板和遥控板组成,通信管理机、遥测板、遥信板和遥控板都由独立的CPU来完成。

    The terminal composed of communication manager , telemetry board , remote signal board and remote control board . These components are controlled by a separate CPU .

  9. 2通过研究风电场综合信息集成技术,提出了基于OPC技术的风电场综合信息采集方案,开发了OPC客户端程序,解决了风电场综合通信管理终端与不同风机生产厂商监控系统接口难题。

    The development of OPC client applications solves the interface problems between wind farm integrated communications management terminal and different manufacturers wind turbine control systems .

  10. 实现时,软件整体设计采用一种四层(JAVAapplet客户层、通信管理器层、本地服务层、应用服务器(含数据库服务器)层)结构设计方法。

    The system uses a four layer design framework ( Java Applet client layer , communication manager layer , local service layer , Application & RTP server with database server layer ) .

  11. 分析智能卡COS内通信管理模块、文件管理模块、安全模块、硬件资源等模块之间具体的交互关系。

    Analyze the specific interactions among smart card COS communication management modules , file management modules , security module , hardware resources , and so on .

  12. 通过Linux下编程来实现变电站中通信管理机上的功能,为变电站自动化系统中通信管理机的应用提供了具有良好实时性、可扩展性和可操作性的可行依据。

    It realized the function of the communication management unit through the programming under Linux , and provided effective and feasible reference for the application of the communication management unit with good real-time , expansibility and interoperability in substation automation systems .

  13. 数据通信管理协议(DCMP)是当前国际上解决多个运行在不同平台上的实际应用之间交换数据的主流方法。基层管理、MIS与数据通信

    DCMP is the main stream mechanism in the field of data transmission among computers which run on different platforms . Grassroots management , MIS & data communication

  14. 随着中国加入WTO,国家对通信管理体制的根本性改革,电信企业的内外部发展环境和条件都发生了深刻的变化。

    With China affiliated with the WTO ( World Trade Organization ), the government has begun to take the essential reform in the system of Tele-communication Administration , so that whether the inner regulation or outer environment for Tele-communication enterprises is undergoing great changes .

  15. 论文选取与SIP协议最紧密相关的成员控制、发言权管理、通信管理和元会议管理四大功能,分析了其在SIP实现上的需求特点,提出了瀑布式紧耦合会议控制模型。

    In this article , we study the last four functions , which are more relative with SIP , and analyze the special points base on SIP , then create a cascaded tightly coupled conference control model .

  16. 最后,本文详细分析和研究了该分布式通信管理系统当中核心模块的设计、实现和应用,包括CORBA框架、可靠性保障层和资源管理模块。

    Finally , this thesis analyzed and studied the design , implementation and applications of the core modules in this distributed communication management system in detail , including CORBA framework , reliability guarantee layer and resource management module .

  17. 介绍了通信管理软件XCOM在一钢生产控制与管理系统中的工作流程;

    The communication management software XCOM , and its workflow in the production control and management system of No. 1 Iron & Steel Co.

  18. 信息处理系统通信管理软件的设计与实现

    Design and Development of Communication Management Software in the C3I system

  19. 分层模块化软件设计在变电站通信管理机中的应用

    Application of layered modularized software design in substation communication manager

  20. 我国特大自然灾害下的应急通信管理探讨

    On the National Emergency Communication Management of Serious Natural Disaster

  21. 控制和观察思科统一通信管理器的手机。

    Control and observe Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones .

  22. 高速公路监控系统通信管理模块的设计及实现

    The Design and Realization of Communication Administration Module of Expressway Supervisory Control System

  23. 基于工作流的油田电力通信管理系统研究

    The Research Workflow-based Oil Field Power Communications Manage System

  24. 个人微机与多单片机的串行通信管理系统

    The Communication Supervisory System for Serial Transmission Between a Personal Computer and Chip Microprocessors

  25. 远程通信管理快速开发的一种方案

    A Scheme of Remote Communication Management Rapid Development

  26. 基于实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ的通信管理机的研发

    Development of communication manager with embedded operation system μ C / OS - ⅱ

  27. 完成了面向通信管理领域的行政审批系统的实现及验证。

    The implementation and validation of examination and approval system for communication management system are completed .

  28. 在实验系统中,牵引变电所综合自动化系统内的通信管理装置利用嵌入式实时系统编程实现。

    In the experiment system , the embedded real-time system is used to realize the communication management device .

  29. 在此系统中,每个代理都由三部分组成:跟踪管理器、信息管理器和通信管理器。

    Every agent is made up of three parts : trace manager , information manager , communication manager .

  30. 所提出的采用新型嵌入式系统设计通信管理机的方案,性价比高,实用性强。

    The proposed communication processor design scheme based on the new embedded system is practical with high performance-cost ratio .