
tōng huò
  • currency;current money;stiff;exchange of goods
通货 [tōng huò]
  • (1) [currency]∶作为交易媒介正在流通的某些东西,如硬币、政府纸币、银行券

  • (2) [stiff]∶可流通的纸币

  • (3) [exchange of goods]∶交换货物

通货[tōng huò]
  1. 进口激增将增加对硬通货的需求。

    Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency .

  2. 你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。

    You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent

  3. 政府明年可能会采取通货复胀来刺激经济。

    The administration may try to reflate the economy next year .

  4. 政府目前缺少可以支付进口产品的硬通货。

    The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports .

  5. 中方官员希望两国在转向使用硬通货后,贸易会有起色。

    Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency

  6. 政府已采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略。

    The government has adopted a strategy of massive deflation .

  7. 通货一膨胀,物价就涨,水涨船高嘛。

    Prices rise in proportion to inflation , like boats going up with the level of the water .

  8. 莫斯科的投资银行资本复兴公司(RenaissanceCapital)估计,各银行的硬通货储备为1100亿美元。

    Renaissance Capital , the Moscow investment bank , estimates banks ' hard currency stash at $ 110bn .

  9. 国际货币秩序(InternationalMonetaryOrder)是国际经济金融交易过程中最根本的制度安排,包括通货制度、储备结算制度与汇率制度三个方面。

    International Monetary Order is one of the most important institutions in international trade and finance , including currency institution , reserve institution and exchange rate institution .

  10. 如果有让人失望的地方,那就是健全通货(soundmoney)与共同货币带来的价格透明度(pricetransparency)未能促进经济较快地增长。

    If there is cause for disappointment it is that sound money and the price transparency afforded by a common currency have not fostered faster economic growth .

  11. 尽管《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)一篇关于哈佛商学院性别不平等现象的特写报道造成了不那么轻微负面效应,但这所商学院的MBA学位依然是闯荡工商界的硬通货。

    Despite less-than-flattering publicity generated by a New York Times ' feature on gender inequality at Harvard , an MBA from the school remains the quintessential credential in business .

  12. 美国声称,一段时间以来,联合国开发计划署(UNDevelopmentProgramme)在朝鲜的行动,将硬通货输送到了平壤,在此之后,出现了另一个初期的紧张迹象。

    Another early indication of tension followed US claims that the UN Development Programme 's operation in North Korea had for some time been funnelling hard currency to Pyongyang .

  13. 英国后来提议的欧洲货币单位硬通货(hardecu)遭遇了同样的命运。那是一个复杂的构想,世界上也许只有六个人理解。

    The same fate awaited a later British proposal for a hard ecu , a complex idea that perhaps half a dozen people understood .

  14. 2011年,稳健货币政策的两大传统堡垒欧洲央行(ecb)和瑞士央行(snb)倒戈,转投通货再膨胀阵营。

    In 2011 , the European and Swiss central banks , traditionally bastions of hard money orthodoxy , defected to the reflationist camp .

  15. 印度文化部规定,在泰姬陵(tajmahal)和其他文化遗址必须用一种特定的硬通货卢比购票。

    The culture ministry ordered the Taj Mahal and other heritage sites to insist on payment in a proper hard currency the rupee .

  16. 如果新当选的首相安倍晋三(shinzonabe)“狠踩油门”的通货再膨胀政策能够成功,将对世界各国的后危机政策制定产生深刻影响。

    If the pedal-to-the-metal reflationary policies of Shinzo Abe , the recently elected prime minister , succeed , there will be a profound impact on post-crisis policy making everywhere .

  17. 首先,由于一些国家无法取得硬通货,因此这可能对这些国家的申请人利用pct造成很大障碍。

    Firstly , because some countries did not have access to hard currency , and this would constitute a considerable obstacle for their applicants in the use of the PCT.

  18. 就像这个倒霉的非洲共和国实际证明的那样,在一个ZF陷入恶性通货膨之前总有一个发行货币的最高限度。

    As the hapless African republic demonstrated , there is a limit to how much money a government can print before its economy plunges into hyperinflation .

  19. 安倍誓言通过刺激和结构改革等组合措施,推动世界第三大经济体实现通货再膨胀,这唤醒了日本散户投资者对股市的兴趣,而这些投资者是小型IPO的主要参与者。

    Mr Abe 's vow to reflate the world 's third-largest economy through a mixture of stimulus and structural reform has reawakened interest in stocks among Japan 's retail investors , who are the main players in smaller IPOs .

  20. 作为传统生物有机体能量代谢通货的ATP分子近年来发现也与植物生长发育的调控和对生物非生物逆境的响应有关。

    The ATP molecules is a traditional energy currency of living organisms , in recent years , it is discovered that the ATP molecules also take part in the regulation of plant growth and biological response to abiotic stresses .

  21. 对“安倍经济学”(Abenomics,日本新政府采取的通货再膨胀信条)的一种反驳观点就是,它将侵蚀人们勤苦攒下的储蓄。

    One objection to " Abenomics , " the reflationary creed adopted by Japan 's new government , is that it will erode hard-earned savings .

  22. 通过允许各国央行用硬通货(如美元或欧元)来交换SDR,并以此为更高的进口融资,它将缓解衰退倾向的问题。

    It would reduce the problem of recessionary bias , by allowing central banks to exchange SDRs for hard currency , such as dollars or euros , and use it to finance higher imports .

  23. 根据M1和M2的供给模型,股票市场可以通过通货比率、超额准备金率、法定准备金率、存款结构比、基础货币5条途径影响货币供给。

    Base on the models of M1 and M2 , the stock market can influence money supply through the currency rate , the excess reserve rate , the required reserves rate , the ratio of quasi money to deposits by enterprises and the base money .

  24. 但是,当委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)无法履行其债务换石油还款计划时,它被迫从央行借钱,从而加剧了硬通货短缺,助长通胀,妨碍食品进口。

    However , when PDVSA , the national oil company , was unable to meet its debt-for-oil repayment schedules , it was forced to borrow from the central bank , contributing to the hard currency shortage that is fuelling inflation and curtailing imports of food .

  25. 可是现在突然间欧洲通货危机已迫在眉睫。

    But suddenly Europe is up to its eyebrows in one .

  26. 大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。

    The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover .

  27. 欧洲经济共同体的通货是什么?

    What 's the currency in EEC , do you know ?

  28. 由国家银行或政府发行的官方通货。

    The official currency issued by a government or national bank .

  29. 中朝之间有大量贸易是用硬通货完成的。

    There is a lot of trade done using hard currency .

  30. 2.采矿业(涨0.9%)&贵金属通货再膨胀

    Mining ( + 0.9 % ) – precious metals reflation