
  • 网络Inflation;inflation risk
  1. imf表示,许多新兴市场必须提高利率,削减政府赤字,并加大货币升值步伐,以抑制通胀风险。

    Many emerging markets had to raise interest rates , cut government deficits and let currencies appreciate more to contain the inflation risk , the IMF said .

  2. 如果把一些其它较为重要的因素,如汇率风险、通胀风险、财富效应纳入trick模型,该模型就能得到进一步的完善。

    If we add some important factors , such as exchange rate risk , inflation risk , and treasure effect into this model , the model can get further perfect .

  3. 而随着一些投资者怀疑美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve,简称:美联储)能否按期结束刺激计划,黄金对冲通胀风险的重要意义也就再度凸显出来。

    Gold also is regaining its role as a hedge against inflation as some investors question the Federal Reserve 's commitment to ending its economic stimulus .

  4. 与此同时,美联储(FederalReserve)主席伯南克(BenBernanke)表示,美元不断走软,油价日益飙升,给美国带来通胀风险。

    At the same time , Ben Bernanke , chairman of the US Federal Reserve , said the falling dollar and soaring oil prices posed risks to US inflation .

  5. 汇丰银行(HSBC)的经济学家本周表示,对央行官员来说,与2007年相比,2008年平衡通缩与通胀风险的任务将棘手得多。

    For central bankers , balancing deflation and inflation risks will be much trickier in 2008 than it was in 2007 , HSBC economists said this week .

  6. 看好中国的人士主张,总的来说,中国官方在处理一项艰巨任务(在牺牲不超过大概1个百分点的gdp增幅的情况下尽力控制通胀风险)方面表现出色。

    China bulls contend that the authorities are by and large managing a huge job well controlling inflationary risks as much as they can without taking more than perhaps 1 percentage point off GDP growth .

  7. IMF提出,通胀风险降低没有起到助力长期利率降低的作用,因为“期限利差”——指短期利率与长期利率之间的差值——并未下降。

    The IMF argues that declining inflation risk has not contributed to the fall in long-term rates , since the " term spread " - the gap between short and longer-term rates - has not fallen .

  8. diw的齐墨尔曼警告,美国和英国正在孕育通胀风险。

    Mr Zimmermann at the DIW warned of inflation risks being created in the US and UK .

  9. 正如现任美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)在2002年的精彩演说中所指出的,如果即便没有通胀风险,政府债券收益率仍在上升,那么美联储可以只管买入政府债券。

    As Ben Bernanke , now fed chairman , pointed out in his brilliant speech in 2002 , if government bond yields rise even though there is no inflation risk , the Fed can just buy government bonds .

  10. 欧元汇率大幅攀升。欧洲央行(ECB)此前警告,通胀风险正愈演愈烈,需要予以高度警惕&这个词过去往往是欧洲央行将在下次会议上加息的信号。

    The euro climbed sharply after the European Central Bank warned that inflation risks were gaining momentum and that strong vigilance was warranted – a phrase often used in the past as a signal that interest rates would be raised at the next meeting .

  11. 香港已推出首只追踪金价的交易所交易基金(ETF),以便利用人们对黄金的兴趣。目前,金价正在历史高点附近徘徊,而亚洲投资者正在寻找对冲通胀风险的方法。

    Hong Kong 's first exchange-traded fund to track the price of gold has been launched to take advantage of interest in the metal as its price hovers near record highs and investors in Asia look for ways to hedge against inflation .

  12. 货币主义者应该对通胀风险相当放心。

    Monetarists should be quite relaxed about the risks of inflation .

  13. 以前,通胀风险一直处于上行趋势。

    Until recently , inflation risks were on the upside .

  14. 几年内几乎没有通胀风险。

    There is little risk of inflation for several years .

  15. 鉴于日益上升的通胀风险,这种要求完全合理。

    Given the rising risk of inflation , that is only reasonable .

  16. 它到处都能看到通胀风险,引得外界专家们哈哈大笑。

    Its sightings of inflationary danger everywhere provoked mirth among outside experts .

  17. 严重的经济衰退意味着眼下不存在通胀风险。

    The deep recession means that there is no immediate risk of inflation .

  18. 新兴经济体资本大量流入,通胀风险上升。

    Emerging economies are seeing large capital inflows and face mounting inflationary risks .

  19. 代价的形式是日后通胀风险上升。

    It comes in the form of an increased risk of inflation later .

  20. 它在那些汇率低估的新兴经济体加剧了通胀风险。

    It intensifies inflation risk in those emerging economies with undervalued exchange rates .

  21. 目前,欧洲央行并未发现欧元区存在通胀风险。

    Currently , the ECB did not see deflation risks for the eurozone .

  22. 通胀风险迫使美元继续升息

    Inflation risks force dollars continues to raise interest

  23. 但在当前的经济环境下,通胀风险是非常轻微的。

    But in the current economic environment , the risk of inflation is very slight .

  24. 通胀风险为零。

    The risk of inflation is zero .

  25. 通胀风险很明确,但目前值得一试。

    The risk to inflation is clear but , at this point , worth taking .

  26. 更重要的是,提前退出刺激政策不会降低通胀风险。

    More importantly , that danger will not be reduced by early withdrawal of stimulus .

  27. 至少在上世纪70年代,投资者明显是在对冲通胀风险。

    At least in the 1970s it was clear what investors were hedging against inflation .

  28. 不,这将增加通胀风险。

    Nein , that would risk inflation .

  29. 但对中国面临的通胀风险,大多数经济学家仍持轻松的态度。

    Yet the majority of economists remain relaxed about the inflationary risks China is facing .

  30. 美联储很有可能继续强调通胀风险,而非经济增长。

    It is very likely to continue to emphasise the risks to inflation rather than growth .