
tōng lù
  • passage;access;route;approach;highway;thoroughfare;highroad
通路 [tōng lù]
  • (1) [thoroughfare;highway;highroad;route]∶交通大道

  • (2) [passage;access]∶泛指通过的途径

通路[tōng lù]
  1. HBsAb与其他4项血清学指标间的通路分析

    Thoroughfare Analysis Between Serological Markers of HBsAb and the 4 Others

  2. 采国际OEM代工流程,灵活多变配置标准,满足通路商不同定制规范;

    Adopt international OEM labor 's process , much more vivid change allocation standard , satisfy thoroughfare company dissimilarity make to order norm ;

  3. 她在记者群中挤出一条通路。

    She forced her way through the crowd of reporters .

  4. 我们在茂密的植被中开出一条通路。

    We fought our way through the dense vegetation .

  5. 他在拥挤的街道上挤出了一条通路。

    He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets

  6. 去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。

    The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields .

  7. 研究人员推测,手艺活动促进了大脑神经通路的发展,有助于保持认知健康。

    The researchers speculate that craft activities promote the development of nerve pathways in the brain that help to maintain cognitive health .

  8. 尼罗河也是一条适合船只航行的通路。

    The Nile also made a perfect highway for boats .

  9. 这个偏远的山区没有可靠的运输通路,彻底阻碍了那里的经济发展

    The absence of reliable transportation in the remote mountain region stymies economic development there .

  10. 磷脂酶C信号通路与M通道调控

    Phospholipase C signaling pathway and M channel modulation

  11. 通路克隆系统:DNA重组技术的新进展

    Gateway Cloning System : Recent Advance of DNA Recombination Technology

  12. 固有活性涉及受体、G蛋白及下游信号通路之间的关系。

    Constitutive activity involves interaction of receptors , G proteins , and down-stream signal transduction pathways .

  13. 介绍了高性能定点可重构DSP处理器的数据通路设计。

    In this paper , the data path of a high performance reconfigurable DSP processor is introduced .

  14. 以TGF信号通路为靶点的治疗。

    TGF signaling pathway as a target of treatment .

  15. 选择性剪接在Toll样受体4信号转导通路中的作用

    The role of alternative splicing in the Toll-like receptor 4 signal transduction

  16. 一种WDM光网络中的递归式子通路保护算法

    A Novel Recursive Shared Segment Protection Algorithm in Survivable WDM Networks

  17. 非甾体类抗炎药经转录活化蛋白-1及核因子-κB信号传导通路抑制结肠癌细胞生长

    Inhibiting effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on growth of colon cancer cells in vitro through activator protein-1 and nuclear factor - κΒ signal transduction pathway

  18. 网状WDM网中支持区分可靠性的共享通路保护算法

    Shared-Path Protection Algorithm with Differentiated Reliability in Meshed WDM Networks

  19. Notch与Ras/MAPK信号通路在胚胎发育及肿瘤发生中的串话

    Crosstalk Between Notch and Ras / MAPK Pathways in Embryonic Development and Tumorigenesis

  20. 神经干细胞增殖分化过程中Notch通路信号分子的表达

    Expression of Notch signal molecules during proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells

  21. 研究发现,机械应力能够激活成骨细胞NF-κB信号转导通路,进而完成对成骨细胞基因表达的调控。

    It is found that NF - κ B signal transduction pathway is activated by mechanical strain , and regulates the gene expression in osteoblast cells .

  22. 结论AF可能经过TLR-NF-κB信号转导通路诱导人角膜上皮细胞表达IL-B和TNF-α等炎性细胞因子。

    Conclusions AF agent may induce human corneal epithelial cells express inflammatory cytokines via TLR-NF - κ B pathway .

  23. 目的探讨胰源性脾静脉阻塞所致侧支循环的通路和相应侧支血管螺旋CT表现及其解剖学基础。

    Objective To investigate the spiral CT manifestations of the collateral circulation pathways resulting from splenic vein occlusion ( SVO ) duo to pancreatic diseases .

  24. 大鼠硅肺纤维化中凋亡及信号通路caspase-3的作用

    Apoptosis and caspase-3 in the model of rat silicosis

  25. Fas可能是AM调节Eos凋亡的通路之一。

    Fas might be one of mechanism that AM promoting apoptosis of Eos .

  26. HFC上行通路的噪声类型与抑制方法

    The Noise Sorts and the Suppression Methods on the Upstream Channel in HFC

  27. 核转录因子κB是PMN激活信号转导最后共同通路之一。

    Nuclear factor κ B is one of the last common via for the signal transduction of neutrophil activation .

  28. 针对专用网络运行过程中光监控通路出现的问题,论文提出了基于DSP的扩频方案。

    In order to deal with some questions in the optical supervisory channel while running , a scheme based on DSP is proposed .

  29. 激活NGF/trkA信号传导通路引起NB细胞良性分化的研究

    Study on role of NGF / trkA signal transduction pathway in fine differentiation of human neuroblastoma

  30. NF-κB/IκB信号通路在IL-1β诱导的肾系膜细胞环氧化酶-2表达中的作用

    Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in IL-1 β - stimulated mesangial cells is medicated by NF - κ B / I κ B signal pathway