
luó ji bèi lùn
  • logical paradox
  1. 其次,作为分析工具的逻辑悖论。

    Secondly , logical paradox as the " tool for logical analysis " .

  2. 克里普克的逻辑悖论研究

    Kripke 's Research on Logical Paradox

  3. 资本扩张、资本逻辑悖论与科学发展观

    Capital Expansion , Capital Logic Paradox and Scientific Outlook on Development

  4. 逻辑悖论与自我指称&兼评克里普克的逻辑悖论思想

    Logical Paradoxes and Self-reference & on Kripke 's thoughts of logical paradoxes

  5. 不完全合约理论的逻辑悖论与企业理论的创新

    A Paradox of Theory of Incomplete Contracts and Innovation of the Firm Theory

  6. 社会福利的国家道义与福利社会化逻辑悖论分析

    Logic Paradox Analysis on Social Welfare and Moral Welfare

  7. 这些系统虽然有漂亮的完全性,但都含有一些道义逻辑悖论。

    Although these systems have perfect completeness , they all contain deontic logic paradoxes .

  8. 四种重要的道义悖论并不是严格意义上的逻辑悖论。

    The thesis introduces and analyses four kinds of famous and important deontic paradox .

  9. 只有因果律才能彻底解决逻辑悖论问题。

    Only the law of causation is the key to solve the problem of logic paradox .

  10. 历史主义的研究方法和本质主义的抽象追问之间的逻辑悖论是此一难题产生的根本原因。

    The paradox between the historicism study way and the way question on hypostases is the fundamental cause .

  11. 理论型道德悖论有道义逻辑悖论和伦理悖论;知行型道德悖论则称为德行悖论。

    Theoretical moral paradox has just logical paradox and ethical paradox while practical moral paradox is called behavioral paradox .

  12. 论文先引入彩票悖论这个问题,并论证它是一种严格的逻辑悖论。

    This paper introduces the problem of lottery paradox firstly , and argues that it is a strict logical paradox .

  13. “完全学分制”存在着语义学上的逻辑悖论,在制度理性上不可能,在现实中也不存在。

    Complete credit system has illogicality in semantics . It is impossible on system , and does not exist in reality .

  14. 随着研究的深入发展,逻辑悖论研究的重心自然而然转移到了语义悖论上来。

    With the deepening and development of research , the focus of logical paradox research is naturally shifted to semantical paradox .

  15. 20世纪30年代初,逻辑悖论研究的重心从集合论悖论逐渐过渡到语义悖论。

    In the early 1930s , the research emphasis of logic paradox was transferred gradually from set theory paradox to semantic paradox .

  16. 严格意义上的逻辑悖论有三大构成要素:公认正确的背景知识、严密无误的逻辑推导、能够推出矛盾等价式。

    Strict logical paradox generally contains three important element factors : well-known background knowledge , refined logical-inference and contradictive equality that can be reasoned .

  17. 研究表明,准确把握逻辑悖论的实质的前提条件是正确区分逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾。

    Researches has shown that to distinguish logic contradiction and dialectical contradiction correctly is the foundation and prerequisite for grasping the essence of logical paradox .

  18. 另一方面,由于投票悖论只是人类社会生活中发生的真实现象的一种反映,所以它不构成逻辑悖论。

    On the other hand , since " voting paradox " is a reflection of some realistic phenomena in human society , it is not a logical paradox .

  19. 自70年代末国内悖论研究兴起至今,逻辑悖论的矛盾归属问题,一直都是热点。

    Since the rise of domestic Paradox researches in the late 70s , the problem of " contradiction ownership " of logical paradox , has been a problem hotly discussed .

  20. 批判性阐释了逻辑悖论的定义及其分类;发掘了逻辑悖论形成的根源;构建了解决悖论的合理标准。

    This section critically explains the definition and classification of logical paradox . This section discovers the roots cause that formed the logical paradox , and constructs reasonable standards for solving paradox .

  21. 他的阶级普遍反对的是国王对国家的背叛,这是一个比哥德尔和罗素的发现更加严重的逻辑悖论。

    For his class , the horror was rather that the King himself had betrayed King and Country , a logical paradox more upsetting than any that Russell or Gdel had found .

  22. 按照英国逻辑学家拉姆塞(F.P.Ramsey)的悖论分类,逻辑悖论可以划分为两种不同的类型:集合论&语形悖论和语义悖论。

    According to the classification of the paradox of the English logician F. P. Ramsey , logic paradox can be divided into two different types : set-theory & syntax paradox and semantic paradox .

  23. 本文的研究表明:联合检验问题的存在产生了一个逻辑悖论&检验有效市场需要一个正确的资产定价模型,而检验资产定价模型又必须在有效的资本市场中进行;

    The research shows : there is a logical paradox in Joint Hypothesis Problem , that is test of EMH needs a correct APM , while test of APM must be done in an efficient market ;

  24. 逻辑悖论一直是学界研究的重点和难点问题之一,关于解决悖论的方案自悖论产生起就层出不穷,但至今还没有一个能绝对圆满地解决这一难题。

    The research of paradox has been an emphasis and difficult point for a long time . The solutions of the paradox are endless from its being , but so far no one can satisfactorily resolve them .

  25. 反思这些规定,我们发现价值中立原则与图书馆教育职能明显处于逻辑悖论之中,这意味着,国际图书馆准则不能成为我们判断我国高校图书馆的思想政治教育职能合理性的逻辑前提。

    Rethink these provisions , we find that it is a logical paradox between the value and educational function in the library , which means that international rules could not be yardstick to judge the validity of the ideological and political education .

  26. 儒家仁爱思想中情感逻辑的悖论分析

    On the Paradox of the Emotional Logic in the Thought of Confucian Benevolence

  27. 现代逻辑在悖论研究中得到了具体应用,悖论问题研究促进了现代逻辑的深入发展。

    Modern logic is a specific application of the paradox re - search and developed by it .

  28. 但是逻辑全能悖论说明认知世界不同于逻辑可能世界,为描述其逻辑特征我们需要瓮模型。

    Because the paradox of logical omniscience shows that the epistemic world is different from the logical possible world , the URN model is therefore needed for us to describe the logical characteristics of the epistemic world .

  29. 基本要素均衡汇率的逻辑结构与悖论&基于汇率杠杆属性对FEER的超越

    Logic and Paradox of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates Model

  30. 杨佳的说法与杀人逻辑的权利悖论

    Right Paradox between " Yang Jia 's Settlement " and Killing Logic