
  • 网络DNA;gene;Genetic
  1. 用还原病毒更改遗传基因。

    Rewrite the victim ` s DNA with a retrovirus .

  2. 从一开始,它就是我们遗传基因的一部分。

    Its part of our DNA from our earliest days .

  3. Pan&GYZhang近似种S.遗传基因与精神分裂症的关系

    The differences between the new species and S . Association between gene and schizophrenia

  4. 西瓜少侧蔓突变型的株形及遗传基因bl的研究

    Study on Morphology and b1 Gene of Branchless Mutant in Watermelon

  5. 利用5个油分含量不同的亲本配成5个组合,研究其F2&F5油分含量的遗传基因作用方式和遗传参数。

    Five crosses were made using five soybean parents with different oil content and the genetic behavior and parameters for oil content were investigated in the hybrid progenies of F2-F5 generations .

  6. PCOS具有高度异质性,临床表现多样化。PCOS确切的病因至今尚不清楚,可能是遗传基因与环境相互作用的结果。

    The exact pathogenesis of PCOS is not clear so far , maybe the result of the interaction of genetics and environment .

  7. 由于该公司希望提高在欧洲和中国的销量,因此,新产品可能会改变mg汽车的一些“遗传基因”。

    For example , in China , which has greater extremes of temperature than Europe , soft tops are " tricky , " Mr Wang says , so the MG TF may get a hard top .

  8. 结果表明水貂的自咬症发病原因与遗传基因相关,利用RAPD标记结合SCAR标记能够区分健康与自咬水貂群体。

    The results showed that the cause of self-biting behaviour had direct reason with the genetic genes , and RAPD marker combined with SCAR marker could identify the healthy and sick minks well .

  9. Potts说:“这儿有一个分子连接错位,但我们不知道专管发出味道的遗传基因的确切位置。”

    " That is one of the molecular missing links ," said Potts . " We don 't know exactly what the odorants are . "

  10. 研究试验应用作物模型与QTL定位的互补作用,对作物发育模型的生理参数作QTL定位分析,使作物发育的预测直接建立在单个遗传基因QTL的基础之上。

    This study uses the complementary role of crop modeling and QTL mapping to analyze the physiological parameters in a crop phenology model in order to make the prediction of the development duration built directly on the identified QTL .

  11. 如果利用极大值原理求解控制律,推导繁琐,计算量极大;因此改用遗传基因算法(GA)来求解最优控制律。

    When the control rule is solved by means of the theory of maximum limit , there is the disadvantage of tedious derivation and great amount of calculation , so that the gene algorithm ( GA ) is employed to solve the optimum control rule .

  12. 茄子D-10的单性结实性属于兼性单性结实,既由遗传基因控制同时又受环境调节影响。

    D-10 is a kind of facultative parthenocarpy eggplant which expresses this characteristic under low temperature .

  13. RHD1227A等位基因为亲代遗传基因,而非个体基因变异。

    RHD 1227A allele is an ancestral , but not a spontaneously mutated allele .

  14. 可是,COVEN不能除去他亲人的形象,不能除去他自己有这个遗传基因的可能性,噢,金微。

    However , COVEN can not remove the image of his relatives , he has not removed the possibility of genetic , Oh , micro-payments .

  15. 爱丁堡大学人口遗传学家JimWilson博士解释说:父母对后代各占50%的遗传基因,第一代混血儿在肤色上肯定会中和父母双方的肤色。

    Dr Jim Wilson , a population geneticist at the University of Edinburgh , explains : Since parents contribute 50 per cent of the genes each to an offspring , the first generation born to a mixed-race couple will definitely be midway in colour between the two .

  16. 目前关于高血压病遗传基因的研究着重于核基因组中可疑致病基因及遗传标志的评估,线粒体基因(mtDNA)突变在高血压发病中的作用仍是一个新的研究领域。

    Studies to identify " hypertension " genes have focused on the assessment of markers and candidate genes in the nuclear genome . What role that mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) variations play in the pathogenesis of hypertension is still needed to search for .

  17. 结论本文就最新研究唇裂与腭裂的遗传基因(IRF6)加以综合性讨论。

    The latest research was stated clearly that it was the hereditygene ( IRF6 ) of the children with cleft lips and cleft palates lips .

  18. 这些抗性植株的遗传基因需进一步进行分子学验证。

    These resistant plants should be done further molecular genetic identification .

  19. 生物的遗传基因一般存在于细胞核里。

    Generally speaking , the genes exist in the cell nucleus .

  20. 蒙古族高血压遗传基因多态性及其交互作用

    Genetic gene polymorphisms and interactions of hypertension in Mongolian people

  21. 也许这是遗传基因预先安排好的,或者是性别偏见的教育造成的。

    Perhaps it 's genetically predisposed or a result of gender-biased education .

  22. 大概你有某些遗传基因吧。

    Guess you just have to be a biood reiative .

  23. 由此可见,花粉粒表面性状特征主要是由遗传基因所决定的。

    Pollen morphological characteristics were mainly determined by genetic factors .

  24. 结构性着色是受遗传基因控制的,不受外界环境的影响。

    The structural coloration is a genetically determined and independent of outside influence .

  25. 乳腺癌遗传基因的医学伦理学思考

    A Medical Ethics Thinking on Breast Cancer Genetic Gene

  26. 他们改进了用于研究海量遗传基因信息的计算机程序。

    They improved computer programs used to study large amounts of genetic information .

  27. 那个有遗传基因的细胞。

    That cell , with its genetic material intact .

  28. 代谢综合征遗传基因的研究现状及展望

    Present researches and expectation on genes of metabolic syndrome

  29. 我想,这一定是他的遗传基因在起作用。

    I think it must be in the genes .

  30. 改变我们的遗传基因是一个道德问题。

    Altering our genetic inheritance is a moral problem .