
yí xiàng
  • portrait of the deceased;deadee;a portrait of a dead person
遗像 [yí xiàng]
  • [portrait of the deceased] 死者生前的照片或画像

遗像[yí xiàng]
  1. 报上登载了框有黑边的烈士遗像。

    The newspaper carried the martyr 's photo framed in black .

  2. 人们怕她经受不住失去爱侣的打击来安慰她,这时,她收回注视他遗像的呆痴目光,突然开口说:“他还是走了。谎言已揭穿了…………Therumorhasrevealed…………

    The people feared she cannot undergo loses lover 's attack to comfort her 。 By now , She takes back gazes at his portrait after-image the dull crazy vision , Opens the mouth to say suddenly that , " He walked . "

  3. 而后,患者们需要躺入棺中,合上双眼,照一张“遗像”。

    The students then lie down in the coffin and close their eyes to have a ' funeral portrait ' taken .

  4. 不能回故园为母亲尽孝,我在书房母亲的遗像前焚香默念。

    Incapable of return homeland to carry out piety , in room of study before mother 's photo I incensed saying silently .

  5. 2007年1月23日,中国北京,一位工作人员正在撤走舞台上一张用来做道具的遗像。

    On Jan23,2007 , Beijing China , a staff member is taking away a portrait of the deceased used as stage prop .

  6. 少年时听长辈说,过了这一天,逝去的亲人将慢慢走远,不再回头。当天夜里,一个人坐在母亲的遗像前,我注视流泪。

    In youth having heard senior said that , after that day , departed family will gradually go away , no longer look back again .

  7. 佛堂一角供奉着蜡烛、香以及水果,其上是她父亲的一幅遗像。

    In the corner there is an offering to Buddha of candles , incense and fruit , above which hangs a portrait of her late father .

  8. 韩国庆尚南道金海市,前来悼念前总统卢武铉的悼念者在卢武铉的遗像前痛哭不已。

    Thousands of South Koreans lined up to pay respects to their formalleader Roh Moo-hyun as the nation was reeling from the shock of his apparent suicide .

  9. 她在长久弃置不用、无人居住的房间里,坐在靠近母亲遗像的窗口,在沉思中消磨了一个个小时。

    and , sitting in a window , near her mother 's picture , in the unused room so long deserted , wore away the thoughtful hours .

  10. 死难者家属拿着他们心爱的人的遗像,内心虽然不愿意去回忆过去,但是却无法抹去这些痛苦。

    The relatives held up the photos of their perished loved ones , visceral reminders of the day they may hate to remember but cannot bear to forget .

  11. 他的第二次呈现是在那位伟人逝世的追悼会上,人们还是在静静的等候着,直到他来了抬起了大大的遗像率队走出了工厂的大门。

    His second present in the great man died 's funeral , people were waiting quietly , until he comes up a big team out of the factory framed photos rate of the gate .

  12. 一间是客厅,铺了张彩色地毯,带了几分喜气;却挂了一份讣告和已死去的众多孩子中的一个的遗像,又带了几分忧伤。

    One of these , the parlor , gay with an ingrain carpet and dolorous with a funeral card and a death-picture of one of her numerous departed babes , was kept strictly for company .

  13. 然后,把花瓶放到面带微笑的丈夫的遗像旁。她在丈夫最喜欢的椅子里一坐就是几个小时伴着玫瑰花,凝神地望着他的照片。

    Then , sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face . She would sit for hours in her husband 's favorite chair , While staring at his picture , and the roses sitting there .

  14. 人们怕她经受不住失去爱侣的打击来安慰她,这时,她收回注视他遗像的呆痴目光,突然开口说:“他还是走了。

    The people feared she cannot undergo loses lovers attack tocomfort her.By now , She takes back gazes at his portraitafter-image the dull crazy vision , Opens the mouth to say suddenlythat , " He walked . "