
  1. 文章最后,对卷烟物流配送成本控制方法进行了总结。希望通过物流成本的研究,为建立完善卷烟配送网络作一些有益的探索。

    Finally , the paper summarizes the controlling logistics cost methods and hopes that it is a beneficial exploration to perfect tobacco distribution network by the research on logistics cost .

  2. 针对物流成本控制子系统特性,结合子系统流程分析,构建了以订单为系统驱动订单处理成本控制、采购成本控制、仓储成本控制、配送成本控制四大子系统模型。

    Aiming at characteristic of the control sub-system of logistics cost , the paper combining the process analysis of sub - system , construction four sub-system models based on spire structure of order processing , procurement , warehousing , and transportation .

  3. 然而,利用基于模糊聚类分析的数据挖掘技术在物流研究领域进行配送成本的控制,目前相关的研究工作并不是很多。

    However , there was not too much research on the control of distribution costs in logistics fields by using the data mining technology based on fuzzy clustering analysis .

  4. 运用库存ABC分类方法及库存管理的预测机制,结合利用配送总量与总成本控制方法,对金龙鱼产品在上海区域的配送管理进行优化。

    The distribution management in Shanghai would be optimized by using ABC classification of stock and prediction mechanism of stock management combine with total cost and distribution amounts control method . 6 .

  5. 因此,从不同的分拣模式出发对卷烟配送中心的分拣成本控制进行研究具有重要的理论意义,也为卷烟配送中心分拣成本控制研究提供依据。

    So the sorting cost control research of Cigarette Distribution Center from different sorting mode has important theoretical significance .

  6. 本文提出了作业成本法在配送中心中的应用模式,并在实证研究的基础上,应用价值工程进行作业分析,提出了配送中心物流成本控制的方法。

    This article advances the application pattern of activity cost in distribution center , and apply value engineering to activity analysis in the basis of investigation of praxis , so that presents the way of controlling the logistics cost in distribution center .