
pèi duì
  • pair;mate;association;matched pairs;make a pair
配对 [pèi duì]
  • [matched pairs] 配成双

  • 这只鞋只能和那一只配对儿

配对[pèi duì]
  1. 许多物种都终生配对。

    Many of the species pair for life .

  2. 他们让我们与身边的人配对组成小组。

    They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams

  3. 这两个队员配对儿,难以对付。

    The two players together make a formidable combination .

  4. 这些杯子没有能配对儿的。

    None of these glasses match .

  5. 吸烟者和不吸烟者被配对儿成为室友。

    Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates .

  6. 雌性与雄性配对时,雌性不允许其他雄性与之交配。

    During the time she is paired to a male , the female allows no other males to copulate with her

  7. 鸟常常成双配对。

    Birds often pair for life .

  8. 现在正是鸽子配对儿的好时候。

    It 's a good time to pair the doves .

  9. 在前面一节,我讨论了价键法&电子配对理论。

    In the preceding section we discussed the valence bond ( vb ) or electron-pair theory of bonding .

  10. 每次回店里“囤货”的时候,她信心洋溢。整个香水配对过程不足20分钟,感觉就像做了一次个性整修。

    Done in under 20 minutes , a perfume profiling session feels like a personality refitting .

  11. “香水配对”是精品店里日益红火的一项服务,旨在帮助客人发现合适的香水。

    A service increasingly popular with boutiques , perfume profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them .

  12. 如果没有第二个电子,这些自由基是不稳定的,因此它们会清除其他细胞,以找到一个与之配对的电子。

    Without a second electron , these free radicals are unstable7 , so they scavenge other cells to find an electron to pair with .

  13. 在日常生活中,体内的化学反应会将氧分子分裂成带有未配对电子的原子,这些电子称为自由基。

    During daily life , chemical reactions in your body can split oxygen molecules5 into atoms with unpaired electrons , which are called free radicals6 .

  14. 两位美国匿名女性发布了一个广告:“我们需要两位男士(最好是关系特别好的哥们,可以和我们俩姐妹配对)共度节日。我们的爱情是假的,但会像史诗般绚烂。我们要让所有人艳羡我们。”

    Two American unnamed women created one ad read : ' We need two guys ( preferably two in a bromance to match our womance ) to stick around for the holidays . Our love will be fake , but epic . We want to make everyone jealous . '

  15. 论公平分配对扩大就业的影响P地上几乎相等;

    On the Influence of Equal Allotment upon Further Employment that of P is nearly equal ;

  16. 配对Logistic回归及其QuickBASIC语言程序应用初步研究

    Primary Research of Matched Logistic Regression and Its Program Application of Quick Basic Language

  17. Mg(OH)2包覆红磷复配对阻燃聚丙烯力学性能的影响

    Influence of Mg ( OH ) _2 Coated Red Phosphorus Flame-Retardant Compound on Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene

  18. 围产儿出生缺陷危险因素的Logistic配对研究

    Case-control study of conditional logistic regression on risk factors of perinatals ' birth defects

  19. 组织,总RNA配对,人原发性和转移肿瘤,胃。

    Tissue , Total RNA Matched Pairs , Human Primary and Metastasis Tumor , Stomach .

  20. 树脂复配对PVC增塑糊黏度及稳定性的影响

    Effect of Compounding of PVC Paste Resins on Viscosity and Stability of Corresponding PVC Plastisols

  21. 数据用x±s,统计学分析应用配对t检验。

    Results are expressed as mean ± SEM and the statistical analysis was performed using the paired Student 's t-test .

  22. 进行了从宿主AP到其配对AP的手工切换。

    A manual switchover is made from the host AP to its mate AP .

  23. 利用SAS软件对两种方法测定结果进行了配对t检验。

    The results as matched data were tested with t-test .

  24. LNG元件动态配对方法研究及测试系统设计

    The Research on Dynamic Match Method for LNG Element and Testing System Design

  25. 在一组原发灶及淋巴结转移癌配对标本中,同一病人之两个部位P(53)突变蛋白表达差异无明显意义。

    No significant difference was found on the expression of P ( 53 ) protein between primary and metastatic sites in 3 paired samples of meibomian gland carcinoma .

  26. AP上的每个RCS在其配对AP上都有一个配对RCS。

    Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP .

  27. 统计学方法采用SAS系统软件,作配对t检验及相关分析。

    SAS system soft ware was used for paired t-test and correlation anslysis .

  28. 任务类型对中国EFL课堂配对互动影响的研究

    A Study on the Effects of Task Types on Pair Interaction in Chinese EFL Classroom

  29. 设备ID将存储在手机内存中。耳机显示灯将快速闪烁显示耳机配对成功。

    Confirm to pair the Pairing is successful when headset with the phone . the headset indicator flashes rapidly .

  30. DNA分子生物技术,这是一个最新发展起来的以模拟分子生物DNA的双螺旋结构和碱基互补配对规律进行信息编码的方法和技术。

    DNA molecular biology technique is a method occurring recently to encode information by simulating the double helix structure of DNA and the Watson-Crick complementary condition .