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  1. 谈谈铁强化酱油辣椒沙司的研制

    Iron - fortified soy sauce

  2. 这家公司也是越南酱油和辣椒酱市场的领军企业,以及作为越南人一种主食的方便面的第二大生产商。

    It is the market leader in soy and chilli sauce and the second biggest producer of instant noodles , staples in the Vietnamese diet .

  3. 我还喜欢用海鲈鱼加东方香料、姜、酱油、辣椒、柠檬草和一些菠菜,一起包在箔纸里烹制。

    I also like sea bass , wrapped up in foil with oriental spices , ginger , soy sauce , chilli , lemon grass and some spinach .

  4. 整个工艺流程可分为抽提菇汁、制取酱油、辣椒制酱、制熟酱和调味灭菌等几个主要步骤。

    Its mainly procedures include : extraction of mushroom , production of soy sauce , making of chili sauce , production of sauce glue , seasoning and sterilization ect .

  5. 豆腐花是凝固的豆奶制成的,入口即化,含着大豆的柔和清香,上面撒着五彩缤纷的什锦配料,有干虾皮,酸萝卜,海带,小葱,酱油,还有辣椒油。

    Made by curdling soy milk , this smooth tofu soup contains the subtle flavor of soybeans beneath a colorful mixed dressing of dried shrimps , pickled radish , seaweed , scallion , soy sauce and chili oil .

  6. 当地美食没有比麻婆豆腐更让人爱不释口的了。又滑又韧的豆腐,肉末、蒜苗配以豆豉、辣椒豆瓣酱、酱油和干红辣椒,用大量的油烹制而成。

    No local specialty is more treasured than mapo dofu , a sumptuous melange of silky firm bean curd , chopped meat and suanmiao ( a local leek ) cooked in liberal amounts of oil with black beans , chili-beanpaste , soy sauce and dried chilies .

  7. 将柠檬汁、酱油、大蒜和辣椒放入搅拌器,搅匀。

    In blender , combine lime juice , soy sauce , garlic , and jalapeno ; puree until smooth .

  8. 珠江桥酱油、老干妈辣椒油等中国产品颇受顾客的欢迎。

    Products from China popular with shoppers include Pearl River Bridge 's range of soy sauces and Lao Gan Ma 's Hot Chili Oil .

  9. 有些是个人的混合,而大多数包括酱油,醋,辣椒,有的人想打败一个新鲜鸡蛋,或只是白到酱。

    Some are personal concoctions ; while most consist of soy sauce , vinegar , and hot pepper , some people like to beat a fresh egg , or just the white of it , into the sauce .