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suān chéng
  • lime;Seville orange;bigarade
酸橙[suān chéng]
  1. 索菲身着酸橙绿和海军蓝,显得很时尚。

    Sophie looked chic in lime green and navy .

  2. 盐渍的酸橙是北非的一种特产,在烹制鸡肉时用来调味。

    Lime preserved in salt is a north African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes .

  3. 人们发现橙子、柠檬和酸橙能治疗坏血病。

    Oranges , lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy

  4. 给这道菜配上几角酸橙

    Serve the dish garnished with wedges of lime .

  5. 以完整水果作对比,草莓、杏子、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、哈密瓜、油桃、橙子、梨、蓝莓、桃子、李子、苹果和菠萝的血糖负荷指数不超过6。

    Compare that to whole fruits . Strawberries , apricots , grapefruit , lemon , limes , cantaloupe , nectarines , oranges , pears , blueberries , peaches , plums , apples and pineapple have glycemic loads of 6 or less .

  6. 煮面条的时候,一定要把面条倒在一些酸橙上,加入维生素C,有助于预防坏血病。

    When you cook the noodles be sure to pour them over some limes to infuse them with vitamin C to help prevent scurvy .

  7. 酸橙(lime)是荧光绿色的,味道刺激浓郁;

    lime , fluorescent green and seethingly tangy ;

  8. 磷铝与硼铝互作对柚叶片和根系有机酸代谢的影响HPLC法测定不同规格酸橙枳实中新橙皮苷和柚皮苷的含量

    Effects of Phosphorus-Aluminum and Boron-Aluminum Interactions on Organic Acid Metabolism in the Leaves and Roots of Pummelo HPLC determination of neohesperidin and naringin in Fructus Aurantii Immaturus of different specifications

  9. 在鲍温的另一家具有墨西哥风情的小馆MissionCantina,拍黄瓜搭配的调料味道很强烈,有酸橙、茴香和牛至叶粉口味的芝麻酱。

    At Mr. Bowien 's Mexican-influenced restaurant Mission Cantina , they are served with an intensely flavored dressing of lime , cumin and oregano-flavored sesame paste .

  10. 在我发现FullTerm之前,克里斯塔下载了MyPregnancyToday,它能告诉充满期待的准妈妈子宫里每周发生的情况(12周的时候,那个应用程序说,我们孩子的大小跟一颗酸橙差不多)。

    Before I discovered Full Term , Chrysta downloaded My Pregnancy Today , which shows expectant mothers what 's happening in the womb week by week . ( At 12 weeks , the app said , our baby was the size of a lime . )

  11. 前几天,就在《财富》(Fortune)杂志社,当几位记者绘声绘色地描述他们颤颤巍巍地品尝Chapul椰子、姜汁、酸橙或花生酱和巧克力棒样品的经历时,有好几位编辑都露出了惊恐万分的表情。

    Some of that trepidation was on display the other day at Fortune when several reporters said they were scared to even try samples of the Chapur coconut , ginger and lime or the peanut butter and chocolate bar .

  12. 伦敦GateGourmet餐厅的餐饮行政主厨凯文?莱韦特(KevinLevett)表示,拿一道猪颊肉的菜式来说,“我们在酱料中加入了更多的酸橙和香茅草”。GateGourmet餐厅为英国航空公司提供配餐服务。

    For a pork cheeks dish , ' we had to pack more lime and lemon grass into the sauce , ' said Kevin Levett , executive chef for production at Gate Gourmet in London , which caters BA 's flights .

  13. 我喜欢新西兰白苏维浓(SauvignonBlanc)的清新。它的新鲜水果香气令人想起了猕猴桃、酸橙和青苹果,但它那带有薄荷味的异国情调又让我联想到鸡蛋果。

    I like New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc for its freshness , its green fruits aroma reminiscent of kiwi , lime and green apple but with its minty , exotic notes that also remind me of passion fruit .

  14. 泛马沙拉(panmasala),它点缀着瓜子、坚果、酸橙、丁香和薄荷,它就是以此命名的。你可以在一顿印度大餐之后把它一下子放入口中。

    and pan masala , named after ( and studded with ) the sprinkle of seeds , nuts , lime , cloves and menthol that you might throw into your mouth at the end of an Indian meal .

  15. 强株系CTV-3侵染墨西哥酸橙后,脉明明显的区域,有63%的维管束鞘厚壁组织细胞退化,脉明不明显的区域仅有34%~48%的退化;

    A severe CTV isolate , CTV-3 infected Mexican lime had 63 % of vascular bundle sheath cell degraded at the prominent vein clearing area and 34 % - 48 % in the less prominent areas .

  16. 葡萄柚含有一种叫做furanocoumarin的化学物质(还发现在塞维利亚橘子和酸橙中但不是瓦伦西亚或其他甜橙),通过抑制CYP3A4这种酶可以阻止一些处方药的分解。

    Grapefruit contains a type of chemical called furanocoumarin ( also found in seville oranges and limes but not valencia or other sweet oranges ) , which , by inhibiting the enzyme CYP3A4 , stops the breakdown of some prescription drugs .

  17. 威廉姆斯太太:是嘛,我喜欢苹果和酸橙。

    Mrs. Williams : Well , I like apples and limes .

  18. 各种酸橙树结的绿色酸果实。

    The green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees .

  19. 酸橙中一个新的香豆素苷

    A New Coumarin Glucoside from the Fruits of Citrus aurantium

  20. 由浪姆酒、酸橙或带有糖的柠檬汁和有时有苦味的酒混合而成的酒。

    Rum and lime or lemon juice with sugar and sometimes bitters .

  21. 混有酸橙和柠檬汁的龙舌兰酒和具有甜味的香槟酒。

    Tequila and triple sec with lime and lemon juice .

  22. 酸橙花化学成分研究

    Studies on Chemical Constituents from the Flower of Citrus aurantium

  23. 酸橙树咖啡馆使我想起了洛杉矶。

    Lime tree coffee shop reminds me of Los Angeles .

  24. 最后,我们还需要柠檬、酸橙和桔皮。

    And finally , we have lemon , lime and orange rind .

  25. 酸橙或柠檬味的碳酸水,含有奎宁。

    Lime - or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine .

  26. 研究结果为酸橙枳实、枳壳采收期的制定提供了实验依据。

    The results provided an experimental basis for formulating harvest periods . 2 .

  27. 今年酸橙树会结果吗?

    Will the lime tree bear fruit this year ?

  28. 橘子、柠檬、酸橙和葡萄柚是柑橘属水果的几种。

    Oranges , lemons , limes and grapefruit are types of citrus fruit .

  29. 安米慌乱地抖出差不多一半酸橙,将剩下的乖乖地送上去。

    Amy hastily shook out half a dozen and laid the rest down before Mr.

  30. 我要喝一杯酸橙伏特加。

    I 'll have a vodka and lime .