
  1. 本文系统地阐述了国家医疗卫生信息网络工程(金卫工程)的主要内容及其实施将对医学情报工作产生的影响。

    The principal content of national medical information network project ( golden healthproject ) and the effect of its realization on medical information work are described .

  2. 1995年,我国也紧跟卫生信息化发展潮流,由卫生部提出了金卫工程的战略部署。

    In 1995 , China put forward " Gold Health Project " strategic deploy by the Ministry of health with Trend of development of health information technology .

  3. 作为国家卫生部金卫工程的一个重要组成部分,医院信息系统的开发及应用越来越被认可与重视。

    As a national ministry of health " JinWei project " an important part of hospital information system development and application is more and more recognized and valued .

  4. 金卫工程对医学情报工作的影响认清军医学发展趋势,做好情报工作

    The Effect of Golden Health Project on Medical Information Work Getting a clear understanding of the trend in military medical development and making great efforts to do medical information work well