
  1. 转让和出售汽车贷款应收款业务。向金融机构借款。

    Transferring and selling auto loan receivables ; borrowing from financial institutions ;

  2. 长期借款包括向金融机构借款和向其他单位借款。

    Long-term loans payable include the loans borrowed from financial institutions and other units .

  3. 第十七条合作企业可以向中国境内的金融机构借款,也可以在中国境外借款。

    Article 17 A contractual joint venture may obtain loans from financial institutions within the territory of China and may also obtain loans outside the territory of China .

  4. 利率变动不仅影响到银行贷款和证券的收益,还会影响到存款和向其他金融机构借款的成本。

    The fluctuation of the interest rate not only affect the gains of the loans and securities , but also affect the deposits and the cost of borrowing money from other financial institutions .

  5. 大创企业由于其自身条件的限制,利用传统融资方式筹资的困难较大,因此本文重点介绍了向非金融机构借款、商业信用、租赁、短期借款等筹资方式的税收筹划要点。

    Because of the restrictions of college students ' conditions , the difficulties of financing using traditional methods are larger , therefore this article focuses the tax plan on the loans to the non-financial institutions credit , leasing , commercial tax planning , short-term borrowing and other financing methods .

  6. 亚当斯表示,协会希望看到各大金融机构鼓励借款方使用该规程。

    Mr. Adams said his association would like to see financial institutions encourage borrowers to use it .

  7. 次贷是金融机构与借款者进行赌博,赌的就是借款者背信发生的时间和概率。

    Subprime lending is a gamble between financial institutions and borrowers , betting for the time and probability of borrowers'fink-out .

  8. 银行为了资产安全,宁愿不赚钱,也不肯向企业贷款,不肯向其他金融机构提供借款。

    Bank to the security of assets , would prefer not to make money , but also refused to extend loans to enterprises , refused to provide loans to other financial institutions .

  9. 此外,单一金融机构的借款和贷款余额将不得超过其净资本的100%;任何银行向一切非银行类金融机构发放的贷款不得超过其净资本的25%。

    Outstanding borrowing and lending with a single financial institution wouldn 't be allowed to exceed 100 % of any bank 's own net capital , and any bank 's loans to all nonbank financial institutions wouldn 't be permitted to rise above 25 % of its net capital .

  10. 凡向金融机构或他人借款等所发生之利息费用皆属之。

    Interest expense incurred as a result of borrowing from financial institutions or other persons .

  11. 而后,韩国经济所取得的积极评估也为韩国企业和金融机构的海外借款创造了条件。

    Besides , the positive assessment obtained by Korean economy also creates the chance of overseas borrowing of financial institutions .

  12. 所以,房地产开发企业在很大程度上依赖于金融机构提供的长期借款。

    Therefore , the real estate development companies rely heavily on financial institutions to provide long-term loans .

  13. 一是介绍企业间借款合同的概念和特征,使之与自然人之间的民间借款合同、自然人与金融机构之间,以及企业与金融机构之间的借款合同相区别。

    The first point introduces the concept and the characteristics of inter-enterprise loan contracts so as to have them distinguished from the loan contracts between natural persons , individuals and financial institutions , and enterprises and financial institutions .