
  • 网络Financial Development;finance development;Development Finance
  1. 世界银行(WorldBank)在周二发布的《全球金融发展》(GlobalDevelopmentFinance)年度报告中预计,今年发展中国家的经济增长及投资规模仅有温和下降。

    On Tuesday , the World Bank predicted modest declines in growth rates and investment in developing countries this year , according to its annual Global Development Finance report .

  2. 对贵州省资本配置效率与金融发展状况分别作简要分析,以贵州省9个市(地区)为研究对象,测算出贵州省历年资本配置效率,根据结果进行分析。

    We realized the harmonious economic conditions of Guizhou province . Second , the efficiency of capital allocation and the state of development finance is analyzed respectively in Guizhou . Nine cities ( regions ) of Guizhou province are the research object in the article .

  3. 金融发展与贸易结构&基于HO模型的扩展分析

    Finance Development and Trade Structure-An Additional Analysis Based on HO Model

  4. 更进一步地,金融发展即可以提高的自主创新能力,还可以提高FDI的技术溢出效应。

    Furthermore , financial development can improve the capability of independent innovation , but also can improve the FDI technology spillovers .

  5. 中国金融发展与城乡收入差距关系的再检验&基于面板单位根和VAR模型的估计

    Reevaluation of the Relationships between Financial Development and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China-an Empirical Study Based on Panel Unit Root and VAR Models

  6. 从长期来看,金融发展度对人均GDP增量表现出负面的影响,这是因为金融发展度指标是一个体现金融逆效率的相对指标,对此又从规模的视角进行了对照解释。

    Because the index of degree of financial development is a counter index to show the financial counter efficiency , it makes comparative explanation from the perspective of scales .

  7. 在实证方法上,本文运用季度数据,使用向量误差修正模型(VECM)探讨研究对象的金融发展与GDP增长的长短期因果关系。

    As to the empirical method , this paper introduces the VEC model and uses quarter data to study causal relationship between financial development and GDP .

  8. 金融发展中稳定与效率的二难选择

    " Dilemma " Choice Between Stability and Efficiency in financial Development

  9. 利率市场化是金融发展的客观要求。“二战”以来,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,大都经历了一个从利率管制到市场化的体制变迁过程。

    Interest rate liberalization is the objective request for financial development .

  10. 金融发展与企业使用商业信用成显著负相关关系。

    Financial development and corporate business credit as a significant negative correlation .

  11. 收入分配与金融发展&理论分析及借鉴意义

    Revenue Distribution and Finance Development & A Theoretical Analysis and Reference Significance

  12. 金融发展与经济增长:实证研究文献述评

    Financial Development and Economic Growth : Review of Literature on Empirical Studies

  13. 金融发展、预算软约束与企业投资

    Financial Development , Soft budget constraints , and Firm Investment

  14. 金融发展与民营企业融资体系建设

    Financial Development and the Establishment of Private Business Financing System

  15. 金融发展理论的历史沿革及对中国改革的启示

    Evolutions of the Finance Development Theory and Lessons For China 's Reform

  16. 陕西农村金融发展与农民收入增长实证分析

    Practical Analysis of Shaanxi Financial Development and Peasants Income Growth

  17. 分税制改革、地方政府干预与金融发展效率

    Tax Sharing Reform , Governmental Intervention and the Efficiency of Financial Development

  18. 即金融发展的地区非均衡效应会扩大城乡收入差距。

    Namely the financial development local non-balanced effect will expand Urban-rural income disparity .

  19. 金融发展、财政分权与地区经济差异

    Financial development , fiscal decentralization and regional economic disparity

  20. 新形势下的中国农村金融发展问题研究

    Research of China countryside financing development under new situation

  21. 中国金融发展与工业增长的关系

    Correlation between Financial Development and Industrial Growth in China

  22. 经济增长·产业结构·金融发展

    Economic growth · industry structure · financial development

  23. 金融发展、融资约束与企业成长

    Financial Development , Financing Constraints and Firm Growth

  24. 金融发展失衡的区域性分析

    Regional Analysis on China 's Unbalanced Financial Development

  25. 我国金融发展中的租金效应分析&基于金融约束理论的理性回顾

    Rent Effect Analysis in China 's Financial Development

  26. 论中国西部金融发展

    Developmental Strategies of Financial System in West China

  27. 再次,分析各地区经济增长和金融发展中存在的问题。

    Again , we analyze the problems of regional economic growth and financial development .

  28. 金融发展和国有商业银行改革

    Financial development and stateowned commercial bank reforming

  29. 研究表明,资金配置效率与金融发展水平显著相关。

    The efficiency of capital allocation is positively correlated with the level of financial development .

  30. 近年来我国网上银行发展迅速,对社会经济和金融发展的影响已不容忽视。

    Internet banking began to affect the economic and financial development in lots of aspect .