
  • 网络venus probe;magellan;Venera;EV E
  1. 这些都只是欧洲太空总署希望通过轨道上的金星探测器能解决的一些困惑。

    These are just some puzzles that European Space Agency 's Venus Express now in orbit it 's hoping to solve .

  2. 据英国广播公司消息,日本发射的一颗执行为期两年探测任务的金星探测器,未能入轨,目前可能已经飞越了金星轨道。

    A Japanese probe sent on a two-year mission to Venus failed to enter orbit and may have flown passed the planet , BBC reports .

  3. 金星快车探测器在金星高空发现了羟基,并且覆盖着星球。

    The Venus Express probe discovered hydroxyl in the clouds that shroud the planet .

  4. 在1989年,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机向金星发射麦哲伦探测器。

    In 1989 the space shuttle Atlantis launches the Magellan Probe toward the Venus .

  5. 1978年12月,金星先驱者1号探测器和轨道飞行器,测定了金星大气层中的氩同位素。

    In December 1978 , the Pioneer Venus 1 probe and orbiter measured argon isotopes in the atmosphere of Venus .

  6. 首先,是苏联的“金星二号”探测器,他直接着陆在金星表面并发回了它周围的图像。

    First , there were Soviet modules2 that landed directly on the surface and sent back some images of what was around them .