
  1. 基于EPR的逆向供应链金融协调研究

    Research of the Coordination Mechanism on Reverse Supply Chain Finance Basing on EPR

  2. 湖北经济金融协调发展问题研究

    Coordinated Development of Economy and Finance in Hubei Province

  3. 大珠三角都市圈内的金融协调与融合趋势

    Financial Cooperation in the Greater Pearl River Delta Metropolitan

  4. 中部崛起战略中的金融协调

    Financial Coordination in the Rising Strategy in Middle China

  5. 欠发达地区经济金融协调发展的主要瓶颈之一是金融支撑基础薄弱。

    One of the major bottlenecks is weak financial support for less financial and economic harmonized development in less developed regions .

  6. 第四部分对湖北省经济与金融协调发展的现状及存在问题进行分析和探讨。

    The forth part is to discuss and analyses the problems about the coordinated development between economy and finance of Hubei Province .

  7. 尝试建立了一个数学模型及较为完整的区域金融协调发展理论分析框架。

    The thesis has set up a math model and a theory analysis framework of the theory of regional finance harmonious development .

  8. 另一个重大课题是汇率管理,以及支撑汇率管理的货币、金融协调与融合这个更广泛的问题。

    Another big issue is exchange rate management and the broader concerns about monetary and financial co-ordination and integration that underpin it .

  9. 收敛特征的存在使得政府政策进行区域调节,促进区域间经济与金融协调发展成为可能。

    This characteristic of convergence makes it possible for the government to promote coordinated development of financial and economic developments by taking regional adjustment measures .

  10. 作为世界经济的重要一极,亚洲各国(或地区)有必要加强本地区内的金融协调与合作。

    As an important polar of international economy , it is necessary for Asia various countries ( or area ) to strengthen financial coordination and cooperate in of this area .

  11. 本文提出的区域金融协调发展理论分析框架是基于区域协调理论,结合金融发展理论、区域金融理论和金融可持续发展理论建立起来的一个新兴子命题。

    The regional finance harmonious developing theory that the thesis provide is a new sub-subject , which is based on regional harmonious theory , combined with finance development theory , regional finance theory and finance ever-development theory .

  12. 认为区域金融协调发展既意味着区域金融业本身的协调和优化,也意味着区域之间金融发展上的合理分工。

    The thesis suggests that the concept of the regional finance harmonious development means not only the harmony of the regional finance industry , but also the properly allocation between regions in the field of finance development .

  13. 认为区域金融协调发展的实质是金融资源在区域性协调配置的效率与程度,即提高区域金融业的竞争力与效率。

    The thesis suggests that the true meaning of the regional finance harmonious development is the efficiency of the regional allocation of finance resources , namely the improvement of the competition ability and efficiency of regional finance industries .

  14. 本论文以中国传统的中庸文化和金融协调思想为基础,构建了金融监管协调的理论框架,包括金融监管协调的必要性、协调的内容、协调的目标等。

    Based on the traditional culture of harmony in China and the theory of finance harmony , the article structured the system of the theory of financial supervision harmony , include the necessity , the contents and the goals of harmony .

  15. Aiddata项目(研究发展金融)协调人迈克尔˙迪尔尼说,增加国家数据的透明度,有助于促进改善援助国协调。

    Michael Tierney , coordinator of the Aiddata Initiative , which tracks development finance , said increased transparency in country data would promote better donor coordination .

  16. 建立金融安全协调机制的路径选择

    Choice of the Ways to Establish Coordination Mechanism for Financial Security

  17. 基于进化博弈论对我国金融监管协调机制的解读

    An evolutionary game theory interpretation of China 's financial supervision mechanism

  18. 关于推动我国金融监管协调机制建设的思考

    Some Suggestions on Promoting Coordination Mechanism of Chinese Financial Supervision

  19. 初探我国金融监管协调机制

    The Research on China 's Coordination Mechanism of Financial Supervision

  20. 我国区域金融经济协调发展的关键问题与对策研究

    The key problems and countermeasure study about regional finance economy of China

  21. 第一部分为金融监管协调机制的基础理论。

    Part one conducts basic theory of coordination mechanism of financial supervision .

  22. 金融监管协调机制法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Issues on Coordinating Mechanism of Financial Supervision

  23. 有机农业与金融供给协调机制:肥城案例

    Organic Agriculture and Financial Support : Case of Feicheng

  24. 金融交易协调可靠性与金融体系脆弱性缓解

    Reliability of Coordination in Financial Bargaining and the Alleviation of Frangibility in Financial System

  25. 江西金融体系协调发展模型构建及实证

    The construction of coordinated development model and empirical study of Jiangxi 's financial system

  26. 第四,保证金融监管协调机制的良好运作。

    Fourth , our country ensure coordination of financial supervision mechanism to be smooth operation .

  27. 建立金融稳定协调机制的理论框架

    Research on Financial Stability and Coordination Mechanism

  28. 金融系统协调论

    The Coordination Theory of the Financial System

  29. 第二,经济基础的变化要求金融体系协调运行;

    Secondly , the harmonious function of financial system is necessary to the changes of economic base ;

  30. 县域经济与县域金融的协调发展是实现县域经济持续发展的基础。

    The coordinate development between county economy and county finance is the basis of county economic sustained development .