
jīn rónɡ ɡuǎ tóu
  • financial oligarch/magnate
金融寡头 [jīn róng guǎ tóu]
  • [financial magnate(oligarch)] 帝国主义国家中掌握了金融资本的少数垄断资本家。他们是国民经济命脉和国家政权的实际操纵者。也叫财政寡头

  1. 金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。

    The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies .

  2. 他曾是俄罗斯的金融寡头,并曾向利特维年科先生提供资助。

    Mr Putin 's allies point the finger at Boris Berezovsky , a renegade Russian oligarch who lives in London and sponsored Mr Litvinenko .

  3. 这里真正的极端分子是美国的金融寡头,他们要压制对让他们财富来源的任何批评。

    No , the real extremists here are America 's oligarchs , who want to suppress any criticism of the sources of their wealth .

  4. 而以蒋介石为首的金融寡头,贪官污吏,土豪劣绅,则集中了巨大的财富。

    Meanwhile the financial oligarchs , corrupt officials , local bullies and bad gentry , all headed by Chiang kai-shek , have amassed vast fortunes .

  5. 奥列芬特的漫画将我们带到了一个似乎是20世纪早期的知名的工业巨头和金融寡头的巨富世界。

    Oliphant 's cartoon takes us into a world like that of the immensely rich industrialists and financiers who were prominent in the early 20th century .

  6. 日本的资产阶级中和派,已经作了地主和金融寡头的俘虏,这是多年来日本政治的实际。

    The reality of Japanese politics for many years has been that the bourgeois moderates of Japan have fallen captive to the landlords and the financial magnates .

  7. 太阳风:您的心理状态,是看国家人民的意愿,还是看金融寡头和军火商的眼神?

    The solar wind : Your state of mind , is to look at the national will of the people , or look at financial oligarchs and arms dealers in the eyes ?

  8. 普京执政后进行经济政策调整,特别是惩治私有化过程中的严重腐败,采取措施打击金融寡头的违法掠夺,促使俄罗斯长期萧条后出现了经济复苏。

    The author discusses how Putin made adjustments in Russian economic policy , including punishing corruptions in privatization , curbing illegal plundering by financial oligarchies , and encouraging economic recovery from deep recession .

  9. 有时候,另外一些人也能成功,这是事实,但与金融寡头和企业大亨们相比,他们的成功比例微乎其微,而且往往不能持久。

    The others share [ in the winnings ] sometimes , it is true , but their share is modest compared with the oligarchs and tycoons ; and they don 't usually keep their share for long .

  10. 比如,美国金融“寡头”也许更多的是与竞选财务规则和政治性任务有关,而非银行规模的大小。

    The origins of America 's financial " oligarchy ", for instance , might have more to do with campaign-finance rules and political appointees than banks'size .

  11. 关于光滑无限现货金融市场与寡头垄断市场的均衡

    Study on Smooth Infinite Spot-financial Markets and Oligopolistic Markets

  12. 俄罗斯金融工业集团和金融寡头及其影响

    On the Finance Industrial Groups and the Finance Magnates in Russia