
  • 网络Financial supermarket;finance supermarket;financial super market
  1. 在桑迪威尔(sandyweill)一站式金融超市理念的引领下,花旗集团开启了一个由少数几家大型机构垄断的世界。

    Conceived by sandy Weill as a one-stop financial supermarket , it heralded a world dominated by a few big institutions .

  2. 农业银行开展金融超市的理论解说

    A Theoretical Study on Financial Supermarket of the Agricultural Bank of China

  3. 但华尔街迫使国会在1999年拆掉了那堵墙,使得花旗集团(citigroup)这样的金融超市能够利用其储蓄进行各种各样的赌注。

    But Wall Street forced Congress to take down the wall in 1999 , enabling financial supermarkets such as Citigroup to use its deposits to make all sorts of bets .

  4. 金融超市:21世纪金融业的发展趋势

    Financial Supermarket : the Development Trend in the Financial Industry in 21 Century

  5. 商业银行构建金融超市路径初探

    An Initial Exploration into the Way of Constructing " Financial Supermarket " for Commercial Bank

  6. 金融超市作为一种全新的经营方式已成为发达国家商业银行发展的新趋势。

    As a completely new business method , the " financial supermarket " has become a new trend for commercial banks in the developed countries .

  7. 这家全球最大银行之一突然间不得不放弃成为全球金融超市的远大理想。

    Citi , one of the biggest banks in the world , has abruptly had to abandon its grandiose ambitions to be a global financial supermarket .

  8. 过去,美国运通的“金融超市”模式已证明是灾难性的,而陈纳德先生是否想让美国运通回归这种模式,那就是另一回事了。

    Whether Mr Chenault would want to return American Express to the " financial supermarket " model which proved so disastrous for it in the past is another matter .

  9. 西方银行集团通过多年的业务拓展,大多已成为大型的金融超市,他们的业务范围涵盖了银行业、投资银行业和保险业的大部分业务。

    Western bank groups mostly have " the financial supermarkets " . Their business scope has covered majority of services of banking industry , the investment banking industry and the insurance business .

  10. 近些年来,美国个人理财业务的发展进入了成熟稳定阶段,其银行逐渐发展成为了具有综合功能的金融超市。

    In recent years , the development of the personal financial management business reached into mature stable stage , the bank has gradually developed into a comprehensive function of " financial supermarket " .

  11. 花旗曾被视为全球金融超市的典范,从它的求生挣扎中可以看出,银行想要为所有消费者提供面面俱到的服务,将要面临怎样的问题。

    The struggle for survival at Citi , once regarded as the epitome of a global financial supermarket , underscores the problems faced by banks trying to be all things to all consumers .

  12. 我这样问是因为我曾是一名有着约10年经验的银行业记者&这种经验意味着我见证了金融超市的建立,一站式服务承诺将向机构和散户提供各种各样的金融产品。

    I ask because I spent a decade or so as a banking reporter – an experience that meant I was present at the creation of the financial supermarket , the one-stop shop that promised to offer corporate and retail customers a full range of financial products .

  13. 金融全能化、超市化经营的趋势在西方国家日益明显,特别是银行与保险公司之间建立了新型的合作关系。

    The management direction as universal finance and financial supermarket are increasing distinctness in western countries , and especially bank and insurance company have set up a new style .