
  • 网络Steel beam bridge;steel-block bridge
  1. 公路装配式钢梁桥桁架挂篮施工技术的改进

    Improvement in fabricated steel beam truss hang kep construction technology bridge

  2. 体外预应力加固钢梁桥的设计计算

    The design of steel girder bridges strengthened with external prestressing

  3. 自适应设计法在连续钢梁桥上的应用

    The autostress design method for design and evaluation for steel beam bridge

  4. 预应力钢梁桥的动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis for Steel Beam Bridge with Prestress Tendons

  5. 钢桁梁桥集成化CAD系统开发研究

    Development of the Integrated CAD System for Steel Truss Bridges

  6. 基于改进的BP神经网络的钢桁梁桥损伤识别

    Damage identification of a steel truss bridge based on the improved BP neural network

  7. 半穿式钢桁梁桥横向振动TMD阻尼减振研究

    Damping Suppression of Vibration for Half-through Steel Truss Bridges Using TMD

  8. 本文以统计资料为依据,采用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)法模拟铁路钢桁梁桥典型压杆的初弯曲。

    The initial curvature or crookedness of a typical column from railway steel truss bridges is simulated by the Monte Carlo method based on statistical data .

  9. 采用空间杆系有限元方法,建立芜湖长江大桥裕溪河2×80m连续钢桁梁桥的动力分析模型。

    The 3D free vibration properties of Yuxi River continuous steel truss bridge on Wuhu Yangtze River bridge , which is of 2 × 80 m span , are analyzed by space bar FEM model .

  10. 在合理确定栓接与铆接细节疲劳强度基础上,按线性Miner疲劳累积损伤准则,对既有连续钢桁梁桥剩余寿命进行估算。

    Based on investigation of the appropriate fatigue strength category for a bolted and riveted bridge member , linear fatigue-damage accumulation approach , commonly known as Miner 's rule , is applied to calculate the fatigue life of existing continuous steel truss bridge members .

  11. 缅甸钦敦江大桥为公铁两用的栓焊下承式钢桁梁桥,主跨112m。

    The Chindwin River Bridge is for the use of both highway and railway with superstructure of continuous steel trusses , and the main span is 112 m.

  12. 摘要:ZJXZH桥是一座跨越黄河的三主桁四线铁路变高度连续钢桁梁桥,采用正交异性整体钢桥面结构。

    Abstract : ZJXZH Bridge is a triple-main-truss variable-height continuous steel truss bridge with four lines crossing the Yellow River , using orthotropic steel bridge deck .

  13. 双层公路钢桁梁桥车桥碰撞风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Vehicle Compact Agaist Double-deck Highway Steel Truss Bridge

  14. 铁路钢桁梁桥疲劳检算三线系数

    Trilinear Coefficient for Fatigue Computation of Railway Steel Truss Bridge

  15. 基于环境激励下钢桁梁桥的模态识别

    Modal Identification of Steel Truss Bridge Based on Ambient Excitation

  16. 模态变化对钢桁梁桥的损伤检测研究

    Damage Detection of Steel Truss Bridge from Changes in Modes of Vibration

  17. 钢桁梁桥施工架设方法研究综述

    Study and Overall Description to Steel Truss Bridge Construction and Installation Method

  18. 已停运钢桁梁桥疲劳应力谱的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulating of Fatigue Stress Spectra of a Railway Bridge Closed up

  19. 钢桁梁桥剩余疲劳寿命评估

    Evaluation about residual fatigue life of steel truss bridge

  20. 钢桁梁桥纵梁和横梁的受力分析

    The stress analysis of longitudinal and transverse beams of railway steel truss bridges

  21. 连续栓焊钢桁梁桥评定与加固一体化方法探讨

    Discussion on Assessment-strengthening Integrity of a Welding-bolted Continuous Truss

  22. 高速列车-钢桁梁桥系统横向振动随机分析

    Transvers random vibration analysis for a system of high speed TRAIN-STEEL truss bridge

  23. 特大钢桁梁桥振动分析

    Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of Larger Steel Truss Bridge

  24. 铁路连续钢桁梁桥竖向有载自振频率研究

    Study on railway continuous bridge vertical loaded free frequencies

  25. 列车通过连续钢桁梁桥时的动力响应研究

    Dynamic Responses Research of the Train Traveling Through Steel Continuous Trussed Girder Bridge

  26. 加劲弦钢桁梁桥计算分析研究

    Research on Analysis of Suspended Stiffening Steel Truss Bridge

  27. 钢桁梁桥基于模型修正方法的损伤程度识别研究

    Research on damage degree identification of steel truss bridge based on model updating

  28. 自锚式柔性悬索钢桁梁桥施工监控

    Monitoring control of construction of self anchored flexible steel suspension cable girder bridge

  29. 曲线钢桁梁桥的车桥耦合分析

    Analysis of Vehicle-Curved Steel Truss Bridge Coupling Vibration

  30. 铁路连续钢桁梁桥横向刚度限值分析

    Analysis of Transverse Stiffness Limitation Index of Continuous Steel Truss Girder of Railway Bridge