
  • The Piano;The Piano Lesson
  1. Lily每周六要上钢琴课。

    Lily takes the piano classes every Saturday .

  2. 关于高等师范院校音乐专业钢琴课教学改革的探讨

    On the Piano Teaching Reform in Music Specialty of Normal Universities

  3. 今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课。

    I 've got a piano lesson later today .

  4. 他7岁开始上钢琴课。

    He started piano lessons at the age of 7 .

  5. 他上钢琴课,一边进行标准的经典作品的练习,一边自己尝试练习格什温的作品。

    He took up piano lessons , combining standard classical exercises with his own attempts at Gershwin .

  6. 约翰娜上了钢琴课。

    Johanna took piano lessons .

  7. 我必须在本周内给孩子们报名学钢琴课。

    I must enrol the children for piano lessons before next week .

  8. 她教授钢琴课。

    She gives piano lessons .

  9. "我真得走了——我的钢琴课十分钟后就开始了。"

    " I really need to go --- my piano class starts in ten minutes . "

  10. 他为她的钢琴课付出了昂贵的代价,但是没有哪一位老师干这份工作会坚持下去的。

    He paid much for her piano lessons , but none of the teachers stayed on with the job .

  11. 我在BettyApplewhite那里上钢琴课,所以…我想也许我可以加入你们。

    Um , I 've been taking piano lessons with BettyApplewhite , and , uh , well , I just thought maybe I could join you guys .

  12. 布拉德利和哥哥弗雷迪(Freddy)及妹妹康斯坦丝(Constance)一起学法语、上钢琴课、听交响乐、看歌剧。

    With his brother , Freddy , and a sister , Constance , he learned French , took piano lessons and went to the symphony and the opera .

  13. 与亨特相反,在《钢琴课》中与亨特联合主演的安娜·帕奎因(AnnaPaquin),她的小金人似乎居无定所,游荡在她装袜子的抽屉和放靴子的地板之间。

    In contrast to Hunter 's , her Piano co-star Anna Paquin 's Oscar seems to have no fixed abode , flitting between her sock drawer and on the floor next to her boots .

  14. 法语课、钢琴课,再来就吃晚餐了。

    French tutor , piano lesson , then I eat dinner .

  15. 我要在四点钟之前赶去上钢琴课。

    I need to be at my piano lesson by 4:00 .

  16. 对于有兴趣学习弹琴的雇员,瑞银会资助他们上钢琴课。

    For employees interested in learning , UBS subsidises piano lessons .

  17. 他们每年要在钢琴课上花费7000多美元。

    They spend more than 7000 a year on piano lessons .

  18. 我周三和周四都要上钢琴课。

    On wednesday and thursday I must go to piano lessons .

  19. 司格特·乔普林早期的钢琴课不包括拉格泰姆音乐。

    Scott Joplin 's early piano lessons did not include ragtime .

  20. 我从5岁开始上钢琴课,后来我放弃了。

    I started taking piano lessons at5 , then I quit .

  21. 浅谈高师钢琴课教学中的开讲

    About " Opening Lecture " of Piano Class Teaching in Normal Colleges

  22. 周六晚上大明打算去上一节钢琴课是什么意思啊?

    Daming will have a piano lesson on Saturday evening .

  23. 钢琴课的学习过程,帮助孩子完善其自然。

    Piano lessons help children perfect their natural learning processes .

  24. 《钢琴课》:主题的突破与形式的风格化

    《 Piano 》: a Surpassed Theme and a Stylized Form

  25. 高校钢琴课考试制度存在的问题与对策

    The Problem and Countermeasures of the College Piano Examination System

  26. 她说她又开始教钢琴课。

    She said she 'd start her piano classes again .

  27. 恐怕钢琴课我会迟到了。

    I 'm afraid I 'll be late for the piano class .

  28. 看这个,四年的钢琴课记忆。

    Look at this . 4 years of piano lessons .

  29. 我妹妹学了近两年的钢琴课。

    My sister took lessons on the piano for nearly two years .

  30. 12点半我必须带玛丽去上钢琴课。

    I can 't.I have to take Mary to the piano lesson at12:30 .