
  • 网络tendon
  1. 应用参数化技术开发预应力钢束设计CAD系统

    Design of a Prestressed Tendon CAD System with Parametric Design Technology

  2. 讨论了在利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立桥梁局部模型时,如何选择边界条件以及如何对预应力钢束进行模拟。

    The methods for choosing boundary conditions and simulating prestressed tendon when using universal finite element software ANSYS are discussed .

  3. 大跨宽箱PC连续刚构主跨底板钢束空间分析

    Analysis on steel strands space in main span bottom slab of large span PC continuous rigid frame

  4. 张拉箱梁n-1梁段横向预应力钢束。

    Tension transverse prestressing tendon on n-1box girders .

  5. 上海城市轨道交通六号线5标段施工中,由于混凝土振捣导致预应力波纹管破裂而使Wb06~Wb07跨孔梁一侧主梁预应力钢束无法张拉。

    In construction of Contract 5 of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 6 , the tendons in one side of the main beam ( Span Wb06 ~ Wb07 ) is not able to be tensioned due to the corrugated pipe for tendons damaged by concrete vibration .

  6. 预应力钢束附近的局部混凝土缺陷及其影响

    Defects of Local Concrete Next to Prestressed Steel Bundle and Influences

  7. 弯箱梁桥横截面上预应力钢束张拉次序研究

    The tension sequence of prestressing steel strands for curved box girder bridges

  8. 采用体外预应力钢束的钢箱梁桥设计探讨

    Design of Steel Box-beam Bridge with External Prestressing Steel Tendons

  9. 预应力钢束孔道灌油技术的应用

    The application of filling grease in the prestressed tendons

  10. 连续刚构桥沿预应力钢束纵向开裂问题研究

    Study on Longitudinal Crack along the Pre-stressed Wire of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge

  11. 核电站有粘结预应力钢束预应力损失的监测技术研究

    Monitoring technology of prestress loss of bonded prestressed tendons for nuclear power plants

  12. 体外预应力钢束在汽车活载作用下的应力变幅分析弹性阶段体外预应力钢束二次效应研究

    The Second-Effect Analysis of External Tendons in Elastic Stage

  13. 每根钢束由平行钢丝捆扎成六边形。

    Each strand is fabricated of parallel wires bunched in a hexagonal shape .

  14. 预应力钢束具有双向曲率,与曲线梁桥相互作用后,形成了一种复杂的空间受力体系。

    Prestressed tendon has double directional curvature and interacts with curved girder bridge .

  15. 基于体外钢束与混凝土协作关系的梁桥分析方法研究

    Research on Bridge Analysis Method Based on Coordination Relationship of External Cables and Concrete

  16. 曲线预应力混凝土桥梁中预应力钢束的力学模型及其工程应用

    The Model of Prestressing Tendons in Curved Prestressed Concrete Bridges and Its Engineering Applications

  17. 预应力钢束(筋)伸长量计算的探讨

    On the Calculation Method of Prestressed Tendon Elongation

  18. 预应力钢束灌油对改进摩擦系数的影响和预应力损失的监测

    Influence of pouring oil into prestress conduit on improving friction and monitoring loss of prestress

  19. 混凝土结构钢筋、钢束锈蚀及其力学行为的研究

    Study on Corroded Steel Bars or Cables in Concrete Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Them

  20. 薄壁箱形构件预应力钢束净保护层厚度的讨论

    Research on clear protective thickness of the concrete under the prestressed steel for thin-wall box-beams

  21. 大跨度曲线预应力桥梁预应力钢束的张拉控制研究

    Study of the tension with control of tendons in curved prestressed long span concrete bridge girders

  22. 混凝土的收缩徐变变形及预应力钢束的松弛是与时间有关的变形性质,它们随时间的变化会引起结构中应力应变的变化,进而导致结构的挠度变化。

    And these changes will affect the stress and strain of the structure , then the deflection .

  23. 在湿接缝处采用预应力钢束进行连接,这使得简支转连续箱梁桥具有较好的连续性能,整体性较好。

    The prestressing tendon at the wet joints , make the bridge have better continuity and integrity .

  24. 其次,研究了预应力混凝土曲线梁桥中预应力钢束对曲线梁桥扭矩的影响。

    Secondly , I have researched the influence of prestressed reinforcement on the torsion of curved girder bridges .

  25. 在这些桥梁的施工建设过程中,难免预应力钢束位置的将产生偏差。

    The construction of these bridge-building process , it is inevitable prestressed steel beam position will result in bias .

  26. 这项研究是体外预应力钢束体系疲劳评价研究的一部分。

    This serves as part of a research program for evaluation of the fatigue of external prestressing tendon systems .

  27. 为尽量减小由此造成的影响和损失,设计单位对该孔梁纵向预应力钢束张拉控制应力进行了调整。

    To minimize the impact and loss , adjustment is made to the tensioned stress of longitudinal tendons in that span .

  28. 进行标准梁段足尺模型试验,观测试验模型横向预应力钢束张拉后,主梁边箱测点的应变,以及模型表面混凝土裂缝的情况。

    During the on-site experiment for full-scale segmental model of the girder , stress and cracks of the side-boxes were surveyed .

  29. 浅谈预应力混凝土钢束锈蚀原因及对策

    Simple Talking about the Reasons for Rusting of Prestressed Concrete Steel Bundle of Steel Wires , and the Measures Adopted to

  30. 在建模过程中,采用三维实体和杆单元相结合的形式,用三维实体单元模拟钢筋混凝土,用杆单元模拟预应力钢束和斜拉索。

    It uses 3-D solid element to reinforced concrete and link element to pre-stressed and cable in the course of building model .