
  • 网络Piano Quintet
  1. 这是钢琴五重奏《鳟鱼》里我最喜欢的一段。

    That is my favourite passage from the piano quintet , the trout .

  2. 钢琴五重奏&为钢琴,双小提琴,中提琴和大提琴而作。

    Piano Quintet for Piano and Violin , with Violin , Viola and Violoncello .

  3. 舒伯特最有名的室内乐中有人们喜爱的钢琴五重奏《鳟鱼》,这是他在很难得的一个假日写成的;

    Among Schubert 's best-known chamber music is the delightful Trout Quintet for Piano and strings written on one of his few holidays ;

  4. 《钢琴与弦乐五重奏》是他经历了序列作曲和先锋派音乐比较理性的创作阶段以后,转向突出音乐的抒情性和质朴性,以及探索新的调性呈示手段的一部极其成功的作品。

    After experienced the rather rational creation stage of serial-composition and avant-garde music , he composed the Piano Quintet , a quite successful work stressed on the musical lyric and unaffected features , and explored the new way to exposit tonality .