
ɡānɡ kuī
  • steel helmet
钢盔 [gāng kuī]
  • [steel helmet] 钢制的头盔。士兵、消防队员等用以保护头部

  • 头戴钢盔的防暴警察向前一步步地推进,企图驱散人群

  1. 高强高韧金属材料已应用于装甲、快艇、汽车、防弹衣、钢盔等。

    Metallic materials with high strength and high tenacity have been applied to products such as armors , speedboat , automobiles , bulletproof vest and steel helmet , etc.

  2. 矿工头戴钢盔,防备落下的岩石。

    Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks .

  3. 一颗流弹击中他的钢盔,又滑开了。

    A stray bullet struck his helmet and glanced off .

  4. 空袭民防队员戴着钢盔神气活现地走在街上昂首阔步

    Air raid wardens in tin hats self-importantly stalked the streets .

  5. 用这类树脂生产了成百万只钢盔内衬

    The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners .

  6. 因为那会使钢盔无处放。

    Beause that would leave no place to put the helmet .

  7. 头带钢盔的消防队员正在从旅社的门廊往外拖水龙皮带。

    Helmeted firemen were dragging their hoses out of the lobby .

  8. 我捡起一顶日本钢盔,它所保护的头颅早被击得粉碎。

    I picked up a Japanese helmet – a head fell out .

  9. 子弹把他震晕了。钢盔替他挡住了子弹。

    The bullet had just knocked him out.It glanced off the helmet .

  10. 军官们都戴钢盔;大小比较合适。

    The officers all wore helmets ; better-fitting helmets .

  11. 防弹钢盔用钢的热处理工艺

    Heat Treatment Process of Steel for the Bulletproof Helmet

  12. 这伙人到地下前,每人发一套新的工装裤和钢盔。

    New overalls and helmets were dished out before the party went underground .

  13. 遮在骑士钢盔上的头巾。

    A scarf that covers a knight 's helmet .

  14. 他的钢盔已经掉了,他额上头发的边沿上在流血。

    His helmet was off and his forehead was bleeding below the hair line .

  15. 他们给我一个钢盔一把抢。

    So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun .

  16. 他们的钢盔在阳光下闪耀着。

    Their helmets glanced in the sunlight .

  17. 起义者们突然发觉邻近的屋顶上有一顶消防队的钢盔在阳光中闪烁。

    The insurgents suddenly perceived a helmet glittering in the sun on a neighboring roof .

  18. 要是这样的话,我将就是那个带着钢盔。

    Weii , then , I 'd be the one to carry you , zach .

  19. 士兵们用木棍、帽子、钢盔来做门柱。

    The soldiers used sticks of wood , their caps and steel helmets as goalposts .

  20. 如果你已被炸得粉身碎骨,并弄丢了钢盔,他们依然会给你寄账单。

    If you get blown up and you lose your helmet , they still bill you .

  21. 一个木偶诗人在一个厕所行星上戴着一顶紫罗兰色的钢盔,吹着磁石喇叭。

    A puppet poet 's wearing a violet helmet and blowing a magnetic trumpet on a toilet planet .

  22. 在这一步,你依然可以调暗钢盔的主体部分来配合条纹。

    In this step , you can also darken the main part of the helmet to match the peak .

  23. 必披上正义,当作胸甲:戴上了正直的判断,当作钢盔。

    He will put on justice as a breastplate , and will take true judgment instead of a helmet .

  24. 尽管雅典娜总是被描述成全副武装,头戴钢盔,身穿护胸甲等,但她只提倡为保卫祖国而战。

    Though often represented as fully armed , helmet and breastplate and all that , she favoured patriotic defense .

  25. 士兵们垂下头,手持钢盔,站在上星期被震倒的城镇的瓦砾堆上。

    Heads bowed , helmets in their hands , soldiers balanced on the rubble of a town devastated by last week 's earthquake .

  26. 上街参加巡逻的“溜冰警察”身穿蓝色制服,膝盖和手肘都戴上保护装备,头戴钢盔。

    The roller blading officers , who patrol the streets of Paris in blue uniforms , wearing knee and elbow pads and crash helmets .

  27. 冉阿让又装好子弹,瞄准新来的人,把军官的钢盔打下去找士兵的钢盔作伴去了。

    Jean Valjean , who had re-loaded his gun , took aim at the newcomer and sent the officer 's casque to join the soldier 's.

  28. 将该装置分成两个系统:导弹和钢盔及头模为一系统,应用动量定理计算其打击力;

    The device is divided into two parts : ( 1 ) The bullet helmet and mould are in one system , using moment theorem to calculate the hit force ;

  29. 在第一次世界大战时仍有士兵穿戴此头盔,直到需要用到更安全的钢盔为止。

    Many European regiments still wore Shakos as part of their uniforms during the early stages of World War I , until the need for more protective headwear was needed .

  30. 对他来说最惨痛的是。他手下的一名士兵被子弹射中头部子弹打到了钢盔上,把他冲倒了。

    The worst thing that happened to him in Afghanistan was one of his men was hit in the head with a bullet in the helmet , knocked him over .