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  • iron will
  1. 他能强使人们按他的钢铁意志办事。

    He was able to enforce his iron will .

  2. 他是具有钢铁意志的汉子。

    He be a man of iron will .

  3. 然而,他的个人品质却彰显无遗:这是个充满着钢铁意志的男人。

    The personal character , however , is clear : this is a man with steel in every part of him .

  4. 但是同这些具有钢铁般意志的人生活在一起会是多么不舒服啊!

    But how uncomfortable it must have been living with these ironwilled folks !

  5. 这不是为心脏衰竭或有钢铁般意志力的人准备的。

    This one is not for the faint of heart or the steely of resolve .

  6. 回到1950年代那阵子,我们家还住在纽约。我的祖母,就是我们的女性大家长,她是有着钢铁般意志的女人。

    My grandmother was an iron-willed woman , the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the1950s .

  7. 当女性们把男人化成了绵羊之后,常常会对他说:你是只有着钢铁般意志的雄师。

    Women , when they have made a sheep of a man , always tell him that he is a lion with a will of iron .

  8. 我忽略了拥有“钢铁般意志”的必要性,我自己的意志力中很少或干脆没有这种特殊的金属性质。

    I had overlooked the necessity of having an " iron will ", my own powers of will having little or none of this peculiar metallic quality .

  9. Puja看起来几乎不像是一个斗争者,但在她那笑脸底下确是如钢铁般的意志。

    Puja hardly looks like a fighter but beneath her smiling face is a steely resolve .

  10. 这时提出相反意见需要钢铁般的意志。

    It takes an iron will to be contrarian at such times .

  11. 但对陈晨而言,钢铁一般的意志是需要付出代价的。

    But for Chen , her mental toughness came at a price .

  12. 她用钢铁般的意志对待困难。

    To the difficulties she opposed a will of iron .

  13. 她和我说她不相信钢铁般的意志。

    Luna told that she did not believe in ironwill .

  14. 我想,体操运动员要求有钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神。

    I suppose gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirts .

  15. 沃尔斯基先生有钢铁般的意志,再次学会了走路。

    Mr Wolski had an iron will and learned to walk again .

  16. 美国人经常说某人具有钢铁般的意志。

    Americans often say someone who is determined has an iron will .

  17. 你需要钢铁般的意志才能在迪拜当一个窗户清洁工。

    You need nerves of steel to be a window cleaner in Dubai .

  18. 企业家需要有钢铁般的意志和强健的体格。

    Entrepreneur has to have nerves of steel and a very strong stomach .

  19. 她以钢铁般的意志对抗官僚作风的壁垒。

    To the stone wa11 of officialdom she opposed a will of iron .

  20. 如果你没有压力,为什么你需要钢铁般的意志?

    If you 're not stressed , why would you need nerves of steel ?

  21. 他这个耐心,纤弱的妻子竟会有钢铁般的意志,这常使基诺感到惊奇。

    Kino had wondered often at the iron in his patient , fragile wife .

  22. 但那段经历也让她炼成了钢铁般的意志。

    But that experience also taught her steeliness .

  23. 她有钢铁般的意志。

    She had a will of iron .

  24. 韩国的教练却赞成这些方式,认为它们能增加勇气,磨练钢铁般的意志。

    Korea 's coaches defend the rituals , saying they help develop guts and steely nerves .

  25. 他有钢铁般的意志。

    He has an iron will .

  26. 有人将他钢铁般的意志,归因于他早年承受的精神打击。

    Some credit his steely resolve with the emotional hardship he endured in his early years .

  27. 将需要钢铁般的意志才能回去时买一些垃圾食品。

    It will take an act of iron will to avoid returning without some kind of junk food .

  28. 很可能阿克蒙德非常期待最终能打垮迦洛德钢铁般的意志。

    Very likely Archimonde took even greater pleasure in the prospect of finally breaking Jarod 's iron will .

  29. 玛吉由于缺乏她的许多亲戚都具有的钢铁般的意志,很容易爱上一个人而控制不住感情。

    Lacking the iron will which marked so many of her relatives , Maggie loved easily and without restraint .

  30. 我们要唤起自己抵抗严重打击的钢铁般的意志和强大的忍耐力。

    We will only get to realize our own iron will and strong tolerating ability after getting stricken heavily .